and Jesus
the Gentiles abusing little by little their grace, God will recall a second
time the Jews”. (St John Chrysostom, c. 344 - 407. Homily on Romans chapter 11).
Gentiles would be the believers whose faith has grown cold, or even that the
totality, deceived by the Antichrist, fall and are restored to the pristine
fervour by the admission of the Jews”. (Aquinas, 1226 – 1274 commentary on
Romans 11:15)
there are many Jewish groups e.g. Orthodox, Ultra Orthodox, Conservative, Reform,
Reconstructionist, Zionist, Karaites, Neturi Karta et cetera, which Jews did
these two saints possibly have in mind? I suspect it is the two latter groups
known as Scriptural Judaism especially the Karaites who have remained faithful
to God’s Word in spite of dungeons, fire and sword. The other groups are under
the criticism of Isaiah the Prophet when he says “the doctrines they teach are
only human traditions” (Isaiah 29:13)
& HUMAN TRADITIONS: The greatest Jew who ever liv,ed Jesus the Messiah,
reiterated this criticism of Isaiah when he said to the Scribes and Pharisees:
“you put aside the commandments of God to cling to human traditions… in this
way you make God’s word null and void for the sake of your tradition”. (St Mark
would like to show in this essay that Judaism has been distancing itself from
Jesus Christ in particular and Biblical Judaism in general, in favour of
man-made traditions like the Talmud and the Kabbalah.
Chaim Schimmel, the orthodox writer of The Oral Law writes: “The Jewish
people are frequently called the ‘People of the Book’… The Jewish people do not
now follow the literal word of the Written Law, nor have they ever done so. They
have been fashioned and ruled by the verbal interpretation of the written
Christians this seems a strange admission. Yes Catholics also have a rich
tradition but make it quite clear in the old expression that “no ecclesiastical
law can dispense from divine law” or as Vatican Ⅱ states the “teaching office
is not above the Word of God” (D. V. 10)
CONSULTING GOD FIRST: Making the Old Testament subservient to the man-made
traditions I believe has been detrimental for the Jewish people. Deuteronomy
makes it very clear that ignoring the “words of the Law” leads to endless
misfortunes and curses. (Deuteronomy 27f)
Old Covenant was ignored. God did not turn from His people but they turned from
Him. “O that my people would heed me, that Israel would walk in my ways. At
once I would subdue their foes, turn my hand against their enemies. But my
people did not heed my voice and Israel would not obey, so I left them to their
stubbornness of heart to follow their own designs”. (Psalm 80(81). The promise
of a New Covenant prophesied by Jeremiah was buried (Jeremiah 31:31–34). This
crucially important text was expurgated from the Jewish Synagogues’ Haftarah
readings for centuries, all over the world. It is obviously an embarrassment.
But there are other such texts that have been cold-shouldered. Here is a list
compiled by Messianic Jews.
Missing Prophecies in the Haftarah
it is obvious from the New Covenant that Messianic prophecies in the Nevi´im
[Prophets] were at one time read and known, for many, many centuries, have not
been read publicly.
Isaiah 61:1–2, which Yeshua (Jesus)
read in the Nazareth synagogue, is one that has been omitted from the Haftarah readings.
have the following prophecies concerning the Messiah: The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12) “Just as there were many
who were appalled at Him – His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any
human being and His form marred beyond human likeness”. (Isaiah 52:14)
Virgin Birth (Isaiah 7:14)
Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a
son, and will call Him Immanuel [God
with us]”.
Messiah Is to Be Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2)
you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of
you will come for Me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from
of old, from ancient times”.
Rides into Jerusalem on a Donkey (Zechariah 9:9)
greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you,
righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of
a donkey”.
for 30 Pieces of Silver (Zechariah 11:13)
LORD said to me, ‘Throw it to the potter’ – the handsome price at which they
valued Me! So I took the 30 pieces of silver and threw them to the potter at
the house of the LORD”.
