Tuesday 25 September 2018

Marxist Goals


Richard Wurmbrand (b. 1909) was a Jewish Roumanian. He became a Communist, a Comintern agent, leader ad co-ordinator directly paid by Moscow.  In 1938 he and his Jewish wife became Christians and in spite of horrific torture and imprisonment by the Communists, both remained firm in their Christian faith.  He eventually became a pastor.

As a widely travelled ex Communist he often wondered about the prominence of Satanism in the professedly atheistic Soviet Socialist Republics.

Atheists are not supposed to believe in any spiritual beings, good or bad.  He quotes the famous Catholic priest, Werenfried Van Straaten, who met a Soviet general in 1949, and the latter asked, “We are Satan’s elite, but you, are you God’s elite?”  Wurmbrand also mentions the renowned Redemptorist missionary, Fr. Zynoviy Kovalik C.S.s.R., who died in a particularly satanic way in 1941.

Wurmbrand’s study culminated in a little pamphlet entitled, “Was Karl Marx a Satanist?”   It was written in an exploratory manner, but now, many editions later and as a result of suggestions sent in by others, he concludes that there is no longer any doubt in his mind:  Marx was a Satanist who detested God and all goodness, truth and beauty.  A sincere humanist he was not.  The current revised edition entitled Marx Prophet of Darkness is available on the internet.

Here are some of the facts.  Marx was of Jewish background, but was baptised a Christian as a child.  As a young man he was deeply religious and wrote some beautiful Christian poetry and an apologia for his faith.  But soon a mysterious and profound change came over this religious young man.  He became negative, critical and bent on destruction.  Colleagues nicknamed him the “Destroyer” -  a name for Satan in Revelations 9:11.


His poetry is autobiographical at this stage.  One poem is entitled “Invocation of One Who is in Despair”.  All of it spews out venom and hatred at God, creation and all humanity.  One is reminded of St. Paul’s descriptions of the works of the flesh in Romans 1 and Galatians 5, “hating each other and hating ourselves”. (Tit. 3:3)

Rightly does C.S. Lewis observe that “if the Divine call does not make us better it will make us very much worse.  Of all bad men, religious bad men are the worst.  Of all created beings the wickedest is one who originally stood in the presence of God (Lucifer).  There seems no way out of this.  It gives a new application to Our Lord’s words about ‘counting the cost’”.  One can think of Henry VIII (Defender of the Faith!), Rasputin (a Monk), Stalin (an ex-seminarian), and so on.

But why this hatred from a brilliant young man of exceptional genius, with a very comfortable background and a substantial personal income?  Wurmbrand suggests that being despised as a Jew was a possible reason.  Certainly race is a very emotive issue as we know in South Africa.  Race superiority and contempt for other races can stir up great frustration that can explode in intense hatred.

Flor McCarthy says that rejection hurts beyond any other state or emotion.  It leaves a wound that lasts.  A child who is rejected is poisoned at the roots of his existence.  Rejection makes people feel worthless and makes them want to rebel.  To feel the whip of rejection causes an explosion of anger and resentment.  But even pin-pricks of rejection can accumulate with the same long-term effects.  Of course we cannot blame society for our shortcomings because we are creatures with free will and we can choose good or evil; so what happens to us is the result of our own decisions, not somebody else’s.  This applies also to Karl Marx.


Another Jew, almost a contemporary of Marx, Sigmund Freud, as a child was often humiliated in seeing his father kicked in the gutter because of his race.  This outraged the young man and he swore revenge.  He had a vision of himself as being another Hannibal, descending on Rome, then the centre of civilisation, to destroy it.  Some critics say that a great deal of Freud’s work was motivated by the desire to get revenge on so-called “civilised” Europe, that has so humiliated his people.  Any disciple of Freud who disagreed with his sexual theories had their careers destroyed by the master who would stomach no opposition.  Some committed suicide, though Carl Jung survived Freud’s wrath.

So also with Marx, this may explain his destructive tendencies.  If he espoused extreme Socialism, it was not because his heart bled for the poor, but because of his desire to destroy the society that had seemingly rejected him just because he was of a different race.  It was hatred of the “haves” not love of the “have-nots” that seemed to have driven him.

One of Satan’s names is the “Destroyer”.  Wurmbrand says that “Marx had loved the words of Mephistopheles in Faust: ‘Everything in existence is worth being destroyed’.  Everything, including the proletariat.”

Marx used a pen name for himself – “Oulanem” – an anagram or inversion of Emmanuel, and a satanic practice.  Marx also wrote that “Robin Goodfellow” was a good friend of his.  Now Shakespeare and William Tyndale had used this name for Satan himself.
When he was 18, young Marx wrote to his father, saying, “My holy of holies was rent asunder and new gods had to be installed”.  His father worried about certain tendencies in his brilliant but now wayward son, and wrote to him that he would only be happy if his “heart remains pure and beats humanly and if no demon is able to alienate your heart from better feelings”.  It seems Marx got involved with Satanism at this time and became more deeply involved as time went on.  Satanism was a growing scourge in Europe at the time and also seems to have spawned the beginnings of National Socialism (or Nazism).


Marx was in the habit of telling his children horrifying stories about a witch called Hans Rockle who sold every precious item he had for Satan.  The historian, Robert Payne, in his biography of Marx, made this trenchant remark:  “There can be very little doubt that these interminable stories were autobiographical .... he had the devil’s view of the world, and the devil’s malignity.  Sometimes he seemed to know that he was accomplishing works of evil”.

If this story about Hans Rockle is, as Payne suggests, autobiographical, it explains why Marx squandered so much money in his lifetime.  The Marx-Engels Institute reckoned that he received from his rich friend Engels over 6 million French francs.  Like all Satanists, his family life was a mess – some dying of malnutrition and others by suicide.

Marx surrounded himself with anarchists and other strange characters – all of whom were dabblers in the occult and Satanism, such as Bakunin.  The latter said, “In this revolution we will have to awaken the devil in the people to stir up the basest passions.  Our mission is to destroy ....”  Proudhon was another friend and another Satanist, as was Heinrich Heine.  Engels, who also got involved in Satanism, called his friend Marx “a monster possessed by 10,000 devils”.  Giuseppe Mazzini, the Freemason, who knew Mark well, wrote that he had “a destructive spirit.  His heart bursts with hatred rather than with love towards men”.


Wurmbrand, surmising on the fact that only thirteen of the 100 volumes of Marx’s collected writings have been published, indicates that there is probably a lot of material that has nothing at all to do with economics (probably theosophical), and was embarrassing to Moscow.  Certainly Nikita Kruschev, the Soviet leader, was embarrassed in 1960 to be handed a document by the Austrian Chancellor, Raabe, that proved that Marx was a paid Austrian police informer who informed against his own comrades whilst in exile in London!

For all his Promethean bravado and devil-may-care attitude to God, Marx died in despair.  According to Wurmbrand, so also did Lenin, with these words on his lips: “I committed a great error.  My nightmare is the feeling that I’m lost in an ocean of blood from the innumerable victims.  It is too late to return.  To save our country, Russia, we would have needed men like Francis of Assisi.  With ten men like him we would have saved Russia”.

Wurmbrand states that “the age of Marx was a time of Satanist ferment in many spheres of life”.  It was also a time of extraordinary racial theories that spawned intense hatreds that were later to erupt into violence and madness.  William Shirer in his monumental Rise and Fall of the Third Reich mentions someone called H.S. Chamberlain who was regarded as “the spiritual founder of the Third Reich”.  He was a son-in-law to Richard Wagner, the composer.  Chamberlain, on his own admission, was goaded by demons.  Once returning by train to Germany “the presence of a demon became so forceful that he got off the train, shut himself in a hotel room for eight days and ... wrote feverishly on a biological thesis ... that would dominate all of his later works: race and history”.  His books on race were so popular that they ran into twenty-four editions and helped poison the minds and souls of millions.


Lenin, the Marxist, also seems to have been involved in Satanism.  Mark Almond said that Lenin “was the model of a cold, impersonal tyrant driven only by ideology”.  Leon Trotsky, his intimate friend, in The Young Lenin writes that at the age of sixteen Lenin tore the cross from his neck, spat on it and trod it under his feet.  Though his mother was Jewish, Lenin was brought up an Orthodox Christian.  This action by Lenin seemingly was a very common Satanist practice at the time, Wurmbrand maintains.

Wurmbrand belonged, before his conversion, to the Comintern (Communism International), the purpose of which was to promote Marxist revolution worldwide.  This malicious work was sanctioned by Lenin:

            “If we can effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation, we will have won that country.  Therefore, there must be continued propaganda abroad to undermine the loyalty of citizens in general, and teenagers in particular.  By making drugs of various kinds readily available, by creating the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness, and worthlessness, and by preparing him psychologically and politically, we can succeed”.
(Colin Gunn, IndoctriNation, Masterbooks, 2012, p.32)

As a Marxist, Lenin shared in the Marxist aim of destroying the family, the Church, and the State and to create a state of anomie. For example, Lenin believed that “taxation with its offspring inflation is the vital weapon to displace the system of free enterprise”.  The Fabian socialist, John Maynard Keynes, inspired by Lenin, wrote:  “By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate secretly and unobserved an important part of the wealth of their citizens.  Lenin was certainly right – there is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch its currency.  The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose”.

One prime target for Marxist infiltration and destruction has been the U.S.A.  Soviet premier, Nikita Khruschev’s remark in 1956 in Moscow to Western diplomats was no idle boast: “we will bury you!”  This has been brought out recently in three documentaries.


1.  A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing:  this was brought out by Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) shortly after the death of its foundress, Mother Angelica, hailed by Pope Francis as a saint.  The documentary shows how Marxism infiltrated the Catholic Church in the U.S.A.

2. Agenda 2:  shows, amongst other things, how Marxism infiltrated the Evangelical Churches in the United States.

3.  IndoctriNation:  traces the origin of socialist infiltration of Education in the United States.  Earlier in the April 2000 edition of Catholic Family News, Robert Goldsborough in “The Goal – World Government, The Weapon – the classroom” briefly outlines this indoctrination:

            “ In NEA: The Grab for Power, Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D. chronologically documents the socialists’ successful efforts to change America from a nation ‘based largely upon principles of biblical morality, capitalism and individual responsibility’  into a brainwashed pagan and secular humanist society conditioned to believe that a socialist one world government is the only key to peace”.
(R. Goldsborough)

The deadly effects of John Dewey and Socialist education have been promoted by the National Educational Association (NEA).  Even though the Soviet regime came to reject Dewey’s ideas in August 1932, and ordered a return to a structured curriculum because they wanted competent scientists not semi-literate ignoramuses, the U.S.A. has continued Dewey’s disastrous policies and continues to export them overseas to receptive audiences captivated by all things American.  (cf. S. Blumenfeld, Pavlov’s Child in Colin Gunn, IndoctriNation, Chapter 11).

