Wednesday 4 July 2018



            FILL YOUR MINDS
            “Fill your minds with
             everything that is true,
            everything that is noble,
            everything that is good and pure,
            and everything that we love and honour,
            and everything that can be thought virtuous or worthy of praise....
            then the God of peace will be with you”.
            (Philippians 4:8-9)

The LGBT lifestyle is not the way to fulfil this edifying admonition of St. Paul the Apostle.

In his 2015 lecture entitled: “Same-sex ‘marriage’: Evaluation or Deconstruction of Marriage and Family?” Archbishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney, Australia, writes:

            “Everywhere SSM has been legalised people have been vilified, denied business or employment, even prosecuted for not co-operating in SSMs.  Ministers of religion may be protected, but that’s a tiny proportion of believers.  Christian colleges and wedding venues have been obliged to accommodate same-sex couples.  Catholic adoption agencies have been forced to place children with same-sex couples or close.  Christian employers have been required to extend spousal benefits to ‘same-sex spouses’.  Teachers have been required to teach and parents forced to put their children in classes that promote SSM and homosexual activity.  Further examples of harassment and discrimination in the name of this latest political correctness abound.  Several of the judges in the recent US Supreme Court case admitted religious liberty was seriously at risk”.


1.         LGBT Activists Assault Christians Protesting Homoerotic Ads in the Netherlands., 23/3/18.

2.         Why Ex-Gays are Despised by LGBT Movement.  (LGBT demand minority rights but excoriate other minorities).

3.         Florida School Slammed for Bullying Students with LGBT Propaganda.  www.Ic.orgnewsroom.  (But cf. : Cardinal Napier Supports Reparative Therapy for Homosexuals).

4.         LGBT Activists Want Equality and Free Speech, Except for Christians.  Daily Telegraph (UK), 21/3/17.

5.         Cardinal Mȕller : Accusations of Homophobia is an instrument of ‘totalitarian dominance’, www.

6.         “I’m Gay and I Would Not Blame Doug Ford For Avoiding Toronto’s Pride Parade” by Josh de Haas, National  (He speaks of Gay Pride Parades as ‘debauchery’ and ‘provocative displays of sexuality that no child should witness’.)

7.         Baby Born to Transgender Man Could Become the First Person Without a Legal Mother, by Danielle Sheridan, June 2012.  www.

8.         “LGBT Rights and Abortion Rights Are Inseparable”, John Lewis and Stuart Gaffney.   (Pope John Paul II was right in saying that the LGBT culture belonged to the ‘culture of death’).


            - Pope Francis Slams Abortion, Calling It The Murder of Children”.
            - The Church Must Never Tire of Fighting Abortion.
            - No Research Justifies Killing Human Embryos : Unborn Babies ‘Precious in the              Eyes of God’.
            - Pro-Life Cause : “There Is No More Important Work”.
            - Pope Decries Abortion As a Violation of Fundamental Human Rights.

9.         Dick Pence, From Tolerance to Totalitarianism : the Evolving Homosexual Agenda : A Case Study in LGBT Activists Ongoing Actions to Control America (

10.       Dr. Lisa Diamond, self professed lesbian, and A.P.A. researcher explores myth of gays ‘born that way’ (www.)

11.       Zambian Anger as Aid is tied to gay rights.  Southern Cross 4/1/12.

12.       Theologians Writings On Queer Jesus Are ‘Highly Offensive and Blasphemous’ says Bishop., 9/4/2018.

13.       UCT Vice Chair, Zizipho Pae Severely Persecuted For Speaking A Biblical View f Homosexuality.  

14.       Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Called Ireland’s Legalization of            Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ a ‘defeat for humanity’.  (

15.       Pope Francis tells Bishops : ‘Don’t Let Gays Into Seminary’  (www.)

16.       Matthew Hoffman, Pope Francis : ‘Only’ true family is that of a man and a woman.  www.  (June 21, 2018.  Pope says that marriage between a man and a woman was established by God, to act as a ‘sacred’ image of God himself.  Homosexual news outlets expressed outrage at Pope’s remarks.
            Cf. Mike Gascoigne, Same Sex Marriage and the End of the World.  www. Gives references to same-sex marriage in the Jewish classical literature, always resulting in the destruction of the nations involved and even the destruction of the world at the time of Noah.  How could it be otherwise? :