New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31–34
days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant
with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah… I will put My law in
their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be
My people… I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no
Arrival of Messiah (Malachi 3:1)
will send My messenger, who will prepare the way before Me. Then suddenly the
Lord you are seeking will come to His temple; the messenger of the covenant,
whom you desire, will come,” says the LORD Almighty.
more Messianic prophecies that clearly
point to Yeshua have been intentionally omitted from the weekly synagogue
Haftarah readings without public knowledge or the consent of most Jewish
scholars say that the omission was never intentional, explaining that these prophecies
just don’t serve the purpose of the
Yeshua found great purpose in them. As He walked alongside two disciples on the
road to Emmaus, “starting with Moses and
all the prophets, He explained to them the things that can be found throughout
the Tanakh [Jewish Bible] concerning Himself”. (Luke 24:27)
purging of the above texts from the Haftarah seems to have been successful.
Messianic Jews interviewing Jews in Israeli cities found almost complete
ignorance of the above texts by those interviewed.
STUDY BIBLE: The purging and removal of texts was supplemented later by the
adding of texts or rather textual notes in one very influential Bible: the
Schofield Study Bible compiled by an ex-American lawyer Cyrus Scofield (1843 –
1921) and published by Oxford University Press owned by the de Rothschilds.
Schofield was once charged with forgery and served time in prison. With great
chutzpah a wealthy Zionist, Samuel Untermeyer, approached Schofield to add
textual notes to the Bible emphasising the restoration of Israeli and other
Zionist goals. This was financed by Untermeyer and fellow Zionists. Their
Messiah was to be a powerful military and political figure who would rule the
world eventually by force not by love as Jesus exemplified.
1984 promoters of the Scofield Bible produced a new edition with obvious new
interpolations to fool the gullible American Evangelicals e.g. “for a nation to
commit the sin of anti-Semitism brings inevitable judgement”. This began to
make people suspicious: barring a very selective resurrection [of Schofield] it
is impossible for a man who died in 1921 to edit a book in 1967”. (1)
was a dispensationalist follower of John Nelson Darby who has been credited
with originating the pre-tribulation rapture theory and the father of
dispensationalism. The Protestant theologian, C. H. Spurgeon, said of the
latter: “It is a mercy that these absurdities are revealed one at a time in
order that we may be able to endure their stupidity without dying of
amazement”. (2) However
this ‘stupidity’ has had a profound influence on Evangelicals and Christian
Zionism especially in the USA. Catholics are not permitted to produce Bibles
without the imprimatur of Catholic Bishops to avoid such confusion.
above article helps to show the increasing divisions between Jews and
Christians. But it was not always so. The early Christian community in
Jerusalem went “as a body to the Temple every day and met in their homes for
the breaking of the bread” (Acts of the Apostles 2:46) They were like a sect of
Judaism. But this was not to last because at Yavneh (Jamnia) circa 80 A.D.
Christians were no longer welcome in synagogues.
NOT HEBREW: as Greek became the official language of Christian writings like
the Gospels, not Hebrew, so the Greek version of the Bible – the Septuagint
(LXX) became suspect. Also what Christians called Deuterocanonicals became
suspect too as not being of Hebrew origin and were removed by Jewish
authorities e.g. Tobit, Judith, Ben Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, Letter
of Jeremiah, Wisdom of Solomon and additions to Esther.
with the amazing discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) 1947 – 1956, Hebrew
texts related to nearly all the Deuterocanonical books were found. This
confirmed their Jewish origin, their presence in the Jewish scripture
collections and challenges the Protestant reformers’ rejection of these books.
the first century A.D. Christians were effectively using the Septuagint Old
Testament translation to prove that Jesus Christ was the promised Davidic
Messiah who fulfilled the covenant God made with King David in the 10th
century BC; a promise repeated ever since that time in the books of the holy
prophets. For this reason the Septuagint Greek translation became an anathema
to the Jews who rejected Jesus as the Messiah”.