John Dewey’s ideas can also be seen in the amoral “values clarification”.  Sensitivity training is also another Frankfurt school plague.


First a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing:  it focuses in on Saul Alinsky, the secular Jew who, like Marx and Freud, had suffered discrimination as a Jew, and seemed to hate the society that rejected him.  The Nation newspaper called him “the country’s leading hell raiser” and Time magazine wrote in 1970 “that it is not too much to argue that American democracy is being altered by Alinsky’s ideas”.

At first Alinsky denied being a Communist and said he was a Socialist.  The American socialist, Norman Thomas, said:  “The American people will never adopt Socialism.  But under the name Liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program until one day America will be a Socialist nation without knowing how it happened”.  Perhaps Norman Thomas belonged to the Fabian Socialist group that believed in introducing Marxism by evolution and not by revolution.  Their key word was gradualism – piecemeal gradual change that does not alarm, but achieves its goal by stealth.

Alexander Trachtenberg would probably agree with Thomas when he wrote: “When we get ready to take the United States we will not take it under the label of Socialism.  These labels are unpleasant to the American people....  we will take the U.S.A. under labels like liberalism, under-progressivism, democracy.  BUT TAKE IT WE WILL”.

Trachtenberg was a wealthy publisher of Marxism literature and a secular Jew who had fled the murderous Tsarist pogroms against the Jews in Odessa.  Alas, he also seemed to desire revenge against Christianity and worked for a Marxist state.


The EWTN documentary shows how the Church was infiltrated.  One leading Communist was Dr. Bella Dodd, who was a leading member of the Communist Party Executive and a lapsed Catholic, who returned to the faith when she got disillusioned with the Communists.  She gave a Congressional testimony in which she stated: “In the 1930’s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within....  Right now they are in the highest place in the Church”.  Seemingly the French writer, Jacques Maritain, was also seduced by Communism as he became a praise singer for Saul Alinsky, calling him “an authentic revolutionary” and “one of my closest friends”.

Though not mentioned in the EWTN claims of infiltration in the Catholic Church, one notorious character was Fr. Robert Drinan, the first Catholic priest to be elected to the House of Representatives, and a firm defender of abortion.  He was particularly gifted in speaking out of both sides of his mouth – comforting pro-lifers and defending abortion supporters and Planned Parenthood.  Rome demanded he resign from Congress, but he still continued to defend President Clinton on partial birth abortion, until Cardinal O’Çonnor thundered back at him:  “You’re wrong, dead wrong. You could have raised your formidable voice for life; you have raised it for death”.

Though abortion is dismissed by some in the Church as single issue politics, Pope Francis does not.  Recently he has stated that the Church must never tire of fighting abortion (22/5/2017) that no research justifies killing human embryos (19/5/2017) and ‘there is no more important work’ than the pro-life cause (1/5/2017).


In the documentary, Jesuit Father Mitch Pacwa testifies how he was lured into an Alinsky-style group, PICO (People Improving Communities through Organising), bent on advancing the doctrines of the religious left.  This group is now heavily influenced by the anti-Christian Socialist, George Soros, to influence the Church in favour of certain policies and agendas, including promoting population control, abortion, euthanasia, and homosexual ‘marriage’.  Leaked United States documents revealed that the Soros foundation is funding a three year plan to eliminate pro-life laws around the world, specifically targeting Catholic nations and using Ireland as a ‘model’ to undo right-to-life protection in other strongly Catholic countries.  Multinational companies operating in Ireland issued veiled threats to their employees to support same sex “marriage” in a recent Irish referendum, and one American activist lobby’s investment in the Irish plebiscite alone was nearly $150 million – some reckon George Soros, the Socialist billionaire, was involved.

Saul Alinsky tried to get the Black Civil Rights organisation on his side, but the Alinsky tactics of power, division, conflict, and deceit and “the end justifying any means” mirrored neither Christ nor Gandhi’s tactics of non violence, which inspired the non violent civil rights movement of Martin Luther King.  Alinsky was inspired by the diabolical “conflict theory” of Karl Marx and the scatology and obscenities that characterised the writings of Marx and Engels.  Alinsky inspired lewd protests called “piss-ins” and “fart-ins”.  Marx told the truth at least once when he called his own writings ‘shit’ / ‘swinish books’.  (Wurmbrand, Marx Prophet of Darkness)  No wonder the American, Daniel Lapin, an Orthodox Rabbi, said:  “You’d have to be a recent immigrant from Outer Mongolia not to know of the role that people with Jewish names play in the coarsening of our culture.  Almost every American knows this.  It is just that most Gentiles are too polite to mention it”.  (Toward Tradition 20/1/2005)

In his invaluable book on the media, still relevant today Richard Hoggart, in Uses of Literacy laments the “coarsening” of culture in the U.K. by an Americanised mass culture of tabloid newspapers, advertising, juke boxes, and Holywood.  In this mass culture “progress is conceived as a seeking of material possessions, equality as moral levelling and freedom as the ground for endless irresponsible pleasure”.  The Orthodox Jewish writer, Michael Medvedev, in his book Hollywood’s War On America, shows the baneful influence of secular elites in ‘Tinseltown’.


Two of Alinsky’s greatest followers were Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama.  In his “Rules for Radicals”, Alinsky wrote that if the radicals become stronger than the opposition, then they must “crush the opposition!”  Mike Kruglik, Obama’s Chicago instructor in Alinsky methods, said Obama was the best student of Alinsky he ever had.

When Obama signed off on a Health and Human Services ruling that Catholic institutions will be required by law to provide and pay for insurance coverage that includes contraceptives (can cause abortion), abortion inducing drugs and sterilization procedures, the United States Catholic bishops showed the face of the Church militant for 169 bishops, a good 90% of United States dioceses spoke up forcefully against the Obama coercive measures.

President Obama, “... instructed his administration to rewrite executive regulations nine separate times to ensure these nuns (the Little Sisters of the Poor) be forced to either violate their conscience by helping distribute abortifacients, or be fined $70 million a year and out of existence.  Their beliefs, their ministry, their cause, and even the incredible work that they do was secondary to President Barack Obama’s devotion to funding and expanding the destruction of infants with tax dollars.  (American Family Association, Action Alert 11.10.2017)


Sanford Horwitt, in his biography of Alinsky, says that Saul Alinsky’s interest in the Catholic Church was only in her politics.  Horwitt shows Alinsky’s influence on the Church.  So devious was the infiltration that Cardinal John Krol blurted out that “the Rebels have taken over our Conference” (i.e. the United States Conference of Catholic bishops).  A Call to Action (1976) connected to the Alinsky-founded Industrial Areas Foundation was set up by ex priests and nuns with a leftwing radical agenda, which was not acceptable to the United States bishops, but it galvanised many in the Church in a more radical direction.  Renew (U.S.A.) came out of this.  It was perhaps not surprising that Pope John Paul II, in the same year 1976, warned of the rise of an anti-Church.  (We Are Church is an affiliate of Call to Action : both also left-wing.

But much earlier in 1948 Monsignor Fulton Sheen, America’s first tele-evangelist, wrote that “(Satan) will set up a counter church which will be the ape of the Church....  it will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse, and emptied of its divine content”.

A year later, in 1949, the Vatican issued the Decree Against Communism, approved by Pope Pius XII, which declared Catholics who professed Communist doctrine to be excommunicated, as apostates from the Christian faith.  One can see below why this condemnation is justified:

Summary of the condemnation of Socialism from Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum:

1.         Socialism promotes envy between classes.  “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s             goods”.

2.         The transfer of private property to community property is against nature and justice.

3.         Socialism hurts the working man first and foremost.

4.         A person has the right to improve his social condition through labour.  His social     condition should not be taken away from him.

5.         Socialism perceives children as belonging to the State chiefly, and thus the State has       a prior right over the father of the child with regard to guardianship, education, and    labour.  This the Pope condemns.

6.         Socialism must be “utterly rejected”.

7.         Socialism leads to “condition of misery and degradation”.

8.         The Pope recognizes that not every human has equal aptitude in this life for wage-            earning.

9.         Labour is good and not evil.  Socialism wrongly presumes that work is always an exploitation of one class serving another class.

10.       It is evident in these quotes, but especially elsewhere, that those who have acquired          private property should share their goods with those who are in need.  This is the call           to almsgiving that Proverbs and Christ repeatedly exhort us to practice.
            (Taylor Marshall)

The EWTN documentary warned of three “hellfire movements” of cultural Marxism, ravishing the Nation:

1.         The Frankfurt School of Socialism:

This was a Marxist think tank that goes back to Lenin’s destructive tactics.  It was set up by largely Jewish libertarians and atheists who hated Judeo-Christian values – a “culture of death” crowd if ever there was one, as can be seen by some of their ghoulish statements, e.g. George Lukacs developed the idea of “Revolution and Eros”- sexual instinct used as an instrument of destruction.  Willie Mȕnzenberg, who advocated organising “the intellectuals and use them TO MAKE WESTERN CIVILIZATION STINK.  Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat”.

Of course “the dictatorship of the proletariat” has never been realised as it has always been the dictatorship if the oligarchy or the “new class” (Djilas) or “the ruling class of managers” (L. Plyusch).

Frankfort School Recommendations: To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):

            1.   The creation of racism offences.
            2.   Continual change to create confusion.
            3.   The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
            4.   The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
            5.   Huge immigration to destroy identity.
            6.   The promotion of excessive drinking.
            7.   Emptying of churches.
            8.   An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
            9.   Dependency on the state for state benefits.
            10.  Control and dumbing down of media.
            11.  Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

Marcuse and Lukacs:  One of the School’s leading advocates was Herbert Marcuse “who favoured polymorphous perversion” expanded the ranks of Gramschi’s new proletariat by including homosexuals, lesbians and transsexuals.  Into this was spliced Lukacs’ radical sex education and cultural terrorism tactics.  Gramschi’s ‘long march’ was added in the mix and then all of this was wedded to Freudian psychoanalysis and psychological conditioning techniques.  The end product was Cultural Marxism now known in the West as “multiculturalism”.  (Linda Kimball, Cultural Marxism, w.w.w.)

In his book The Closing of the American Mind, Alan Bloom observed how Marcuse appealed to university students in the sixties with a combination of Marx and Freud.  In Eros and Civilization and One Dimensional Man Marcuse promised that the overcoming of capitalism and its false consciousness will result in society where the greatest satisfactions are sexual.  Rock music touches the same chord in the young.  Free sexual expression, anarchism, mining of the irrational unconscious and giving it free rein are what they have in common.
(Timothy Matthews, The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt. www)

Eric Fromm and Rollo May:   Other brilliant, but degenerate, minds in the Frankfort School were Eric Fromm and Rollo May, who were founders of the American Secular Humanist Association and the Planned Parenthood’s Siecus Circle (i.e. Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States).  Books by these two authors were required reading in many seminaries worldwide.