During rectal intercourse the rectum becomes the mixing bowl for:  1) saliva and its germs, 2) the recipient’s own faeces, 3) whatever germs, infections or substances the penis has on it, and 4) the seminal fluid of the inserter.  Since sperm readily penetrates the rectal wall (which is only one cell thick) causing immunologic damage/ Tearing or bruising the anal wall is very common during anal/penile sex/ these substances gain almost direct access to the bloodstream.  Unlike hetero-sexual intercourse (in which sperm cannot penetrate the multi-layered vagina and no faeces are present), rectal intercourse is probably the most sexually efficient way to spread hepatitis B and C, HIV, syphilis and a host of other blood-borne diseases, tearing or ripping of the anal wall during anal/penile sex is especially likely with ‘fisting’/ where the hand and part of the arm is inserted into the rectum.  The risk of contamination and/or having to wear a colostomy bag from such sport is very real.  By 1977 over one third of gays admitted to engaging in the practice of ‘fisting’.  LGBT is antinomianism gone ballistic!
Showing moral outrage at the above activities etc., Rabbi Yehuda Levin, representing 1,000 U.S. Orthodox rabbi’s sent letters of support to rallies in Rome and Warsaw against SSM:  He said that the promotion of the homosexual agenda “is a problem of domestic moral terrorism by those who boldly, flagrantly and proactively agitate to undermine the most basic values of society, a reverence for innocent life, and the Biblically ordained family unit...  the attempted homosexualisation of the Holy Land with sacrilegious parades in Jerusalem, an affront to all religions, as well as the constant homosexual onslaught specifically in the shadows of the Vatican, such as is demonstrated by the debauchery of the homosexual celebrations in Rome 2000,... as a calculated international disparagement of religion, religious values and religious leaders”.

Addressing the World Congress of Families in Poland, Rabbi Levin said:  “Today several thousand righteous people from around the world are convening...  to deliberate on solutions to bolster the families beleaguered by the coarsening of culture in so many societies”.  ( 13/5/2007) cf. Rabbi Dennis Prager, Judaism’s Sexual Revolution : Why Judaism (and the Christian community) Rejected Homosexuality.  www.

The “debauchery” and the “provocative displays” that gay activist, Josh de Haas, mentions above is reminiscent of the debauchery and aggression of hyper arousal evident in the Jewish Story of Sodom (Genesis 19:4f)
See English Manif, The U.S. has become a totalitarian Sodom.  (www.)

Cardinal Mȕller, in the above article (No. 5), says that “the homo-movement” is following “the Marxist pattern”.  The Frankfurt School also follows the “Marxist pattern”.

This was a Marxist think tank that goes back to Lenin’s destructive tactics.  It was set up by largely Jewish libertarians and atheists who hated Judeo-Christian values – a ‘culture of death’ crowd if ever there was one, as can be seen by some of their ghoulish statements, e.g. George Lukacs developed the idea of “Revolution and Eros” – sexual instinct used as an instrument of destruction.  Willie Mȕnzenberg, who advocated organising “the intellectuals and use them TO MAKE WESTERN CIVILIZATION STINK.  Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat”.

The Frankfurt School recommended the teaching of sex and homosexuality, to children and encouraging the breakdown of the family.

Marcuse and Lukacs:  One of the School’s leading advocates was Herbert Marcuse “who favoured polymorphous perversion” expended the ranks of Gramschi’s new proletariat by including homosexuals, lesbians and transsexuals. Into this was spliced Lukacs’ radical sex education and cultural terrorism tactics.  Gramschi’s ‘long march’ was added in the mix and then all of this was wedded to Freudian psychoanalysis and psychological conditioning techniques.  The end product was Cultural Marxism now known in the west as “multiculturalism”.  (Linda Kimball, Cultural Marxism, www).