this day, the Septuagint is the official text of the Catholic Church’s Old
Testament, and when the Septuagint is compared with other Old Testament
translations against the Old Testament Hebrew manuscripts discovered among the
Dead Sea Scrolls, the oldest of which dates to circa 250 BC, when the Septuagint
translation was believed to have been produced, it is amazing to discover that
the Septuagint is more faithful to those ancient Hebrew Old Testament texts
found among the Dead Sea Scrolls than any other translations including the
Protestant translations and the modern Jewish Old Testament translation, the
Tanach”. (3)
For the early Christians the Deuterocanonical books were treasured, especially
Ben Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus, meaning the Book of the Church, as it was very
dear to them). Also the delightful Book of Tobit is the only Old Testament Book
that contains the Golden Rule and information on incubus/succubus demons
(Chapter 3). The Book of Wisdom of Solomon was written to prevent Jews being
attracted to pagan philosophy or Hindu/Buddhist syncretism.
early Christian like St Patrick (c.389–461) for example, quotes the
Deuterocanonicals many times in his Confessio and Epistola,
especially Tobit, Wisdom, Sirach and Maccabees.
the DSS Scroll of Isaiah housed in the magnificent Shrine of the Book in
Jerusalem, the oldest copy in existence, contains texts once regarded as later
Christian interpolations e.g. Isaiah 7:14 (Virgin Birth); Isaiah 9:6–7
(Messianic Titles); Isaiah 53 (Song no. 4 of the Suffering Servant et cetera)
but obviously they are not later interpolations as this DSS predates
After the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Temple Judaism was replaced by Rabbinic
or Talmudic Judaism which is still the Jewish authority today. Unfortunately it
seems to have nothing good to say about Christianity. Except for one
outstanding Rabbi, the saintly Moses Maimonides, affectionately known as
Rambam. In Haifa a distinguished hospital is called after this remarkable
doctor who ministered to the great warrior Saladin’s son who became Sultan of
Egypt in 1198. Rambam’s last wish was to be buried in Israel and so he was, as
there is now a splendid tomb for him in Tiberias.
Daniel Greer wrote of Rambam: “In the words of Isaiah ‘that the earth shall be suffused
with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea’. (Isaiah 11:9).
Maimonides, one of our greatest mediaeval sages teaches that the Christian
faith powerfully advances this purpose”. (4)
Scott Hahn said of Rambam that he was “arguably the greatest Rabbi in Jewish
history”. (5) Rambam once
said: “Accept the truth from wherever it comes”. (6)
FOR JESUS: not all Jews were opposed to Jesus e.g. one of the Pharisees called
Nicodemus, ‘a leading Jew’ (Gospel of John 3:1); Joseph of Arimathea ‘a good
and righteous man’. (Gospel of Luke 23:50). Josephus the historian, invaluable
as a primary source for the events that took place in Palestine BC/A.D. “In the
Testimonium of Josephus Jesus is
portrayed as a ‘wise man’ and performer of ‘marvellous deeds’. Both epithets
and especially the latter, fit so well into the historical context that the
invention or interpolation into the account by a latter Christian forger is
unlikely”. (7)
history there have been hundreds of Orthodox Jewish Rabbis, even leaders of
entire communities who have realised that Jesus is most definitely the Promised
Messiah of Israel and the world. For their faith in Jesus, they were ostracised
from their spiritual community and persecuted:
He was ordained at the age of only 17,
became a Gadol (or great man) in Poland, leading congregations and
serving in the rabbinic seminary in Lodz. He despised Christianity and Jesus
because of all the terrible stories he had read about him in the Talmud. As a
seminary professor, he passed on his hostility towards Christianity to be students.
But he was in for a big surprise when the famous pre-State Israel’s Chief Rabbi
Abraham Kook invited him to Israel and appointed him Secretary to the Chief
Rabbinate of Jerusalem. It was Rabbi Kook who said “that every hateful or
negative image of other traditions that’s in our own should now be seen as a
mountain we have to climb over as we try to reach God. (8)
day on a trip to Jerusalem Slostowski was given a New Testament to read, was
converted to Jesus and was eventually nearly stoned to death but never flinched
even though he had to depart hastily for Beirut.
1907 – 1990)
He was born in Poland c. 1920 in a strict
Orthodox Jewish rabbinic home and suffered persecution from childhood by Polish
Gentiles. He survived the Nazi camps but none of his family did – all perished.