2.         Gramschi’s Socialism:

The second “hellfire movement” was designed to capture the minds of Society with Italian Catholics as the prime target.  It was designed to destroy belief in God and gradually change society.  Gramschi believed that Communism would not overturn society through revolution or wars, nor win through democratic elections, but rather Marxism should seek to transform society by infiltrating the institutions of society so as to radically transform the culture of the society, which in turn determines the environment in which politics and public life are acted out.  Gramschi said that “democratic Catholicism does what socialism could not do”.  (C.W.R., May 2, 2011)

Nelson McCausland said that “culture is upstream from politics” and he claims that “the methods of Gramschi have certainly been more effective than the Stalin show trials, the Soviet gulags, the Khymer Rouge Year Zero and the other communist atrocities of the 20th Century”.  (Belfast Telegraph 10/5/2017)  He was probably referring to cultural Marxism now in the ascendant in the United Kingdom and U.S.A.

3.         Fabian Socialism : A Third Hellfire Movement:

The Fabian socialists too believed in gradually changing society by infiltration and undermining the foundations of Society mole-like:  “We recognise our old friend Robin   Goodfellow, the old mole, who knows so well how to work underground, suddenly to appear:- the revolution”.  (Karl Marx in R. Wurmbrand, p.66)


Bonino, leader of the Socialist Radical Party, is a protégée of billionaire Socialist, George Soros, and she worked to implement the Gramschi-style agenda:  including the legalisation of recreational drugs, nudism, same sex ‘marriage’, transgenderism, the liberalization of porn laws and mandatory sex education.  According to Family Domani, Bonino identifies with the 1970’s feminist slogan:  “No longer wives, daughters and mothers.  Let’s destroy the family”.  And whilst on the destruction of the family, Pope Francis called “gender ideology” espoused by Bonino and others as a “global war against the family”.

Pope Francis has said that “same sex unions may not be equated with marriage.  No union that is temporary or closed to the transmission of life can ensure the future of society”.  (Amoris Laetitia 52).  And socialist support for alternative lifestyles is certainly putting the future of society at risk and causing great confusion.  Muslim immigration in Europe supported by Socialists, is causing havoc with homosexuals flocking into extreme right wing parties in Germany and France and assuming leadership for fear of their lives as Muslim Sharia law demands death: “kill the one who sodomises and the one who lets it be done to him”.  (Lifesite News 27/9/2017)


Another feature of Marxism is gender ideology.

When Jewish people began returning to Palestine in the early part of the 20th Century, the Marxist rural communes or Kibbutzim, were set up.  “A central part of their semi-Marxist ideology was the total emancipation of women from all inequalities (sexual, social, economic and intellectual) that had been imposed on them by traditional society”.

“According to Israeli Utopian theory, the burden of child-rearing and home-making was the root cause of sex-role differentiation and female inequality.  Therefore, radical changes in family structure were instituted.  Traditional marriage was replaced by a system of cohabitation in which a man and woman were assigned shared sleeping accommodation within the commune, but retained their separate names and identities.   The children were removed from special contact with their parents and reared with others of the same age in community-run nurseries where they played, ate, slept and were educated.  Adults were supposed to think of all the kibbutz children as joint social property and were discouraged from developing particularly close relationships with their own offspring.

Thus freed from the ‘domestic yoke’, women were expected to engage in agricultural and productive work to the same extent as men, and men were likewise expected to share in traditional female work.  Classically feminine clothes, cosmetics, jewellery and hairstyles were rejected.  In order to be equals of men, it was thought women would have to look like men as well as share traditionally male roles”.  (Glenn Wilson on Regression in the Kibbutz. www.)

But the experiment was a failure as nature reasserted itself.  “The younger generation of women, although raised with unisex models (women driving tractors and men in domestic service occupations) and taught from early childhood that men and women are the same in nature, were now pressing to be allowed fulfilment in the role of mother”.  Also the loony left issues of shared toilets and showers and dressing in front of each other was also rejected, and separate bathroom facilities for boys and girls re-established.  And these were secular, not religious Jews!

A careful examination of evidence led one researcher, Melford Spiro, “to conclude that the sex-role counter-revolution that he had observe d in the modern Kibbutz represented a reassertion of nature, rather than conformity induced by reactionary social influences.  For a person previously committed to ‘cultural relativity theory’ this was a considerable turnabout in attitude”.  Marxist feminist like to believe that gender roles are socially constructed.

Someone once said that the only thing people learn from history is that people learn nothing from history as Europe and North America are pushing this gender mainstreaming with a vengeance and coercion and this is convulsing society.  “People who adhere to traditional Judeo-Christian values and ideas are under threat by anti-family ideologies working to enforce their anti-family policies”.  (Hilary White, Gender Mainstreaming : A Silent Revolution Dismantling Civilization)  The anarchistic socialist wreckers and destroyers never give up.  Orthodox Jews too are suffering from these malicious policies.  (cf. U.K. threatens to close Jewish school for not teaching three year olds about transgenderism.  Lifesite News 23/6/2017)

Pope Francis has issued blistering attacks on gender ideology as “a global war” against the family, prompting LGBTIXYZ leadership to decry Pope Francis’ supposed ignorance and insensitivity regarding transgenderism!  But a recent paper from a group of prominent paediatricians suggests that the Pope may have science solidly on his side.  (T.D. Williams, Paediatricians back Pope Francis on gender theory, Crux, August 9, 2016)  Recently Denmark wrote to the U.N. : ‘Pregnant women’ is a transphobic term.  Men can be pregnant to!


Mallory Millett is the believing sister of the infamous Marxist feminist, Kate Millett, whose books were featured on the cover of Time Magazine, which called her “the Karl Marx of the Women’s Movement”.  Kate invited her non-feminist sister to “a consciousness-raising group, a typical communist exercise, something practiced in Maoist China”.  Mallory was appalled.  Kate Millett asked:

            “Why are we here today?” she asked.
            “To make revolution”, they answered.
            “What kind of revolution?” she asked.
            “The Cultural Revolution”, they chanted.
            “And how do we make Cultural Revolution?”, she demanded.
            “By destroying the American family!”, they answered.
            “How do we destroy the family?”, she came back.
            “By destroying the American Patriarch”. They cried exuberantly.
            “And how to we destroy the American Patriarch?”, she replied.
            “By taking away his power!”
            “How do we do that?”
            “By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.
            “How can we destroy monogamy?”
            “By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!” they           resounded.
(M. Millett, Marxist Feminism’s Ruined Lives (David Horowitz Freedom Centre, New York))

The New York Times Service reported the following incident in Spain:

            “Nearly 3,000 feminists gathered at a national convention in Barcelona... a group of their leaders announced that they had taken two pregnant women into an adjoining conference room and that medical technicians had aborted both pregnancies.  Two foetuses were presented in bottles.  The hall rocked with cheers, and almost all the conventioneers signed confessions of responsibility”.
            (“Feminists Challenge Abortion Law”, The Toronto Globe and Mail, Monday, November 11, 1985)


The Agenda 2 movie mentioned above, points out that it was not just the Catholic Church that was infiltrated as the Evangelical churches also experienced this, and according to the former Communist, Herb Romerstein, liberal churches did too.  He described liberal pastors as “the biggest suckers of them all”!  (C.W.R., October 2011, p.45)

The African-American ex Communist, Manning Johnson, stated in the Agenda 2 movie that the “Communists discovered that the destruction of religion could proceed much faster through infiltration of the Church.  It was determined that with only small forces available, it would be necessary to concentrate Communist agents in seminaries and divinity schools.  Those institutions would make it possible for a small Communist minority to influence the ideology of future clergymen.  The idea was to divert the emphasis from the spiritual to the material.

The Methodist churches were specially targeted for infiltration.  “The Methodist Federation for Social Action was first organised by Dr. Harry Ward, a Communist and Fabian Socialist.  Its objective was to transform the Methodist Church and Christianity into an instrument for the achievement of Socialism”.  (Benjamin Gitlow ; Now ex Communist)  It seems to have been largely successful as American Methodists are now pro-abortion and one young Methodist, Hilary Clinton, was so convinced that this was right that she too became an ardent abortionist and even wanted to be a Methodist pastor!


One of Harry Wards best friends was Walter Rossenbusch, another Fabian, and both of them were responsible for setting up the National Council of Churches.  The Communist goal was to turn the Christian enemy into their greatest asset:  a do-gooder ‘heaven can wait’ religion, ostensibly to save the planet (and not the soul) and ignore the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19).  To get all Christians onto the same page it was necessary to find some urgent overarching goal that all could subscribe to.  It was decided by the powers-that-be in scare tactics by alarmist claims about the destruction of the planet on which we all lived.

“With the end of the ideological conflict that dominated a generation of international affairs, a new world order, shaped by a new agenda, will emerge.  If the physical degradation of the planet becomes the principal preoccupation of the global community, then environmental sustainability will become the organizing principle of this new order...  For the first time since the emergence of the nation-state, all countries can unite around a common theme”.
(Lester R. Brown, speaking on the Rio Earth Summit)


On May 1st, 2015, Ion Pacepa, the highest ranking defector from Communism in the 1970’s, gave an interview to the Catholic News Agency revealing that Liberation Theology was an invention of the Soviet KGB.  The latter also planned to take control of the World Council of Churches (WCC) based in Geneva, and use it as cover for converting Liberation Theology into a South American revolutionary tool.  The WCC was the largest international ecumenical organisation after the Vatican, representing some 550 million Christians of various denominations in 120 countries.


Alger Hiss, a Soviet spy in the U.S.A., was largely responsible for the United Nations Charter and it seems the United Nations has become the darling of the left.  Seems also to be a Trojan Horse for socialism and theosophy.  Seeing itself as the custodian of Planet Earth, the U.N. called a conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, hosted by Maurice Strong, a Canadian oil and business billionaire and a self-confessed socialist and long-time front man for the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and largely responsible for putting the U.N. into the environmental business.  The result was a blue print for constructing a New World Order: “Agenda 21”


In 1987 the U.N. World Commission on Environment and Development produced the Brundtland Report, also called “Our Common Future”.  This placed environmental issues firmly on the political agenda;  it aimed to discuss the environment and development as one single issue.

Harlem Brundtland, first Vice President of the World Socialist International was responsible for the phrase “sustainable development”.  The latter is a landatory concept, but on closer examination of this and other ecology documents, there seems to be an underlying “culture of death” emphasis with death seen as the solution to many problems like so-called population explosion, unwanted pregnancy, unwanted old people, unwanted psychiatric cases, etc.  One is reminded of the socialist, Joseph Stalin:  “Death is the solution to all problems.  No man – no problem”.