John Carroll, in his article “Marx and Darwin : Humanist Wreakers of Western Culture”, was right in saying that Karl Marx was responsible for the introduction of a disastrous and bitter ‘rancour’ into society : in politics, schools, homes, families and in sexuality.  A close colleague of Marx, Guiseppe Manzini, wrote that he had a “destructive spirit.  His heart bursts with hatred, rather than with love, towards man”.

In his book The Closing of the American Mind, Alan Bloom observed how Mercuse appealed to university students in the sixties with a combination of Marx and Freud.  In Eros and Civilization and One Dimensional Man Marcuse promised that the overcoming of capitalism and its false consciousness will result in society where the greatest satisfactions are sexual. Rock music touches the same chord in the young.  Free sexual expression, anarchism, mining of the irrational unconscious and giving it free rein are what they have in common.  (Timothy Matthews, The Frankfurt School Conspiracy to Corrupt.  www.)

Eric Fromm and Rollo May:  Other brilliant, but degenerate, minds in the Frankfurt School were Eric Fromm and Rollo May, who were founders of the American Secular Humanist Association and the Planned Parenthood’s Siecus Circle (i.e. Sexuality information and Education Council of the United States).  Books by these two authors were required reading in many seminaries worldwide.
See: Isa Ryan, What It Was Like to Walk Away From Cultural Marxism.  www.

Yes!  Archbishop Fisher, SSM IS ‘deconstructing marriage and family!!!

David Wilkerson in his 1974 book ‘The Vision’ prophesized ‘A Flood of Filth’ would envelop the world.


A worrying development in the light of the above homo-fascism, is a study newly released by the U.S. Centres for Disease Control entitled YOUTH RISK BEHAVIOUR SURVEILLANCE.  Alex Newman, in his article STUDY PROVES LGBT INDOCTRINATION AT SCHOOL IS WORKING, states that “the number of American children identifying as lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, or confused is surging across the nation.  The trend comes as government schools push homosexuality and gender confusion more aggressively and at earlier stages all over the country”.   This means that “large, progressive-leaning urban school districts – those friendly to the LGBT and Planned Parenthood school agendas – are getting predictably rotten results”.

This is very worrying because cultural Marxists in the ANC and Democratic Alliance have wholeheartedly supported the introduction of United Nations Comprehensive Sexuality Education (C.S.E.), “a diabolical tool used to advance the LGBTI Agenda” in the Eastern Cape and to be extended to the whole country subsequently.  “Comprehensive Sexuality Education goes far beyond sex ed and is a dangerous assault to the health and innocence of children” (American College of Paediatricians). See Errol Naidoo, Joy Magazine, June 2017.  Mamphele Rampele has stated that in South Africa “we have chosen the worst curriculum policy that you could ever imagine”.  (Independent Online 28/10/2008).

As the next tsunami mounts to envelop our schools we cannot afford the
“rotten results” that “progressive” education has imposed on American education.  South Africa needs to wake up!


Unpublished letter to the Southern Cross: 
Subject:  Fr. Sean Collins Cssr letter of 14/2/18

            Dear editor, I wonder what Fr. Sean Collins in his cheers for same sex marriage (SSM) would make of Pope Francis’ statement, as preserver of sacred tradition, that the Catechism of the Catholic Church is “a memory of God and Christians must transmit the teaching of Christ and his church in its totality, neither adding or subtracting anything” (Address to International Congress of Catechists 2013).  Because this Catechism refers to “homosexual acts [not inclinations] as acts of grave depravity” (2357) and “sins crying out to heaven” (1867).  Pope Francis says of SSM that “what is being proposed is not marriage” and is “anthropological regression” and that the difference and complementarity of man and woman is the anthropological reality “at the foundations of marriage and the family” not “passing ideological fads”.  (Archbishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney, SSM : Evolution or Deconstruction?  Zenit.0rg).  Since Fr. Sean and his colleagues are involved in Catholic Link, book publishing and Parish missions, are we going to be hearing a new gospel from this quarter?  Pope Francis has admitted to there being a cabal of gays and Freemasons in the Vatican (Catholic Herald 30/7/13), so we need to be aware of news ostensibly from the Pope, but in reality false news by progressives.  The time-honoured channels of communication in the Vatican, written down and promulgated, should be sought not the gossip or fake news from the social media.