So bereft of all family he decided to immigrate to the USA and worked as a
Rabbi, constantly questioning why God allowed millions of Jews to perish in the
Holocaust. One day by accident, or Providence, he walked into a Mission for the
Jews office, who answered all his questions. The Isaiah 53 prophecy astonished
him as he was totally ignorant of it. Finally became a follower of Jesus,
Son of a Rabbi, he directed a Yeshiva
School in Greece. He volunteered to move to Bulgaria and became the Chief Rabbi
of Bulgaria. He became a judge in the Rabbinic Court of Jerusalem but was
stripped of his title when it was learnt of his faith in Jesus, evident from
four books he wrote.
being disbarred by his faith in Jesus, the Bulgarian Jews loved this humble man
and continued to honour him as their Rabbi! After his death in 1979 at the age
of 96, the Bulgarian Jewish community in Israel gave him a burial with full
military and state honours even tho’ he was a believer in Jesus as Messiah!
Foreseeing that the Nazis would
eventually enter Rome, Rabbi Zolli, the chief rabbi of Rome, warned the Italian
Jews to destroy their records and go underground. But his warnings went
unheeded as the Jews were not worried eventually about Mussolini. But his
regime collapsed in 1943 and the Nazis entered Rome. The senior German officer
was a ruthless, greedy man who demanded 50 kg of gold from the Jews or have 300
prominent Jews arrested. Since the community could only muster 35 kg of gold,
Rabbi Zolli was appointed to approach the Vatican Pope Pius XII for the rest.
Zolli appealed to him with the words: “The New Testament cannot abandon the
Old”. The Pope did meet the shortfall that day and later he also protected many
Jews by making churches, convents and the Vatican places of sanctuary a refuge
for the Jewish people.
the war in 1945 Rabbi Zolli confessed his faith in Jesus and admitted that
Isaiah 53 played an important role. At his baptism he chose the baptismal name
of the Pope which was Eugene. A forest was planted in the Negeb of 800,000
trees one for every Jewish life that the Pope helped save. Prime Minister Golda
Meir praised Pius XII on his death in 1958 for his efforts, as did Albert
Einstein and Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog.
– 1908)
The Rabbi was a Chassid Jew who served as
the Chief Rabbi of Hungary North from 1857 – 1892. Later in life, when he came
to the knowledge of Jesus as Messiah he wrote: TWO LETTERS: WHAT I REALLY
“I had
thought the New Testament to be impure, a source of pride, of overweening
selfishness, of hatred, of the worst kind of violence, but as I opened it, I
felt myself peculiarly and wonderfully taken possession of. A sudden glory, a
light, flashed through my soul”.
looked for thorns and gathered roses; I discovered pearls instead of
pebbles; instead of hatred, love; instead of vengeance, forgiveness; instead of
bondage, freedom; instead of pride, humility; instead of enmity, conciliation;
instead of death, life, salvation, resurrection, heavenly treasure”.
accounts above of Rabbis who have come to faith in Jesus are but a few of the
OF JESUS: In more recent times we had the great Austrian-Israeli philosopher
Martin Buber who wrote: “All my life I have felt that Jesus was my elder
brother. My own open brotherly relationship to him has become even stronger and
purer, and today I can see him with surer and purer vision than before. I am
more certain than ever that he merits a greater place in the history of
Israel’s faith”. (9) In
his book Jesus of Nazareth by Hebrew University Professor Joseph
Klausner wrote of Jesus: “in his ethical code there is a sublimity,
distinctiveness and originality in form unparalleled in any other Hebrew
ethical code, neither is there any parallel to the remarkable art of his
Shlomo Riskin (b. 1940) was one of Israel’s best loved Rabbis, called Jesus “a
model Rabbi”. (Wikipedia)
all this praise why the opprobrium from some quarters of Judaism to the most
famous Jew who ever lived?