Pope Francis writes “Instead of resolving the problems of the poor and thinking how the world can be different, some can only propose a reduction in the birth rate.  At times developing countries face forms of international pressure which make economic assistance contingent on certain policies of ‘rep’roductive health”.  (Laudato Sii No. 50)


The Socialist, Michael Gorbachev, ex Soviet leader, founded the Green Cross International, ostensibly to save the environment.  Phyllis Schlafly says of the Gorbachev Green Cross, that it “is an atheist’s attempt to confuse Christian beliefs with a new ‘green’ religion”.  (Eagle Forum, Report 4/12/2008)

It is ironic that the ex leader of the Soviet bloc and other socialists are climbing on to the green bandwagon, because as Marshall Goldman and others show, the Socialist Soviet Union was the greatest polluter ever of the environment on planet earth.  Goldman said that “the attitude that nature is there to be exploited by man is the very essence of the Soviet production ethic”.  Joseph Stalin boasted that he could correct nature’s mistakes.  Strange how the Socialist/New Age Movement crowd excoriate the Biblical verse taken out of context, that talks of man filling the earth and subduing it, and ruling over creation  (Genesis 1:28)!  Traditional Christian countries, including America, are possibly the cleanest countries environmentally on the planet, and Soviet socialists the dirtiest, probably because state control socialists undermine the free press, destroying its freedom and independence and its monitoring of foolish or corrupt state enterprises.  How ironic also that Earth Day is Lenin’s birthday!

On the occasion of the first Earth Day in 1970, Harvard biologist, George Wald assured us that civilization will end “within 15 or 30 years”.  Former Obama science adviser, John Holdren, wrote in a global ecology textbook in 1971 that 1 billion will die of famines by 2020 due to a “new ice age”.  Senator Gaylord Nelson predicted in 1970 that within 25 years, between 75% and 80% of all animals will be extinct.  Population expert and author of the bestseller The Population Bomb Paul Ehrlich asserted that by the year 2000, England would not exist.  The Club of Rome claimed in 1972 that the world will run out of oil by 2003.  Instead, reserves (in 2016) were estimated at 1,707 billion barrels, the highest ever.  (Lifesite News 17/7/2017)


In Ecocide in the USSR by Murray Feshbach it shows how Lenin and his successors systematically poisoned the air, water, soil and people of the USSR

Marxists should not be trusted in such sensitive areas as the environment, for Marx said that “Communism.... abolishes all morality” including honesty and integrity.  (R. Wurmbrand, p.24)

The Earth Charter is the brainchild of Gorbachev and Maurice Strong.  The former views the proposed Earth Charter as “a kind of Ten Commandments, a Sermon on the Mount” that provides a guide for human behaviour towards the environment in the next century and beyond.  Gorbachev says “Nature is my god”.


The Earth Charter, a U.N. initiative, is housed in a box called the Ark of Hope which bears a strange resemblance to the Biblical Ark of the Covenant which contained the tablets of the Ten Commandments.  The whole U.N. environment thing has taken on more and more the trappings of a religion – a one world religion.  Alice Bailey, the Theosophist, founded the Lucifer Publishing Company in New York in 1922, renaming it Lucis Publishing Co. in 1923, and worked for a new religion to work closely with the U.N.  She said:   “Thus the expressed aims and efforts of the U.N. will be eventually brought to fruition and a new church of God, gathered out of all religions and spiritual groups will unitedly bring to an end the great heresy of separatedness”.

Robert Muller, Assistant Secretary-General of the U.N. for 40 years, and a great New Ager, would deify the U.N.:  “At the beginning the U.N. was only a hope.  Today it is a political reality.  Tomorrow it will be the world’s religion”.  Obviously this means Theosophy, the Biblical God-hating religion – the religion of Marx and many Marxists.


The Preface of Robert Muller’s World Core Curriculum, states:  “The underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice Bailey”.  Muller called U Thant, the Buddhist-Marxist Secretary-General of the U.N.O. “my spiritual master”.  Muller and his wife worked to bring a one world religion to the U.N.


Theosophists make it clear that in the contest between God and the devil, they side with the latter!  Socialists too, Wurmbrand maintains in his book: “Socialists recognise each other by the words ‘In the name of the one to whom a great wrong has been done’.  Satan is the eternal rebel, the first free-thinker and the emancipator of worlds.  He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps his brow with the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the ‘fruit of knowledge’” (R. Wurmbrand, p.16).  These words are by one of Marx’s partners in the First International, Mikhail Bakunin.


Peter Washington has written an amusing book on Theosophy entitled Madame Blavatsky’s Baboon : Theosophy and the Emergence of the Western Guru, Secker and Warburg, 1993.  In a book review of this, the New Statesman wrote:  “If Evelyn Waugh, Aldous Huxley, John Cleese and Barbara Cartland all tripped out on a six-tab of mescaline, then collaborated in a brain-storming jam session, they could not have come up with a tale like this!”  Joking aside,  the alarming thing is this wacko crowd seem to run the U.N.!

Lee Penn, in the New Oxford Review suggests caution in an article entitled “Beware!  The New Age Movement is more than self-indulgent silliness”.  He says they are deadly in earnest.  “Orthodox religions – especially Christianity and Judaism, are considered ‘separative’ and ‘obsolete’ and “in the New Age they too will vanish” and “Judaism was one of Alice Bailey’s targets – before, during and after the Holocaust” (cf. Hannah Newman, The Rainbow Swastika, www.)   It seems that all who dabble in occultism are anti-life and culture of death, probable because their father, Satan, was “a liar and murderer from the beginning”.
(John 8:44).   E.g. Annie Besant, Margaret Sanger, Alice Bailey and Marie Stopes etc.

If this all seems a bit weird and remote from our South African experience, then it is good to remember that the Great Invocation to Lucifer was printed on prayer cards in 1988 in South Africa disguised to look like prayers for Christian unity and distributed by Christian bookshops.    It was produced by World Goodwill alias Lucis Trust/Arcane School/Triangles etc.


Penn says that fellow travellers of the New Age also used alarming language, e.g. Teilhard de Chardin.  In 1939 with Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini in power, Teilhard said: “the modern totalitarian regimes, whatever their initial defects, are neither heresies nor biological regressions: they are in line with the essential trend of ‘cosmic’ movement”.
In 1946, after the U.S. nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean, Teilhard closed a paean to the bomb, saying: “For all their military trappings, the recent explosions at Bikini herald the birth of the world of a mankind both inwardly and outwardly pacified.  They proclaim the coming of the Spirit of the Earth”.

Teilhard was obviously a great admirer of Karl Marx, as he believed “the synthesis of the Christian God... and the Marxist God... is the only God... we can adore in spirit and in truth”, and again: “who can tell whether in the very interest of the Kingdom of God a good dose of Marxism is not the thing to save us”.

No wonder the Fordham University Professor Dietrich von Hildebrand nicknamed Teilhard as “Tryhard the Charlatan” and Karl Barth called him “a Gnostic heretic”!  (cf. Dietrich von Hildebrand’s book on Teilhard: Trojan Horse in the City of God)

So, since Teilhard was so enamoured with Marxism and Gnostic New Ageism, it is little wonder that he was lionised by the U.N.  In 1981 UNESCO convened an international symposium and exhibition to mark the birth of Teilhard and issue a commemorative medal.  The occultist, Dr. Robert Muller, ex Assistant Secretary-General of the U.N.O., wrote in one of his books:       “Teilhard had always viewed the U.N. as the progressive institutional embodiment of his philosophy”.  (R. Muller, The Desire to be Human, Hiranana, 1983, p.304)
He also seemed to advocate a one world government when he wrote: “Mankind tomorrow will awaken to a ‘pan-organised’ world” (Future of Man).  This is very alarming as it is an indisputable fact that “all power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.  (Lord Acton)


Phil Fernandez writes:
“Many of the New Agers who are fighting for a one-world religion, and have great influence on the U.N., also have Theosophical connections.  The Lucis (Lucifer) Trust maintains the meditation room in the U.N. headquarters.  Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary-General of the U.N. has been greatly influenced in his religious and political thought by the writings of the theosophist, Alice Bailey...  U.N. favourites, Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong also have theosophical leanings.  Indeed, it would not be far from the mark to identify the religion of the United Nations with Theosophy”.  (P. Fernandez, God, Government and the Road to Tyranny : a Christian View of Government and Morality)

Richard Wurmbrand writes:
“The connection between Marxism and Theosophy is not accidental.  Theosophy has spread in the West, the Indian doctrine of the non-existence of an individual soul.  What Theosophy does through persuasion, Marxism does through the power of the whip.  It depersonalizes men, changing them into robots submissive to the State”.  (p.28)


Wurmbrand shows how Marxism and Capitalism are strange bedfellows, but they seem to be made for one another.  Perhaps “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”!  Also Freemasonry and Marxism:  one of Marx’s best friends was Giuseppe Mazzini, the Freemason, and they were both involved in the First Communist International.  According to the Irish Theological Commission, quoting Marilyn Ferguson, “the transcendentalists and Masonry were important antecedents to the New Age Movement.  Alice Bailey, the Theosophist New Ager, in her book, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, says that the three main channels through which the New World Religion will accomplish its plans are the “church”, Freemasonry and education.  (I.T.C. A New Age of the Spirit : a Catholic Response to the New Age Phenomena, Veritas, Dublin, 1994, p.26)  As regards the “church” component, Pope Francis warned in 2013 about a Cabal of Freemasons in the Vatican. (Catholic Herald, 30/7/2013)

Previous popes have also warned about Freemasonry.  The Catholic Church first prohibited Catholics from membership in Masonic organizations and other secret societies in 1738.  Since then, at least eleven popes have made pronouncements about the incompatibility of Catholic doctrines and Freemasonry.  From 1738 until 1983, Catholics who publicly associated with, or publicly supported, Masonic organizations were censured with automatic excommunication.  Since 1983, the prohibition on membership exists in a different form.  Although there was some confusion about membership following the 1965 Second Vatican Council (Vatican II), the Church continues to prohibit membership in Freemasonry because it concluded that Masonic principles and rituals are irreconcilable with Catholic doctrines.  The current norm, the 1983 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s (CDF) Declaration on Masonic associations, states that “faithful who enrol in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion” and membership in Masonic associations is prohibited.  The most recent CDF document about the “incompatibility of Freemasonry with the Catholic faith” was issued in 1985.  (Wikipedia)

The horrific animosities generated in the north of Ireland over the years probably stems from Free Masonic hatred of Catholicism.  The ex-Mason/Orangeman, Pastor Paul Malcolmson, in his book Behind Closed Doors shows how all Protestant Orange groups were vitiated by Masonry.  He now lives in the U.S.A.!  (cf. The Guardian, 24/10/1999, Satanic Secrets of the Orange Order)

Of course, Karl Marx moved in Theosophy and Freemasonry circles and all “Utopian” socialists since seem to follow likewise.  “If New Age and Utopian movements show unity and consistent purpose internationally or historically, it arises from the dark spirit they follow rather than from any conspiratorial skills”.  (Lee Penn, Beware...... p.19)

The god of Freemasonry is the blasphemous trinity of Yahbulon : Yahweh, Bul (or Baal) and On (or Osiris).  Freemasons were very powerful in Latin America with Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin. prominent Masons.  In Ecuador the saintly president, Garcia Moreno, was hacked to death by Masons and Socialists in 1875 for consecrating Ecuador to Jesus.