“With God all things are possible”.  (Matthew 19:26)
“You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free”.  (John 8:32)

1.         It’s possible : Gays and Lesbians Can Have Happy Marriages.
            ( 2016/07)

2.         Andrew Comiskey, a prominent ex-gay leader.  His wife and he have 4 children.

3.         Ex-‘Gay’, Michael Glatze is thankful to God for the gift of his wife, Rebekah.

4.         Stories of Change:

5.         Americans for Truth About Homosexuality : Stephen Black, a former homosexual.

6.         Luca era gay (www.mercator.com7view7lucadiSolve (Ex Arcigay)

7.         Viral video : Woman Emily Thomas explains why she left “super wild” lesbian lifestyle       to  follow Christ (Lifesitenews, January 4. 2018

Etc., etc.

Cardinal Wilfred Napier of South Africa supports reparative therapy for homosexuals, 7/8/2017.


Pedophile Information Exchange

The Pedophile [Paedophile] Information Exchange (PIE) was an organization set up in the UK in 1974 to campaign to legalize and normalize pedophilia. Its members were almost all homosexual and were members of leading homosexual rights groups, such as Campaign for Homosexual Equality which fostered and encouraged them. This taken with the similar evidence from pedophile groups all over the world including NAMBLA (North American Man/BoyLove Association) in the USA provides notable evidence of the links between homosexuality and pedophilia (see: Homosexuality and pedophilia).
PIE was first set up in 1974 in Edinburgh by Ian Campbell Dunn and Michael Hanson whom the Sunday Times correctly described as "gay rights leaders".[1] In 1975 it relocated from Edinburgh to London, and Keith Hose became its chairman.
The founder members included Peter Righton, Charles Napier, Kenneth Plummer, Richard Alston, Tom O'Carroll, Leo Adamson and Warren Middleton (alias John Parratt), all homosexuals and campaigners for homosexual rights. Other members included Stephen Adrian Smith, Barry Cutler, David Joy, Peter Bremner, Father Barry Ingram a Catholic priest, Lee Edwards, Mike Williams a scoutmaster, and Richard Travell a Sunday School teacher, all male homosexuals. Among secret members later exposed were Sir Peter Hayman, former British High Commissioner to Canada. Stephen Smith who was at one time chairman of PIE, worked as a machine supervisor at the UK Home Office where he used their office equipment to print PIE newsletters and magazines. He also used his work contact details as the official address and telephone number of PIE. So the organisation could be said to be well inside the British Establishment.
PIE had very few female members but those few were lesbians. One of them Nettie Pollard, PIE member number 70, was Gay and Lesbian Officer for the UK National Council for Civil Liberties, a supposedly libertarian but actually very leftwing organization. She invited Tom O’Carroll to sit on NCCL’s Gay Rights committee.
It has been alleged that Sir Jimmy Savile was a member of PIE.[2]
History of Campaigning
PIE issued its own periodicals one being The Magpie in which members argued their case i.e. there was no harm in pedophilia, society was stupid, the laws were oppressive and abolishing the age of consent was "progress". Another of their journals was called "Minor Problems" edited by Peter Bremner (alias Roger Nash). It billed itself as ‘a new radical review for free intergenerational and child sexuality’, covering up its editor's membership of PIE. It attempted to attract subscribers through a mix of social-work jargon and a bogus claim that its publishers were ‘an independent editorial collective, not bound to any organisation or group, not adhering to any dogmatic theories, not limited by preconceived ideas, not working for any profits.’ For good measure it gave a false ISBN classification number.[3]
PIE members lobbied Parliament and demonstrated there. They issued demands that the age of consent for sexual activity should be reduced to four (years).
In 1977 PIE sent delegates to the NCCL conference at Swansea, and invited pro-pedophile campaigners from the Continent to come to Britain to speak. One of these was Dr Edward Brongersma, a Dutch MP, who spoke at the conference of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality in Nottingham in August 1977, in favor of reducing or abolishing the legal age of consent, and received a standing ovation.[4]
In 1983, PIE members marched in the annual London Gay Pride March, a fact reported with jubilation in the homosexual-related magazine CAPITAL GAY, by Eric Presland, another homosexual/pedophile.[5] They were led by Leo Adamson, a campaigner of GYM (Gay Youth Movement), who spoke on behalf of PIE at GYM's annual conference and in July 1983 represented PIE at the ILGA conference in Vienna. Many of its members including Ian Campbell Dunn and Warren Middleton worked closely with leading homosexual rights campaigners such as Peter Tatchell who publicly espoused their cause and published a contribution to one of Warren Middleton's books on the subject. (See entry on Tatchell).
Prosecutions of Members
In 1978 Peter Bremner was given a three-month prison sentence suspended for 2 years and fined £150 for indecently assaulting 3 boys, two aged 8 and one aged 5.[6]
In 1981 Tom O’Carroll, chair of PIE from 1977 to 1979, was charged with ‘conspiracy to corrupt public morals’ because the contact advertisements section of Magpie ran invitations from adults seeking children for sex, or offers of child pornography. He was convicted and imprisoned. This was the first of his three criminal convictions.
In 1982 Charles Oxley, a Christian campaigner, infiltrated PIE under the name of David Charlton and then sent his findings to the press. [7]
Steps were taken against PIE by the MP Geoffrey Dickens and there was a newspaper campaign against it. The News of the World, The Sun and the Daily Star all ran exposé articles about PIE.
Ian Campbell Dunn and Peter Bremner were convicted and jailed in 1983 for obscene publications and inciting adults to have illegal relations with minors.
David Joy, member 66 was jailed in 1984 for 18 months for publishing obscene material in a PIE newsletter.
In 1984 it officially disbanded.