1. Talmud: The Talmud has a fair amount of baseless or
gratuitous animosity (Sinat Chinam) towards Jesus e.g. he was a magician, a
heretic, born out of wedlock, and his Jewish mother accused of adultery and
worst of all he deserves to be boiled alive in excrement! Gentiles, include
Christians. The Talmud states that ‘murdering Gentiles is like killing a wild
animal’ (10) and, “even
the best of the Gentiles should be killed”. (11) Of course there are qualifications made as regards
these two statements but they die the death of a thousand qualifications!
The Talmud, or teaching “designates the
authoritative body of post Biblical Jewish laws and traditions. It is a vast
collection of various sayings of numerous Rabbis over a period of at least six
centuries. From the orthodox Jewish viewpoint the oral law recorded in the
Talmud is second only to the ‘written law’, the Sacred Scriptures.
In theory it is considered almost on a
par with the Scriptures but in practice it is, in a certain sense, regarded as superior to
it. (12)
2. Rejection of God: Perhaps the opposition to
Jesus is due to the fact that opposition to the Creator, the God of the Bible
and of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had been growing in Judaism via Gnosticism et
cetera and so someone claiming to be the son of that God gains some of the
animosity. Professor Gedaliahu Stroumsa said that “there can be no Gnosticism
without a revolt against the Jewish God”. (13)
In some cases Stroumsa says “a violent rejection of the Jewish God, all of
Judaism seems to stand at the basis of these [newly published Gnostic Nag Hammadi]
texts”. Rosemary Radford Reuther wrote that there is a diabolizing of the
Jewish God in Jewish Gnosticism.
(14) Roger Kamenetz author of the bestselling book The Jew in the
Lotus writes that “Jewish Gnosticism is one acknowledged source for the
later developments of the Kabbalah”. (15)
The Kabbalah (or Cabala) has been defined as “a system of occult theosophy
based on a mystical interpretation of the Scriptures, common not only among the
Jews of the Middle Ages but also with some influence on certain mediaeval
Christians… the Cabala is basically a development of Jewish Gnosticism”. (16)
concept of God presented here [in the Kabbalah] is influenced both by the Neo-Platonic
doctrine of emanations and by the Gnostic doctrine of aeons. The EN SOPH
(Infinite One)… “is not the personal God of the Bible, the latter
becomes manifest only through the sephiroth, to which the divine attributes
correspond”. (17) Gnosticism
nearly destroyed early Christianity and I believe that Gnostic Kabbalah, with
its post Biblical deity EN SOPH is vitiating Judaism.
expressed scepticism about certain mystical and esoteric traditions as
potentially leading to superstition. Unfortunately he died before the leading
book on Kabbalah, the Zohar was published. The Scriptural Judaism group the
Karaites argued that Kabbalistic teachings were not grounded in the Hebrew
Bible and as an esoteric tradition was inaccessible to most Jews.
leading Jewish publisher in the United Kingdom, Weidenfeld and Nicholson
published a bestselling book by Paul Johnson, entitled A History of the Jews,
which is very critical of the Kabbalah. It “not only introduced Gnostic
concepts which were totally alien to the ethical monotheism of the Bible, it
was in a sense a completely different religion: pantheism”. The Zohar, Johnson
maintains was a “summa of Kabbalistic lore… much of this Zohar is explicitly
pantheist: it insists repeatedly that God ‘is everything’ and everything is
united to Him, ‘as is known to the mystics’. But if God is in everything, and
everything is in God, how can God be a single, specific being, non-created and
absolutely separate from creation, as orthodox Judaism had always emphatically
insisted? There is no answer to this question, except the plain one that
Zohar-Kabbalah is heresy of the most pernicious kind”. (18)
& REINCARNATION: in August 2000 the Chief Rabbi of Israel (Sephardic) Rabbi
Ovadiah Yossef blamed the Holocaust on ‘bad karma’. Holocaust victims, he
astonishingly claimed were reincarnations of people from earlier generations
who had sinned and had come back to this world to suffer their just punishment.
He was utilising the Kabbalistic concept of reincarnation, gilgul neshamot. (19)
Israel is regarded today as a profoundly New Age influenced state, I think it
owes a lot to Kabbalah. This is brought out in MISHKAN: A FORUM ON THE
GOSPEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE. Issue 38/2003 Jerusalem. It is entitled New
Age Influence on Post Modern Judaism and is available free online.