As I have mentioned above, the politics of the U.N. seem to be Marxism and its religion,  Theosophy.  So it is not surprising that the Democratic Party of the United States, which has been taken over by Marxists, is a great admirer of the U.N. as 80% of Democrats have a favourable view of the U.N., and only 43% of Republicans, according to CNS News.com.  The Socialist American Unions have taken over the higher reaches of the Democratic Party expelling Conservative and Prolife Democrats.  So a small group of card-carrying Communists dictate to the Democratic Party who run the lives of millions of U.S. citizens.

The Democratic Party is no longer the party of Harry Trueman or John F. Kennedy, who alerted America to the perils of its “atheistic foe”, of the “fanaticism and fury” of the “godless”.  Communist conspiracy, possessed as it was by an “implacable, insatiable, unceasing.... drive for world domination”, and “final enslavement”.  How different he was to his brother,  Ted Kennedy, “whose activities and overtures to Moscow were scandalous”.  KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov called Ted Kennedy a ‘useful idiot’.

Paul Kengor, in his article “The Deluded : How Soviet Communists Manipulated the Religious Left”, is scathing of Ted Kennedy and John Kerry and other leftists who were badly duped, he says.

Perhaps we can rephrase Gramschi:  “Democratic Party Christianity does what Socialism could not do!”  Democratic Party members, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama are fulsome in their praise of China’s one child policy.  China is a slave nation where any policeman, the Agenda 2 documentary says, can arbitrarily send a person to a “re-education by labour” camp for three years without any due process at all!


In 1994 the Democratic Socialists of America, under John Sweeney, took over the AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labour, and Congress of Industrial Organisations).  The clause prohibiting Communists from holding AFL-CIO office was quietly dropped.  Now the AFL-CIO is completely controlled by the hard left.

Trevor Loudon claims that the Democratic Party of the past is not the Democratic Party of today, which seems more concerned with the Comintern and international socialism than American workers.  “It is now a full-on ‘progressive party’ with an agenda and platform almost indistinguishable from that of the Communist Party”.

In his book Silent Revolution : How the Left Rose to Political Power and Cultural Dominance, Barry Rubin, the Israeli academic, said that in 2008 Americans elected the most radical left-wing government in their history.


This radical socialist government seems to have had the same preoccupations that characterised the policies of the early Soviet Union, e.g. abortion, lewd sex education, feminism etc.  With State capitalism now in China, the world’s largest Communist Nation, Marxists seem ambivalent about the abolition of private property, but still have the same animosity to the family and Christianity.

As regards abortion, the Democratic Party is a great supporter of Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider originating with Fabian Socialist, Margaret Sanger, an icon of Hilary Clinton, who was one of Saul Alinsky’s most enthusiastic followers.  It was Margaret Sanger who once said “we don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population”, but this does not seem to faze Clinton or Obama.


African Americans, Dr. Ben Carson, Ryan Bomberger, Benjamin Watson, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Dr. Alveda C. King (niece of Dr. Martin Luther King), among others, have lambasted Planned Parenthood as an organisation bent on destroying Black people.  The latter make up 13% of the United States population, but account for over 30% of all abortions.

“Planned Parenthood kills over 260 unarmed black lives every day in America, yet the left praises them.  How many black deaths are attributed to Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan or alt-Right?  I hate racism, but I hate the shedding of innocent blood even more, regardless of the hue of the aborted”.  (African American, Ryan Bomberger)

Abortuaries in the U.S.A. are usually situated like liquor stores in Black areas.  In South Africa these liquor stores were also situated in Black ghettos to keep the natives sweet and docile.  But before 1994 these were nearly all removed by the youth dismayed by their father’s addiction to the bottle, in an attempt to liberate them from their addiction.

In America, whilst the Democratic Party is fawning over Black people to get their votes, they know full well that their policies are supporting unreservedly Planned Parenthood’s abortion war on Black people.  Cecile Richards, of Planned Parenthood, and one of Hilary Clinton’s biggest allies, said recently: “you can’t be a Democrat if you don’t support abortion.  It’s non-negotiable”!  And “Lady Macbeth”, Hilary herself called abortion-on-demand “sacrosanct” and says endorsing it should be a litmus test for Democratic Party legislators.  (Peter LaBarber, Hilary Clinton : “Abortion Sacrosanct....”


In the 8 years of Democrat, Obama’s regime, 320 million babies have been aborted and still the culture of death crowd like socialists Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are baying for more innocent blood.  Is this the prelude to ‘sustainable population’ control with people like George Soros wanting the world population reduced to a few million?

Under Democratic Party speaker, Nancy Pelosi, 709,855 Black babies were aborted.  Prominent congresswoman, Pelosi, is an ardent abortion supporter who claims to be Catholic.  Another Democratic party supported, George Soros, is throwing money at “Black Lives Matter” but then supports Planned Parenthood’s aborting Black lives as if they did not matter at all!


The Talmud says that the occult leads “to apostasy, madness and death”.  This seems borne out in the life and destructive work of Karl Marx and everyone associated with him.

Barry Rubin, the Israeli academic, wrote that “Jewish intellectuals in America, as in Europe, so ignorant or at odds with their own faith, were most likely to seek emotional or spiritual encounters elsewhere.  They flocked to every fringe group, cult, ideology, guru, drug, Marxist Sect, Eastern religion or self improvement system”.  (B. Rubin, Assimilation and its Discontents)

What the Orthodox Rabbi, Daniel Lapin, said of intellectuals and the permissive society, is probably also relevant here.  He quoted Aldous Huxley as saying “For me, as it undoubtedly was for most of my generation, the philosophy of meaningless was an instrument of liberation from a certain moral system.  We were opposed to morality because it interfered with our freedom”.  Lapin adds, “or as the Talmud puts it, whenever the children of Israel were attracted to idolatry, it was in order to permit themselves licence”.

In the above essay the word “destroy” appears many times in connection with the Theosophy-loving Marx and his followers, and their attempt to exclude God from the world for they hated Him and they were in most part not atheists, but haters of the Biblical God and the Judeo-Christian ethic.  Daniel Lapin says of the Jewish Socialist anti-Christian billionaire, George Soros, that he is attempting to recreate the godless Tower of Babel, an earthly city without God.

The EWTN programme mentioned above, and R. Wurmbrand allude to the devilish poetry of the occultist Karl Marx:  “I wish to avenge myself against the One who rules above” and “My soul, once true to God, is chosen for hell”.

In his drama, Oulanem, he writes:
 “Yet I have power within my youthful arms.
To clench and crush you [ i.e. personified humanity] with tempestuous force,
 While for us both the abyss yawns in darkness.
You will sink down and I shall follow laughing,
Whispering in your ears, ‘Descend, come with me, friend’”.

Wurmbrand comments: “Let us remember that Marx’s ideal was to descend into the abyss of hell himself and draw all mankind after him” and “Marx did not hate religion because it stood in the way of the happiness of mankind.  On the contrary, he wished to make mankind unhappy here and throughout eternity.  He proclaimed this as his ideal.  His aim was the destruction of religion.  Socialism, concern for the proletariat, humanism – these were only pretexts”. (p.66)


Dostoevsky, that great seer of totalitarianism, writing about the year 1877, believed that the 19th century would end for old Europe with something colossal, “so irresistible and terrifying that it would change the face of the earth, at any rate in Western Europe”.

“Dostoevsky was totally hostile to this coming revolution because he believed that this movement for social reform was inspired and controlled by persons who were rebels against God and who, therefore far from leading humanity into the Promised Land would drag it into a state of slavery and oppression.

Dostoevsky discovered the deep-seated religious motive behind the coming rebellion; he defined it as a collective expression of refusal to play the game according to God’s rules which he so often described as the cause of the inner disintegration of an individual.  His view was that instigators of the approaching revolution hated God and despised humanity, his creation; that they were convinced that they alone knew the truth, that the common man left to himself would act like a fool.  Therefore, they were determined to use every form of compulsion and deceit in order to force people to take the road which would lead them to the earthly paradise of their own making.  They asserted that, as God had failed to create a world satisfying to human beings, they had to rebuild it on a new plan, because they had the secret of universal happiness”.  Man-made utopias have led to man-made hells. (cf. Sergius Wroblewski, The July Secret, Prow Books, 1985, p.42)

Michael Walsh, in his best-selling book, The Devil’s Pleasure Palace : the Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West describes how Critical Theory released a horde of demons into the American psyche....  They have sown, as Cardinal Bergoglio once wrote of the Devil, ‘destruction, division, hatred and calumny’.

“Everything Marx and Marxism has come in contact with has been cursed and destructive.  Marx called force “the midwife of history”.  The Russian dissident Andrei Amalrik, retorted that “even though the midwife perpetually delivers monsters.... Marxists never tire of promising that the next child will be a splendid one”.

The Jewish radical, Saul Alinsky, quoted above also seems to have been a God hater for he wrote:

“Lest we forget... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did so, so effectively that he at least won his kingdom – Lucifer”.  Like Marx, Alinsky chose Hell:  “Let’s say there is an afterlife and I have anything to say about it, I will unreservedly choose to go to hell...  Hell would be a heaven for me”.  (Wurmbrand, 38)

Socialism, whether of the Marxist or Nazi variety, has a fair amount of devilish occultism at its source leading to “apostasy, madness and death” (The Talmud).  The prolific Indian writer, Agahananda Bharati, wrote of the phony mysticism that floated around the Nazi fortresses, the top leaders may have absorbed those teachings [the antinomianism of the Bhagavad – Gita].  It is not impossible that they got hold of some translations and seeing themselves as Arjunas and Krishnas acted as the new Aryan heroes who made their own rules, and who believed that murdering might not be murdering after all, and that they, as superior hierophants, were doing what Krishna suggested.  This sounds monstrous when said in the West, but I have heard it dozens of times enunciated by gentle Hindu scholars who would not kill a single fly or eat a single fish.