Belated Prosecutions
Most members of PIE were not prosecuted for many years after the network officially closed. Stephen Smith (alias Stephen Freeman) fled to Holland in 1984 to escape trial on child pornography charges, but was extradited in 1991 and was jailed for 18 months. He admitted publishing an obscene magazine and sending it through the post in 1982. He also faced charges of molesting a 10-year-old boy. Smith was defended by Adrian Fulford, a barrister who later became a QC and then Britain's first openly homosexual judge. There is no proof that Fulford was ever a member of PIE but he regularly acted as its defence lawyer in prosecutions. [8] Smith was convicted again on even more heinous child pornography charges in 2011. There was a huge cache of very disturbing material obtained by abusing actual children.[9]
David Joy was sentenced to 2 years in 1996 after admitting indecent assaults dating back to the 80s. In January 2006 police found 1,129 obscene images of children aged one to 13 at his rundown flat in Loughborough, Leics. Some were in the level 5 category – featuring sado-masochism, torture or bestiality.[10]
Charles Napier, the PIE treasurer, was jailed in 1995 for molesting a boy in the 1980s and got 15 months in prison. It was the second conviction of this lifelong serial abuser.
Righton (a.k.a. Paul Pelham) was a senior figure in UK Social Work. He has been exposed as an arch-criminal, who masterminded networks of systematic sex abuse of vulnerable children all over the UK for 40 years, and kept a diary in which he recorded his own raping and abuse of hundreds of boys. He and Alston founded New Barns School, a school for emotionally disturbed children, which he used to get access to boys. He was convicted for possessing and supplying child pornography in 1992 but never jailed for any of his offences. [See entry on Peter Righton for further information.]
Michael Ingram was a serial abuser of boys who was finally convicted in 2000, but committed suicide before being sentenced.[11]
Peter Bremner was jailed again in 1994 for six months for using Minor Problems to incite adults to seek children for sex.
Warren Middleton was finally jailed in 2011, alongside Steven Adrian Smith, Barry Cutler, John Morrison and Leo Adamson- all for offences relating to child abuse images.[12]