Rabbi Yihya Kafah lamented: “Woe unto us! Because of this deceptive book the
Zohar, we have become like the pagan nations, the Hindus, Persians and other
pagan faiths”. (20)
Yeshayahu Leibowitz of Hebrew University was scathing in his critique of the
Kabbalah which has spread throughout a large part of the Orthodox Jewish world.
He said that “Kabbalah, in its entirety is a collection of pagan superstitions
which have penetrated into the world of Jewish faith, and which cannot be
reconciled with the Lord our God, the Lord is One” and “Zohar is definitely a
pagan work”. Kabbalistic customs he dismissed as ‘rubbish’. (21)
David Guttmann in his blog states: “I consider Kabbalah dangerous theologically…
how insidiously this superstition has penetrated our praxis”. He believes that
it would be a great service to Judaism if someone “would have the courage to
uncover these infestations and expunge them allowing us to return to the pure
worship of our pre-Kabbalah forebears”. (22)
Responding to Guttmann’s ‘Jewishskeptic’ says of R. C. Vital, the greatest
pupil of Isaac Luria, the Kabbalist of Sefat, “that he and Kabbalah are so
popular with the New Age movement. They love his mumbo-jumbo”. (23)
book review of The Wisdom of Rabbi Schneerson (an Ultra Orthodox Rabbi) asks if
“the wisdom so lucidly expressed here could not have come from the pen of any
other inspired selfless spiritual leader – Sufi, Christian, Tibetan Buddhist”?
The reviewer, speaking subjectively of course, says that the language of the
rabbi is “New Age, even hip”. (Jerusalem Post Magazine 22/9/1995).
Talmud rightly warns of the dangers of occultism and mystical practices as
leading to ‘madness and death’. Occult forces can be very powerful as we see in
Exodus 7:10f where Pharaoh’s magicians reproduce and duplicate the
extraordinary miracles God worked through Moses. Encyclopaedia Judaica says
that the Bible accepts miracles but “not such as are performed with the aid of
occult science”. (24)
FORCES: Occult forces seem to be anti life and harbingers of death in contrast
with the Bible’s emphasis on ‘Choose life’ (Deuteronomy 30:19). The perennial Jewish
toast was to life L’chaim not to ‘madness and death’. Eli Wiesel’s Night
refers to ‘the perilous world’ of Kabbalah mysticism as Hindus talk of the
perilous world of Kundalini et cetera. See also ‘why Kabbalah is Considered
Dangerous: the Potential for Misuse and Mental Trauma. (25) What a contrast with Biblical spirituality! The
Psalmist addresses a loving God with the words “your love is better than life”
or “your loving kindness is better than life”. (Psalm 63:3)
journalist Avigail Sperber warns that “Israelis must choose between the
alliance of death or an alliance of life”. (26)
Similar sentiments were uttered by Pope John Paul II when we were asked to
choose between a culture of life or a culture of death.
above definition of Kabbalah states that it is a system of ‘occult theosophy’.
Theosophy is an ancient term originally referring to a kind of mysticism. But
it was given a new emphasis by the Theosophical Society founded by Helena
Blavatsky, an occultist of Freemason background and an anti-Semite which
“derives from the unfortunate position of Judaism in the origins of
Christianity”! (27) According
to Theosophy Lucifer is the true ruler of humanity and they consecrate
themselves to him. They were originally called the Lucifer trust but now go
under the title of Lucis Trust and run the meditation room at the United
Nations in New York.