The “gentle Hindu scholars” remind me of the naive liberal professors in seminaries and universities, and the ivory towers of academia worldwide.  Seweryn Bialer, in How Marxism Will Survive, wrote that Marxist socialism is still alive in the great universities of America, Western Europe and Japan, as well as on campuses in Mexico and Brazil.  They believe real socialism has never been tried!  (U.S. News and World Report, April 30th, 1990)

Wurmbrand says that liberal theology... shares with Marx and Engels the guilt for tens of millions of innocents killed by Communism (p.24 )  Monika Hellwig is one good example:  “There is no doubt that the life of Marx, like that of Jesus, was one of self-sacrificing compassionate ministry to others, based on a luminous vision of what human life might and ought to be and a burning desire to help bring it about at whatever cost to himself that might entail”.  (M. Hellwig, Jesus the Compassion of God, Glazier, 1983)


It is amazing how educated people could take Marx’s theories seriously.  And they do : they stand around pontificating about Grundrisse or Marx’s dialectical materialism, about Marx and the young Hegelians, whether true Marxism has ever been seriously implemented etc., and ignore his disingenuousness and the sardonic nature of his works – and the mega deaths.  A “master of suspicion” he was not!

Paul Ricoeur used the term re Marx, Freud and Nietzche.  Anthony Stadlen wrote that “Freud distorted the facts of certain case-histories either to fit his theories, or to make them seem like cures when they were not”.  (James Wood, The Guardian (U.K.) August 25th, 1990).  Marx seems to have also been intellectually dishonest.  Instead of using facts and data to create theories, he did it the other way round.  His entire research was spent trying to find proof and evidence that his naive ideology would work!  “Life proved more complicated than theory ever anticipated”.  (Trotsky)

Paul Johnson, in his book Intellectuals shows how unscientific, anti-philosophical and systematically inaccurate this scientific philosopher and historian was...  he shows how little Marx, the great social critic, knew or tried or wanted to know of the society he lived in” (Preface).

One reviewer of this book says that Marx’s “misreading of human nature helped create the modern totalitarian state” and systematically distorted the data he collected for Das Capital and despite the urging of his collaborator, Engels, never once saw the inside of a factory.  Marx, in fact, had close contact with the proletariat only once in his life; he had a lame servant girl to whom he never paid wages.  He did, however, get her pregnant and then refused to acknowledge responsibility.  (George S. Johnston, Mischief Incorporated (National Catholic Register, April 4th, 1989))

In the Communist Manifesto, Marx railed against capitalists having the wives and daughters of their proletarians at their disposal!  Envy?

Liberal Churchmen who sing the praises of democracy seem ignorant of the fact that Marx was no democrat and not the slightest bit interested in democracy and scorned elections.  The socialist bureaucrats running the E.U. in Brussels today are like their father in this regard (theaustralian.co.au and see also: www.lindsayjenkins.com)


Those liberals, blinded by Marxist ideology, are like socialist John Dewey, the U.S. educationist, and G.B. Shaw, the Irish Fabian who believed that the USSR was heaven on earth.  But this showpiece of Marxism did not develop its own technology:  “...there is no such thing as Soviet technology.  Almost all – perhaps 90-95% - came directly or indirectly from the United States and its allies.  In effect, the United States and the NATO countries have built the Soviet Union, it’s industrial and it’s military capabilities.  This massive construction job has taken 50 years.  Since the Revolution in 1917, it has been carried out through trade and the sale of plants, equipment and technical assistance.....

Roosevelt, whose policies (Sutton) assessed as being essentially the same “corporate socialism”, planned by the big corporations.  Sutton concluded that it was all part of the economic power elites’ “long-range program of nurturing collectivism” and fostering “corporate socialism” in order to ensure “monopoly acquisition of wealth” because it “would fade away if it were exposed to the activity of a free market”.  (Wikipedia: Antony C. Sutton)

No wonder Winston Churchill said of Socialism:  it is “a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy;  it’s inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery”.


Other dangerous innocents abroad, besides some liberals and socialists, are theology of liberation theologians, e.g. Leonardo Boff (“condemned as a Marxist by the Pope”. Time Magazine 27/5/91) and Juan Luis Segundo, the Lenin admirer who published “The Liberation of Theologyin 1976, at the leftist hot bed : Harvard University.  Two years later in 1978, that gadfly of liberals and no sell-out to the zeitgeist who was prepared to put his body where his mouth is, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, gave his stirring commencement address at the same Harvard University stating that “Socialism of any type leads to a total destruction of the human spirit and to a levelling of mankind into death”.

One leftist programme written in Germany (probably by the Frankfurt School!) and distributed worldwide was the simplistic Correspondence Course on the Missionary Charism which had such gems as ‘sex roles are arbitrary’ (24/6) and ‘that the oppression of women is directly related to capitalism’ (24/8).  What of Karl Marx and his long-suffering wife who had to abandon him twice and he never bothered attending her funeral!  What of the female servant he impregnated and then got Engels to claim paternity?  What of Stalin’s abuse of his wife and daughter Svetlana?  What of Chairman Mao “the Satyr”; ‘pornography collector’ and ‘sex maniac’ whose quarters ‘swarmed with young women’?  (Time Magazine 9/3/92, p.54)  None of these tyrants were filthy running dog capitalists!

In their article on Racism in this Correspondence Course, there is no reference to Marx’s vicious racism.  Marx identified black people with ‘idiots’ and constantly used the offensive term ‘nigger’ in private correspondence.  He even championed slavery in North America saying “abolish slavery and you will have wiped America off the map of nations”.  He got it wrong again.  As regards Jews, he regarded them as ‘canker’ saying that the workers need to ‘fight and eliminate such a canker’.  (R. Wurmbrand )  Could Hitler have said worse?

One famous French Algerian nun and ex Communist, said she was shocked at “the extent of the damage” done by this course and is very critical of the “learned brothers” who imposed this on unprepared sisters.


One of the intriguing things emerging from the above study is the recurrent connection between revolutionary socialism and financial capitalism.  Perhaps a letter from the Secret Vatican Archives may throw some light on this connection.  This letter stated that the German Emperor, Wilhelm II, was warned by German Freemasons that the Grand Orient planned to force all sovereign monarchs in Europe to abdicate (which happened in 1918) and to destroy the Catholic Church and bring Europe under the control of American “Big Capital” and prepare for the Masonic World Republic.  Bolshevism would be the instrument of Freemasonry to reach this goal. (Maike Hickson, Secret 1918 Vatican Archives.....)

But aren’t Bolsheviks on the left end of the political spectrum and American bankers on the right?  Surely the two groups have nothing in common?  But historian, Antony Sutton, observed “that both the extreme right and the extreme left of the conventional political spectrum are absolutely collectivist.  The national socialist (for example the fascists) and the international socialist (for example the Communist) both recommend totalitarian politics – economic systems based on naked, unfettered political power and individual coercion.  Both systems require monopoly control of society....  There has been a continuing, albeit concealed, alliance between international political capitalists and international revolutionary socialists – to their mutual benefit....  The open-minded reader should bear two clues in mind:  monopoly capitalists are the bitter enemies of laissez-faire entrepreneurs; and given the weaknesses of socialist central planning, the totalitarian socialist state is a perfect captive market for monopoly capitalists, if an alliance can be made with the socialist powerbrokers”.

The alliance between capital and socialism is illustrated by Eric Zuesse, who wrote in 2015 in the case of socialist President Obama’s trade deals:

“U.S. President Barack Obama’s proposed international trade deals are actually treaties to destroy democracy in the participating nations, and the remarkably small cadre of owners of the controlling blocks of stock in the major international corporations will collectively take ironclad and virtually permanent control of these nations, if these ‘deals’ win those governments’ approval.  The powers-that-be are absolutely determined to take us over, and to leave us only the empty shell of democracy: constitutions that are in-name-only, the real power being left entirely in the hands of the international-corporate aristocracy”.
(Eric Zuesse, The Current Assault against Democracy, 14/11/2015)


Antony Sutton says that both the extreme right and the extreme left.... are absolutely collectivist.  Both praise the submissive robot, e.g. International capitalism:  David Rockefeller praises communist Mao: “Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose.  The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history”.

The incredibly loyal, hard-working, non-questioning cart horse Boxer in Orwell’s Animal Farms who believes that Napoleon (Stalin) “is always right” is based on a real Soviet coal miner, Alexey Stakhanov, who was famous for working over his quota.  The Stalin regime built a cult of personality around him that rewarded unquestioning loyalty and hard work.

David Rockefeller and Stalin had a lot in common.  But soon both these characters will have robots to do the work and then there will be no need for humans at all.  Andrew R. Puzder of the U.S.A. extolled the virtues of robots over employees:  “They are always polite, they always up sell, they never take a vacation, they never show up late, there’s never a slip-and-fall, or an age, sex or race discrimination case”.  (New York Times 21/12/2016 in Worldwide April 2017, p.14)


Modern France is a good example of this fraternising between left and right.  France is  ruled by a banker, Emmanuel Macron, who once was a member of the Socialist Party and also worked for the dynastic international banking family, Rothschild.  Maike Hickson in her article President Macron, Jacques Attali and the Influence of Hidden Oligarchies (www), shows the power of international oligarchies quoting French Academy author, Francis Furet; “There is in all democratic power, a fortiori in all pure democratic power a hidden oligarchy which is at the same time contrary to its principles, yet indispensable to its functioning”.

In other words, Hickson says, modern democracy is based upon a deception and that it might be better to speak of several oligarchies who war among themselves....  She quotes from the book A Man of Influence : the Extraordinary Career of S.G. Warburg - the Story of the Warburg Dynasty and of the Banking Genius who Changed the Face of Modern International Finance by socialist writer and backer of Macron, Jacques Attali.

Attali shows that financial capitalists constitute “a power over the power”.  Hickson’s article comments that “one can therefore note that the modern state has sold or leased its soul to the bankers.  Pope Pius XI is quoted and his 1931 Encyclical Quadragessimo Anno, which warned of “the selfish financial oligarchies and their destructive intractability”.

Hickson quotes renowned church historian, Dr. Michael Hesemann, about the revolutionary changes occurring in Europe due to massive immigration:  “Of course the Freemasons use Islam today just as they made use of Bolshevism in 1917 [in order to destroy Christianity].  The mass immigration in Europe is, after all, clearly politically steered – among others by the high-grade Freemason George Soros, and his political puppets.  What they were not able to achieve with Communism, shall now be implemented with the help of Islam!”

George Soros, of course, is Socialist and a capitalist billionaire, and though Jewish, was a Nazi collaborator who helped in the confiscation of property from fellow Hungarian Jews, friends and neighbours and “rather enjoyed it” he states in a 1998 interview (Geoffrey Grider, Proof of George Soros Nazi Past w.w.w).

Soros, known as “the godfather of the left” is a major source of funding for the socialist U.S. Democratic Party.  His anti-life and anti family agenda is to “create a globalist system of governance that supersedes national sovereignty” (Alive, Dublin, March 2017)


Recently ex Yugoslavian republic Macedonia launched a new global initiative Stop Operation Soros (SOS) and stop his puppet NGO’s worldwide.  It seems that Russia and the whole Slavic countries who have suffered the depredations of the “loony left” of the USSR for so long are determined to stop the EU/U.N. from reintroducing the same failed destructive cultural Marxism policies (exported to the West by the defunct USSR) that are now convulsing the West, e.g. abortion, homosexuality, gender ideology, sex perversion classes for school children and the dumbing down of education.