Continued Influence of PIE
Although PIE officially disbanded in 1984 its members have continued campaigning regardless. In 1986 Warren Middleton edited a pro-pedophile book entitled Betrayal of Youth (acronym BOY) with chapters contributed by Peter Tatchell and several official members of PIE. It advocates abolition of all age-of-consent laws and defended incest.[13]
Kenneth Plummer, PIE member number 236, a regular correspondent of Righton, was Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Essex University. He was one of the contributors to the book Perspectives on Paedophilia, ed. Brian Taylor (1981), written and produced almost entirely by homosexuals. In 1990 he contributed a chapter to a book that used polysyllabic sociological terminology to apologize for pederasty, Male Intergenerational Intimacy.[14] Prof. Plummer writes a blog that makes it very clear that his interest in the subject is not merely academic. He has admitted to The Sunday Telegraph that he was once a paid-up member of PIE, but claims this was just to facilitate his research. Plummer has written “By applying sociology to the field of paedophilia we may partially relativise it, humanise it, normalise it.” [15]
1.      Marcello Mega, ‘Paedophile list set up by gay rights leader’, Sunday Times, July 6th, 1997
3.      Tim Tate, Child Pornograph, Methuen, 1990 quoted in
4.      Mathew Thomson, Lost Freedom: The Landscape of the Child and the British Post-War Settlement, OUP Oxford, 2013, p.174-176.
5.      CAPITAL GAY, 15 July 15, 1983
7.      Daily Star. ‘Child Sex Spy Tells All’ 21 August 1982.
8.      Times, 16 December 1991
9.      ‘Ex-paedophile group leader Freeman jailed over child rape drawings’, BBC News, 15 July 2011
11.  Leicester Mercury, August 15, 2000. The disgraced former Roman Catholic priest was yesterday convicted of sexual offences involving six boys.
12. AND
14.  Male Intergenerational Intimacy: Historical, Socio-Psychological and Legal, edited by Alex Van Naerssen, ‎Theo Sandfort and A. X. van Naerssen, 1990 rpt 2013 ISBN 1317992067
15. [Andrew Gilligan, Telegraph OnLine 6.07.14].
See also: Matthew Hanley, LGBTQ is swiftly being normalised. Pedophilia is next. (www)
Lianne Laurence, man who identifies as ‘female’ asks city to approve LGBT pool party for topless 12 year-old girls, no parents. (www)
St Catherine of Siena (a Doctor of the Church) relays words of Jesus on Sodomy in her Revelations: The clergy “commit the cursed sin against nature. For this not only causes me nausea, but displeases even the demon themselves, whom these miserable creatures have chosen as their lords. “It is disagreeable to demons, not because evil pleases them and they find pleasure in good, but because their nature is angelic and thus is repulsed upon seeing such an enormous sin being committed. “It is true that it is the demon who hits the sinner with poisoned arrow of lust, but when a man carries out such a sinful act, the demon leaves.”


Progressive Pansexualist "Christians" have declared war on orthodox believers by David W. Virtue. November 21, 2019