& THEOSOPHY: Karl Marx’s family moved in Theosophical and Masonic circles
and his favourite daughter was married off to the leading English Theosophist
Edward Aveling. Later Rosa Luxemburg and other Marxists were attracted to
Theosophy. It is not surprising that Marx was attracted to these Luciferians as
nearly all his associates were involved in the occult. (28)
at high school his father warned him not to get involved in the demonic. Fellow
pupils called him the Destroyer (Lucifer’s name in the Apocalypse 9:11) he
spoke of mankind as ‘human trash’ and his favourite line from Faust:
“Everything created is worthy of destruction”.
high school he began writing his devilish autobiographical poems and in one he
writes: “I wish to avenge myself against the one who rules above”. Marx was no
atheist as his many poems make plain. His hatred of God and love of destruction
were his ruling passions and of his followers e.g. Lenin talked of the need to
smash eggs to make an omelette (i.e. a Communist society). The Marxist Stalin
said: “death is the answer to all problems: no man, no problem”. The Marxist
Frankfurt school made ghoulish statements like using sexual instinct as an
instrument of destruction (George Lukacs) ‘make Western civilisation stink’
(Willie Münzenberg). They can’t have been taken seriously as Jews in the West
have made Western civilisation shine in the arts and sciences et cetera. Klaus
Schwab of the world Economic Forum, displaying a bust of Lenin on his desk,
talks of a Communist ‘great reset’ obviously implying a great destruction first
and then reset and ‘you will own nothing and be happy’. Marxism has been the
greatest culler of human beings in world history.
Everything touched by Marxist socialism seems demonic and leading to
destruction. No wonder the Jewish author Ludwig von Mises wrote in his book on
Socialism: “Socialism is not the pioneer of a better and finer world but the
spoiler of what thousands of years of civilisation has created, it does not build, it destroys for
deconstruction is the essence of it. It produces nothing, it only consumes what
the social order has created. Each step leading towards socialism must exhaust
itself in the destruction of what already exists”. (29)
India, Israel and the United Kingdom tried Marxism and then rejected it. But
secularist agendas were introduced. Many Jews who kept the faith tenaciously in
the Diaspora, on making aliya to Israel quietly ditched it. As in all Soviet
Socialist countries destructive abortion and sex education were introduced in
Israel. Maloch was cranked up again to devour human babies in abortion when
Holy Scripture says “you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise you for
the wonder of my being”. (Psalm 139:13-14)
AGE: On October 19, 1994 a suicide bomb exploded on a Tel Aviv bus killing 22
people. Avi Mizrachi of the Messianic Centre, in a New Age shopping centre said
that the area of the explosion is filled with dark powers of Hare Krishna, Scientology,
pornography, fortune-telling, crystal balls, teachings on spiritism and yoga”. (30) On a street nearby the
Messianic Centre a medical centre dealt in abortion.
we push aside Gods’ Word for man-made ideas and traditions there can be anarchy
and we are all adrift in a sea of relativity. Genesis 1:26 states that “God
made man in his image and likeness”. The Guardian journalist, Jonathan
Freedland, in 2020 bemoaned the fact that the religious notion that all life
was equally sacred was under attack. (31)
For some, Jews have two souls and Gentiles have only one soul – that of an
animal, and as animals are not human they can be liquidated on whim. Are
Gentiles everywhere at risk? “No war can be conducted in a humane way against
those who aren’t human… only after the cleansing can something new emerge”.
(Lothar von Trotha, German commander in Namibia who presided over the horrific
genocide there.
believe Jesus is the greatest person who ever lived. According to the National
Geographic Magazine of December 2015 his mother Mary the Jewess, is “the
most powerful woman in the world”!
great division in human history is the birth of Jesus: Anno Domini (A. D.) and
before Christ (B. C.) even if the Common Era is preferred – C. E. or before the
Common Era (BCE) the division is still the birth of Jesus.
the Shroud in which Jesus was buried “is the most studied object in the history
of mankind” according to Professor Avinoam
Danin of Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He is an expert on the image
and pollen grains of Holy Land plants on the Shroud. And the most popular
website on the Shroud is maintained by an Orthodox Jew Barrie Schwortz:
broke down the barrier between Jew and Gentile and made them one body
(Ephesians 2:14). He is the answer I believe to the endless wars between the
blood brothers, the Jews and the Arabs, both Semites, that threatens the future
of the whole world. Yes Christians have been very violent at times but they
never got this from the Gospels of Jesus. Jesus never advocated violence. Jews
and Moslems can point to their Holy Books – the Talmud or the Koran/Hadith for
them condoning and advocating violence of the extreme kind. What Jesus said about
the road to life being narrow and the road to Hell wide and the majority take
it, applies also to Christians.