The EWTN documentary shows the edifying Christian renewal going on in Russia after the years of terror and Christian persecution, probably as a result of the massive prayer campaign surrounding Our Lady of Fatima for Russia’s conversion.  The apparitions in Fatima practically started when Lenin entered St. Petersburg, and then ended only a few days before the outbreak of the October revolution.  Our Lady of Fatima prophesised that Russia would spread its errors throughout the world.  The apparition of the Madonna of La Salette was a warning call for conversion and prayer and began on 10th March 1848, just 6 days after Karl Marx arrived in Paris for his malicious work and seventeen days after the evil Communist Manifesto.  La Salette is only about a hundred kilometres from Paris.  The Madonna was weeping as can be expected from an alarmed “mother” (John 19:27) as we are all her “children” (Apoc. 12:17)

Strangely the Agenda 2 documentary is very sceptical of this Russian Christian renewal, but the South African, Dr. Peter Hammond, is convinced.  In the Evangelical magazine, Joy (October 2016) Hammond praises Putin’s policies:

“First and foremost we should be governed by common sense.  But common sense should be based on moral principles first.  And it is not possible today to have morality separated from religious values”, declared Vladimir Putin.  He has prescribed Aleksander Solzhenitsyn’s vehemently anti-communist books: Gulag Archipelago, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The Cancer Ward as setwork books in Russian schools. Vladimir Putin has led Russia through a dramatic transition from official atheism to a close relationship with the Russian Orthodox Church and recognising Russia as officially an Orthodox Christian country.

The Agenda 2 documentary, whilst in many ways very perceptive, is not without its faults, e.g. its misunderstanding of Putin, (genuinely Christian, but with Soviet expansionist hangovers), its belief that all Islamic terrorism was the work of the USSR, while in fact the U.S.A. had a hand in this as well, e.g. backing the Mujahiddein in Afghanistan.  Also seeing the phrase “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” as a Marxist mantra would not be accurate.  The light-fingered Marx seems to have taken it from Acts 11:29-30 without acknowledgement.


The Agenda 2 documentary makes a number of suggestions to help rectify the situation outlined in their documentary:

            1.         Bank locally in small independent banks and avoid the major ones.  It                     notes that the Federal Reserve Bank is a misnomer as it is privately                owned!

            2.         Need for independent individuals who are not totally reliant on big                           government.

            3.         Need to take back the schools from secular humanism.

Antony Sutton would possibly agree when he says a majority of individuals need to declare or act “as if it wants nothing from government, declares it will look after its own welfare and interests...  needs to find the moral courage and the internal fortitude to reject the something-for-nothing con game and replace it by voluntary associations, voluntary communes, or local rule and decentralized societies” (Wikipedia on Antony Cyril Sutton).  What Catholic social doctrine would call the principle of subsidiarity.


Perhaps we all need to look again at E.F. Schumacher’s perceptive little book entitled Small is Beautiful : Economics As If People Mattered, written in 1973 in the United Kingdom during an energy crisis and the emergence of globalisation.  He was opposed to a single-minded concentration on output and technology as dehumanising.  He blasted notions that ‘growth is good’, that ‘bigger is better’ and questions the appropriateness of using mass production in developing countries, promoting instead production by the masses’.  He questioned the appropriateness of using gross national product to measure human well-being, emphasizing that the “aim ought to be to obtain the maximum amount of well-being with the minimum amount of consumption”.  (Wikipedia)


David Erdal has written a best-selling book, Beyond the Corporation which discusses the idea that when employees own the business, productivity improves.  It is a book for our times, offering inspiration and vision in the wake of financial meltdown.  It is essential reading at a time when the orthodox corporate economy has been badly shaken.  Erdal provides lots of stories of success models not will-o’-the-wisp theories, including the Mondragon Co-op in Spain’s Basque country – “a convincing example of what can be done if Catholic Social teaching is taken seriously”.  (The Month, May 1977)

It was a cause of fascination in the 1970’s before the globalization juggernaut came along which mesmerized people’s critical faculties with its promises of instant gratification.  Mondragon was set up over 50 years ago by a young Basque priest, Fr. Arizmendi, in a region devastated by war.  The Guardian newspaper called it an “unparalleled social and economic experiment which has transformed the region.  It provides one of the most exciting examples in the contemporary world of what can be done when the classic conflict of capitalist society, between capital and labour, has been superseded.” (28/10/1977)

Erdal states that Europe’s second largest coach manufacturer and fifth largest manufacturer of electrical appliances belong to Mondragon.  The workers are keen and happy and so no one has ever been sacked, and there has only been one strike when a co-op grew too large and personal relationships had broken down.  “Small is beautiful”!

I believe that co-ops like Mondragon can play a significant role in what Pope John Paul called “the indispensable transformation of the structures of economic life”.


On World Food Day, 16/10/2012, a commemoration sponsored by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation, the Pope said that the co-operatives are an alternative to policies that “seem to have as their sole objective, profit, the defence of markets, the non-food use of agricultural products (and) the introduction of new production techniques without the necessary precaution”.

He said agricultural co-operatives can be important ways for local people to control their own work lives and respond to local needs for employment and food security.

At the same time, he said, they are a means to bring people together, value the contributions of individuals and promote the common good of a group.

Pope Benedict added that co-operatives are also a practical example of what Catholic social teaching means when it encourages “subsidiarity”:  making decisions at the simplest, most decentralised and most local level possible.  (Universe (UK) 21/10/2012)

The Month article quoted above talks of taking Catholic social teaching seriously.  This is important, otherwise many, including Churchmen, will continue being duped by dangerous Marxist ideology.  A few years ago Churches Together in Britain published a 62-page book called Prosperity with a Purpose: Churches Vision of a Just Society.  Fortunately there was no kowtowing to Marxist analysis, but to its antithesis : Catholic social doctrine, developed by the popes since Leo XIII wrote Rerum Novarum in 1891, with its condemnation of Communism.  Clifford Longley, the principal author, said the book was influenced by Laborem Exercens, the encyclical by Pope John Paul II, whom some liberal Catholics at the time regarded as “an aberration”!

The Lutheran minister who heads the Bread for the World organisation, David Beckman, has spoken about his great admiration for Catholic social teaching.  (Alive Magazine, Dublin, March 2011)

So, with Jewish (David Erdal) and Protestant accolades for Catholic social teaching, what is the problem with Catholic Churchmen so enamoured with Marxist anarchy, so much at variance with Catholic teaching? They probably have more sympathy with Karl Marx’s cynical dismissal of Christian socialism as “the holy water with which the priest consecrates the heart-burnings of the aristocrat”!


At the 2009 Synod of African bishops in Rome, Archbishop Buti Tlhagale of Johannesburg warned that the “moral values embedded in the diverse African cultures”, are “threatened by the new global ethic which aggressively seeks to persuade African governments and communities to accept new and different meanings of concepts of family, marriage and human sexuality”.

Tlhagale said that the “cultures of Africa are under heavy strain from liberalism, secularism, and from lobbyists who squat at the United Nations”.

“Africa faces a second wave of colonization, both subtle and ruthless at the same time”.

The Archbishop’s remarks could perhaps be supported by the American, Eric Zuesse’s, claims above in the paragraph Strange Bedfellows, where he says that the powers-that-be are absolutely determined to take us over, and to leave us only the empty shell of democracy: constitutions that are in-name-only, the real power being left entirely in the hands of the international corporate aristocracy”.

If democracy is “government of the people, by the people and for the people”, it is not happening, as democracy seems to have a terrible weakness in allowing dedicated cliques to become an oligarchy.  But then leading socialists like Margaret Sanger, detested the democratic process and her ideal form of government was one in which an elite ruled by an aristocratic form of government.  Even America is ‘a sham democracy, a corporate-managerial state run by secularized elites, contemptuous of America’.

Maike Hickson above, writes of “several oligarchies who war among themselves”.              In South Africa, its much vaunted new Constitution was not much help when faced with the machinations of the Gupta oligarchy (“constitutions that are in-name-only, the real power being left entirely in the hands of the international corporate aristocracy”.)  The Gupta oligarchy seems now to be on the way out, and then?  Black Opinion suggests, perhaps, “the Rothschilds and the Ruperts” (23/8/2017).  Another possible and more probable oligarchy, and blessed with the holy water of many Churchmen, is the Soros oligarchy.


The George Soros tentacles have reached into the nascent ‘democracy’ of South Africa.  George Soros’  “Open Society Foundation” awarded the AmaBhungane Centre for Investigative Journalism, a grant worth at least R2-million.  The Black Opinion website, 23/8/2017, states that the AmaBhungane Centre has its roots in the weekly newspaper, the Mail and Guardian, and they have published on platforms such as the Daily Maverick and the Huffington Post South Africa.  All three papers are Socialist and LGBTQIXYZ and show again how Socialists and big international capital (Soros) can co-exist quite happily together.

Black Opinion reports that in October 2015, “the top leadership of the ostensible Marxist-Leninist parliamentary, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) led by its Commander-in-Chief, Julius Malema, went to London and met, amongst others, Lord Robin Renwick, “Chief imperialist negotiator”, as Black Opinion calls him, “who negotiated neo-colonial settlements consecutively in Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa” and boasts of “convincing Nelson Mandela to abandon the ANC’s policy on nationalisation”.  Renwick, Black Opinion states, “has business links to the Rothschilds, the Ruperts, and some of the biggest multi-national companies in the World”.   “White Power handlers like Renwick seem to be preparing Julius Malema like they prepared Nelson Mandela in the 1990’s” to carry out their bidding.  (Black Opinion 17/8/2017)
It seems Socialism is, and always has been, the catspaw of big global capitalism, with some sincere, but naive, socialists (or “useful idiots” [Lenin]) like Boxer, the hardworking but naive horse in Orwell’s Animal Farm.

The above reference to “ostensible” Marxist-Leninist EFF is also a bit naive if it suggests Marxism and Capitalisms are poles apart.  Karl Marx himself was financed by the Dutch Capitalist Company, Phillips, and the wealthy industrialist, Frederick Engels, who mixed freely with the gentry as a great fox hunting man!  Perhaps Communists get their preference for red from Engels’ fox hunting prowess, as red uniforms are de rigeur!  Lenin and the Bolsheviks were financed by, among other, the Capitalist German Government:  “Lenin and his comrades received vast sums of money from the Kaiser’s government for their destructive agitation”.  (General Max von Hoffmann)  Edward Bernstein said that “the sum was very large....  more than 50 million gold marks”.  (www.WND.com, 18/5/2000)


With the South African Communist Party planning on contesting the 2019 elections independently, and seemingly getting support from academics and disaffected ANC veterans, plus the increasing popularity of the Red Economic Freedom Fighters, a revolutionary socialist party, it looks as if support for Marxism is on the up and up in South Africa.

