Monday, 26 January 2015

Prosperity Gospel

Dear Editor,
Thank you for your article Rich Christian/Poor Christian (Channel Sept. ’83), but I am not convinced. I still think the ‘Prosperity cults’ are teaching a new doctrine of how to be rich AND saved!  Undoubtedly there ARE many good rich people who are good in spite of their riches, but the new doctrine teaches that riches are a sign of God’s favour and poverty a sign of God’s disfavour.  This is not acceptable and even some Pentecostal teachers are bitterly opposed to this ‘new gospel’.  So, I am sending you a cassette of a recent prophetic message by Rev. David Wilkerson, famous and highly respected for his CROSS AND SWITCHBLADE book.  For the sake of your readers of CHANNEL, I am sure you will welcome another point of view to the one expressed in your last edition (Sept). So here are some extracts from this David Wilkerson message delivered earlier this year.

“The Church of Christ is victimised by those who preach false doctrines ... perversions of truth, lying spirits have found a voice in the church ... a spirit of covetousness and carnality.  Many of the chosen are deceived.  Satan is coming with a new gospel ... disguised as an angel of light.  Teachers and ministers are transformed by a gospel of the flesh.  They do many wonderful works: cast out demons, heal the sick etc., but their message is not of God.  They are blind ... tools of Satan.  They may have God’s grace, but won’t see his glory.  Multitudes of God’s people are flocking to conventions and meetings to hear this other gospel of self and prosperity and success ... Wake up!  This new gospel of ‘gain is godliness’ is a message of compromise without godliness, promises forgiveness without repentance ... the godlier you are the more gain you will have.

But the gospel of Jesus says: Blessed are ye poor, yours is the Kingdom of God.  Blessed are you that hunger, you shall be filled.  Blessed are you that weep now, you shall laugh.  Blessed are you when men hate you ... But woe to you who seek to be rich, for you have received your consolations.  Woe to you who are full now, for you shall hunger.  Woe to you when men speak well of you for so did the fathers to the false prophets.”

The gospel of gain despises poverty, rejects and despises the poor.  St James says: “You have despised the poor.  You say to him who is prosperous and dressed with gold rings: sit up here in the good place. And the poor” sit in the lower place”.  This is a gospel of particularity to the prosperous and successful, an indictment against the poor to whom Jesus administered. It exalts prosperity and success.

“You preachers of the gospel who say Jesus became poor so that we could become rich in houses and land – you don’t know your Bible!  How blind!  Is this the gospel for a dying world?! ...that gain is godliness, faith is for prosperity?  Is abundant life supposed to be worldly goods?  One billion people on this earth are near starvation, the Heart of Jesus is breaking at the sight of weeping mothers and starving babies with bloated stomachs.  Millions are unemployed.  Poor Christians are losing all they possess and taking it joyfully!
And YOU tell me God is going to send a man of God to tell ME I have a RIGHT to be rich!
How blind can we be?!  We got it all wrong!  The rich man went to hell, the poor man went to heaven!

“From such turn away!  These preachers offer blessings without sorrow ... They are accumulators of this world’s goods.  Amos, the prophet, cried out: Woe to those ... who are not grieved for the afflicted ...”
Your article last week on Turin Shroud reminds me of the words of Peter: “Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example so that you would follow in His steps” (1 Pet. 2:21).  William Penn put it very forcefully in this form:  “No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall ,no glory; no cross, no crown”.