November 21, 2019 (VirtueOnline) – It should be obvious by now that progressive pansexual "Christians" have only one goal - to destroy traditional Christianity and the churches that support it, declare they have won, and wave the rainbow flag of victory.
While they have never started or built churches, they have spent decades infiltrating and taking over orthodox parishes and turning them in the name of inclusion. Then they watch as the churches slowly wither and die.
This was the plan all along. Having their sexuality not merely approved but accepted and controlling the sexual agenda of the church was always their objective. Total capitulation and control.
The greatest threat to free speech and the free exercise of religion is the homosexual (and transgender) agenda. Nothing else comes even remotely close, said distinguished legal scholar and political philosopher Robert George of Princeton University.
In 2009, homosexuals said, 'how is my marriage going to hurt you? We just want marriage equality." In 2019, this is what they said, 'we want the tax-exempt status of the churches, charities, and colleges revoked for your failure to change your views on gay marriage.'
Having twisted and distorted churches in the West, they are now turning their sexual guns on the Global South. Episcopal Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has made that clear on more than one occasion. And western churches have the money to manipulate and do just that.
Do it subtly of course. Invite vulnerable African bishops like the bishop from Central Tanganyika Bishop Dickson Chilongani, who was a guest of the Diocese of New York bishops. He had been invited to the house of bishops' gabfest in Minneapolis to let him see how inclusive and wonderful everybody is and how everybody gets along. Ironically, they didn't. There was chaos and bitterness over whether many of the bishops would attend Lambeth next year if they couldn't bring their homosexual spouses.
Interestingly, the Tanzania Anglican province is thoroughly orthodox and its bishops will not be attending the Lambeth Conference next year in Canterbury.
In other efforts to try and influence Global South, bishops hold small group communion gabfests put on and paid for by TEC, invite a dozen African bishops, help them see the light about how the West had changed its thinking about human sexuality and invite them to think of homosexuals in their own country. Keep scripture as far away as possible but have some aggrieved homosexuals on hand to tell their stories. Always a winning strategy.
The turning point in The Episcopal Church was, of course, the consecration of Gene Robinson to the episcopacy, the flight of more than 100,000 orthodox Episcopalians out of TEC and the formation of the Anglican Church in North America.
"For too long, many Americans have misunderstood the goals of the LGBT community, particularly its activist leaders. The majority of Americans thought this movement was about winning acceptance and tolerance of gay Americans, something few people found objectionable. But that was never the goal. It was only an intermediary step. The goal was always about forcing Americans to celebrate and bow before the full and ever-expanding LGBT agenda while detaching America from its Judeo
Christian heritage and moral framework. The destruction of Christianity in society is the goal," wrote Fletch Daniels at American Thinker.
The Stonewall Riots were the opening secular salvos whose propaganda tactics were later adopted by church leaders like Louie Crew, who persuaded bishops like Spong and then the vast majority of bishops to go along. Resolution after resolution at one General Convention after another, first affirming fornication, then sodomy and then finally homosexual marriage has been their end goal. Victory was assured.
Opposition is not an option; it will not be tolerated. Just ask Bishop Bill Love of Albany. I recall Pittsburgh Bishop Bob Duncan being found guilty, thrown out of TEC and then forced to face a trial under Katharine Jefferts Schori, where he was again found guilty.
Homosuperiority was to be achieved by meticulously following the propaganda manifesto entitled After The Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays In The 90s, by neuropsychiatrist Marshall Kirk and communications consultant Hunter Madsen, wrote James parker at
And secular homosuperiority has now totally replaced scripture as authoritative for the mainline denominations who see themselves in the vanguard of change, inviting God to change His mind for them. The inconvenient truth of scripture be damned.
It is not surprising that on the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots that some Episcopalians found themselves rejoicing that it gave them the push they needed to come out.
And out they have. Even though the number of homosexual and lesbian laity, clergy and bishops is only two percent of all Episcopalians, they have cried, bleated, whined, cajoled, and when their voices were finally heard, they took over the church, blasting opposition with cries of hate and homophobia at anyone who defied their behavior.
And in The Episcopal Church. the last orthodox bishop, William Love of Albany has dared to defy GC resolution B012 on homosexual marriage, He will face an ecclesiastical trial and certain ecclesiastical death. For his "sin" of defiance, he will be tossed out of the Church in an act of exclusion that only progressives can do in the name of their god who changes with the times.
The real haters we have come to realize are homosexuals and lesbians and anybody who thwarts their sexual ambition for total conformity. Recently, presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke said, if elected, that if churches will not perform same sex marriages, they should lose their tax-exempt status. Not a single democratic candidate stood up against him. Not one. Mercifully he has withdrawn from the campaign for presidency.
We are now threatened by Democrats with federal "civil rights" legislation for "gender identity" and "sexual orientation" that will secure all these abominations and more. Joe Biden has said that passage of the so-called "Equality Act" (aka Get-the-Homophobic-and-Transphobic-Bigots Act) would be his no. 1 priority as president. And he is the Democratic Party's moderate voice, writes culture watcher, Robert A.J. Gagnon.
We are in a do or die moment. We may yet see the persecution of Christians on a scale we have never seen before in this country. As Cardinal Francis George said; "I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the church has done so often in human history."
If you want the raw truth about how it all started and where The Episcopal Church has gone and is going too, please consider buying my book The Seduction of the Episcopal Church. For a tax-deductible donation of $100.00 I will send you an autographed copy of my book. This book represents over a quarter century of listening, watching and writing on a Church in free fall. Your donation will allow me to send copies of the book to Global South archbishops and bishops. You can use PayPal to make a donation here:

This article was originally published on by David W. Virtue.