could probably call Jesus’ chief apostle Simon Peter, a dyed in the wool Jewish
man. Because he refused to follow the great commission of Jesus to go baptise
all nations (Mathew 28:19). He only baptised Jews for 13 years after Jesus
ascended to heaven, never Gentiles.
took a vision, not once but three times at Jaffa to convict him of his
disobedience! A greatly chastened Peter declared, “you know it is forbidden for
Jews to mix with people of another race and visit them but God has made it
clear to me that I must not call anyone profane or unclean… The truth I have
now come to realise is that God does not have any favourites, but that
anyone of any nationality who fears God and does what is right is acceptable to
him”. (Acts of the Apostles 10:28-35)
1. Samuel
C.Gibb. The Answer Book
2. Sermon. Jesus Christ Inimitable,
Metro.Tabernacle Pulpit 1869
3. The Most Original Bible Text, Bible Review,
August 2000, pp. 28-49;
The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls,
James van der Kam & Peter Flint, Harper,
San Francisco, 2002, pp. 100-101
4. Toward Tradition, Winter, 1999, p.11
5. Scott Hahn, A Father Who Keeps His Promises,
Servant, 1998, p. 166
6. Jerusalem Post 18/4/97, p.13
7. Geza Vermes, Jesus the Jew, Fontana, 1976,
8. Roger Karmenetz, The Jew in the Lotus,
Harper, 1994, p.111
9. David Flusser, Jesus, Herder, New York, 1969
10. Sanhedrin 59 A
11. Abodah Zara 26 B
12. New Catholic Encyclopaedia, V.13, p.922
13. G.C. Stroumsa, Gnosis, in Paul Mendes-Flohr,
Contemporary Jewish Thought p.289
14. Rosemary R. Ruether, Faith and Fratricide
15. Roger Kamenetz, op.cit.p.274
16. Cabala, New Catholic Encyclopaedia, p.1031
17. op.cit.p.1032
18. Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews, p.199
19. Jewish Chronicle (London) August 11, 2000,
20. Shlomo Mallin, Idol Worship is Still with Us.
21. op.cit. p.
22. Rabbi David Guttmann, Kabbalah from Whom?
Blog, June 30, 2006
23. op.cit. Jewishskeptic 7/One/2006
24 Encyclopaedia Judaica, V.11, p.704
25. Why Kabbalah is Considered Dangerous by My
Jewish Learning www
26. Haaretz 9/9/2024
27. Olav Hammer, Helena Blavatsky, Wikipedia
28. Richard Wurmbrand, Marx, Prophet of Darkness.
Free online
29. Ludwig von Mises, Socialism 1922. Described as
“the most thorough and devastating
demolition of Socialism ever written”!
30. Betsy Ramsay, Messianic Times, Winter 1995, p.
31. Jonathan Freedland, Eugenics, The Guardian
17/2/2012, 1/5/2019
The Sunday Times 19/11/2023
Jewish Faith Compels Us to Oppose Israel’s Actions in Gaza
letter signed by more than 600 South African Jews says the sanctity of life and
the duty to preserve it are fundamental Jewish principles.
we believe in the universal values of peace, justice and equality. These values
are sacred to Judaism, as they are to many religions. Indeed the sanctity of
life and the duty to preserve it are fundamental Jewish principles.
Israeli military has struck civilians, refugee camps, mosques, churches and UN
facilities, while basic services to Gaza such as electricity, food, water and
medical supplies have been cut off.
current conflict must be viewed in its historical context, against the
background of an ongoing military occupation by Israel of Palestinian
territories. We acknowledged that this cycle of violence is rooted in decades
of dispossession…
heinous crime does not permit another. Ultimately the signatories agree on the
fundamental principle that all human life is of equal value.
genocide in our name, and no genocide in the name of our ancestors.
is “imperative to insist on a distinction between Zionism and Judaism”.