Since there seems to be a symbiotic relationship between communism and capitalism, as we have seen above, it could mean that the centre of power in South Africa could move to an impregnable castle, somewhere in the U.S.A., belonging to the international corporate aristocracy with only the empty shell of democracy here.

Then the wreckers and destroyers, the Lenin-like, cold, impersonal tyrants, driven only by ideology (some even Churchmen, infiltrators and dupes) will have their day.  Acting like other Lenins and “making drugs of various kinds readily available by creating the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness and worthlessness” (Lenin) and “debauching the currency” and “engaging all the hidden forces of economic laws on the side of destruction”  (John Maynard Keynes), making civilization ‘stink’ by corrupting all its values and making life impossible, “they can impose the dictatorship of the proletariat” (Willie Münzenberg of the Frankfurt School).

Then we will get the whole loony left of cultural Marxism, gender ideology and Marxist feminism, as well as ‘critical theory’ -  what deconstruction does to literature, critical theory does to societies along with political correctness – in essence, psychological bullying.

Marx once wrote:  “A silent, unavoidable revolution is taking place in society, a revolution that cares as little about the human lives it destroys as an earthquake cares about the houses it ravages.  Classes and races that are too weak to dominate the new conditions of existence will be defeated”. (Wurmbrand, Profit p.123)

His alter ego, Engels, wrote in a similar vein:  “The next world war will make whole reactionary peoples disappear from the face of the earth.  This, too, is progress.  Obviously this cannot be fulfilled without crushing some delicate national flower.  But without violence and without pitilessness nothing can be obtained in history”.  (Wurmbrand, Prophet p.33)


Lenin callously once said if you want to make an omelette, you must be willing to smash a few eggs – that’s probably the rationale behind the killing of 10 million Ukranians in the Communist genocide.

Last but not least, the guerrilla leader, Che Guevara, regarded as a ‘Christian Marxist’ and venerated almost as a saint!  He chillingly advocated ‘unbending hatred of the enemy’ so as to be transformed “into an effective, violent, selective and cold mechanism of death.  That is how our soldiers must be, for a people without hatred cannot win!”

If we think that these things could not happen in South Africa, we need to remember that socialist Tanzania had forced removals, rivalling South Africa’s, and 11 million people were moved by force into socialist villages.  This and similar policies placed the Tanzanian government in virtual receivership to its foreign donors (M.F. Lofchie, Agrarian Socialism in the Third World : The Tanzanian Case, Comparative Politics, Vol.8, 1976, p.486)


The Democratic Alliance also seems to be influenced by socialism or the cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School, so it has no problem with policies that destroy the traditional family, e.g. abortion, LGBTIQXYZ Rights and Comprehensive Sexuality Education (C.S.E.) a “diabolical tool used to advance the LGBTI Agenda” funded by U.N. agencies and could more accurately be called ‘abortion, promiscuity and LGBTI rights education’.  It has been implemented in the Eastern Cape and will be rolled out countrywide in subsequent years. (Errol Naidoo, Joy Magazine, June 2017)  “Comprehensive Sexuality Education goes far beyond sex ed and is a dangerous assault on the health and innocence of children”.  (American College of Paediatricians).

I believe that David Wilkerson was remarkably prescient in his 1974 book The Vision when he prophesised, amongst other things “a flood of filth” would envelop the world.

Perhaps the leader of the DA, Preacher Mmusi Maimane of the Discovery Church in Randburg, has also had his Church infiltrated by Socialism and seems to be following the Socialist agenda.


In October 2008, the academic, Mamphela Rampele, said that the education system in South Africa must be completely overhauled and Outcomes Based Education done away with.  “It has failed our nation.... we have chosen the worst curriculum policy that you could ever imagine.... not a single country in this world that has undertaken O.B.E. has succeeded.  Canada tried it, they dumped it.  The U.K., the Netherlands and New Zealand tried it, they dumped it”.  Rampele said that because of the choice of O.B.E. the country was failing 80% of its poor young people.  (Independent on line 28/10/2008)

The O.B.E. failure worldwide was well known, yet it was nevertheless introduced.  Was “the worst curriculum” chosen deliberately to promote the chaos that must take place before the so-called proletarian revolution?  Also the huge numbers of unemployed young Black people sitting all day long in the streets playing dice.... was that also planned so that the powers-that-be had enough time to develop robots to replace human beings altogether?  Chris Chatteris S.J. said that “if employers can find machines that work 24 hours a day without complaining or demanding more money, some certainly will.  Greed is a powerful force”.  (Southern Cross, 20/9/2017, p.7)  And that “greed” probably emanates from a remote, distant oligarchy that uses amoral socialists with no value system to do their bidding.

Why was the lewd Planned Parenthood Love life sex education imposed in all schools after 1994 when it was known that it was a disaster in other countries promoting more sexual activity by learners, not less – sexual chaos, in fact, as in America.  The American Psychological Association issued a report on the growing sexualisation of children said it leads to poor self-image, eating disorders, depression, academic failure in school, low self-confidence etc.  Aquinas said that “impurity leads inevitably to violence”.  So did Shakespeare in Sonnet 129, and the Bible in 2 Samuel 13:15.  This would help account for the increase in violence in our schools and for South Africa having one of the highest rates of HIV/AIDS in the world.  Lynette Burrows writing on Planned Parenthood’s global war on the family said that it has produced “the most diseased generation of young people there has ever been”.  (Catholic Herald, U.K. 17/8/2001)

The drug chaos (and now the effort to legalise dagga), was that also deliberately engineered in accordance with Lenin’s devilish plan of “making drugs of various kinds readily available, by creating the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness and worthlessness”?


Can Socialists be trusted to run a country or will they use the levers of power to produce chaos before the proletarian revolution?  Can they be trusted when Marx said that “Communism abolishes eternal truth.... and all morality” and the proletariat sees law, morality and religion as “so many bourgeois prejudices”?  Socialists have thrown away the moral compasses and are amoral imbeciles.

Can Socialists be trusted with their track record of mega-deaths unrivalled in history?  After all, Stalin is not unique, as Lenin began the terror.  Socialists without any moral convictions will always be the catspaw for the wealthy oligarchies and do their bidding to wipe out “useless eaters”.  Bill Gates and David Rockefeller were the leading members of a billionaire’s club that met in secret to discuss how to strengthen measures for population control, particularly in the developing world through “the guise of philanthropy”.  Other notable members include Ted Turner, George Soros, Warren Buffet and Michael Bloomberg.  (21st Century Wire, Eugenics Today, 14/1/2004)

In the case of Soros, wealth and power may have gone to Soros’ head.  In numerous interviews, he has admitted to fantasizing that he is “a god”.

“I admit that I have always harboured an exaggerated view of self-importance – to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god”, he wrote in 1987.

He confessed to The Independent in 1993, “It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out”.

He told British television, “Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad”.

In 2002, Soros was convicted by a French court of insider trading. (Lifesite News 17/8/2017) The man Soros and his cronies aspire to rule the world and are making rapid moves in this regard. 

Socialists are good at liquidating people as the Soviet and Maoist regimes show.  Hence the danger of them in the U.N. in environmental issues as they would be willing pawns for the billionaires in wiping out millions in order to bring down the population.  Perhaps now in some leafy suburbs of America, the Zero Population crowd are planning a Wannasee-style conference to liquidate surplus people and “useless eaters”.


As we can see from the documentaries mentioned above, it is amazing how many churchmen are duped by socialistic ideas that lead to chaos in schools and family life, with drug use, youth unemployment, gender anarchy, rampant sodomy etc.  The Churchmen pat one another on the back for being ‘masters of suspicion and dab-handed at Marxist analysis and prepare festschriften for one another.

Sometime in the future will they rue the day they espoused Marxism as Lenin seemingly did when on his deathbed he bewailed the horrific Marxist bloodletting and invoked St. Francis of Assisi as the antithesis of all he stood for?

The Latin American Franciscan theologian, Constantine Koser, probably had these Churchmen in mind when he wrote:

“In consequence of these ideas and facts, many have convinced themselves that the important thing is to promote the present world, wasting no time on another world: neither on a life with God, nor on a relationship with spirits, nor on a religion, nor on Christianity.  Absolute “here-and-now-ism”.  Thought, time or effort dedicated to what does not pertain to the present world of  man and to the betterment of the human situation is a waste; it is prejudicial “alienation”.  This is the meaning of radical horizontalism, which daily gains more and more ground.  Whether widespread or not, whether deeply radical or not, whether emotionally intense or not, it really boils down to a modern type of hedonism and/or “consumerism”.
Certainly this philosophy is not limited to non-Christians.  On the contrary, it has even infected many priests and religious contaminating their faith, weakening their convictions, questioning their existential commitments, corroding their pastoral forcefulness, turning their interests away from God and from life with Him.  The great and only “sin” is alienation.  Life with God finds itself on the list of the suspect, if not the outright harmful.  The vague sentiment of guilt which many feel when they give themselves and their time to life with God is an inevitable and fatal result”
(Constantine Koser Ofm, Our Life with God, p.11)


T.S. Eliot wrote that “darkness declares the glory of light”.  Christ, the light of the world, always conquers, even though it seems his Church is losing ground, but Christians who pray are the real conquerors.  In Exodus 17:11f, we read of Moses winning the battle against superior Amalekite power as long as his arms are raised.  When our arms are raised in prayer we can overcome any evil and here are some extraordinary examples:

On September 11th 2001, Osama bin Laden launched his attack on America.  Why September 11th?  Because September 11th marks the anniversary of the battle of Vienna in which Catholic soldiers, under Poland’s King Jan Sobieski beat back a Turkish invasion in 1683.  It was “one of the most famous sieges in history (Enc. Brit. 17, p.264).  For Osama bin Laden the attack on America was to be revenge for this Turk defeat.  Then a month later on October 7th, the U.S.A.–led coalition launched its military campaign against bin Laden in Afghanistan.  It was no accident that this date of October 7th was the anniversary of the battle of Lepanto and of a huge Catholic victory over the Turks.  It was one of the largest naval engagements in history.


In 1571, the Turks, under Selim the Sot (or Drunk), invaded Europe.  Selim was the son of one of the greatest rulers of the Ottoman Empire, Suleiman the Magnificent.  Suleiman had built a powerful army and navy, one of the greatest ever in the Empire.  He was a wise man (Suleiman means Solomon); he never tried to invade Europe.  But his son was not so wise.  Drunk with the power he had inherited in 1566, Selim decided to invade Europe.

On the throne of Peter, at this time, happened to be a crusading Pope, St. Pius V.  He called for a crusade against the Turks.  Only a handful responded:  Don John of Austria, the Spaniards, the Venetians, and the small Papal fleet.  They were no match for the Turkish fleet, which outnumbered them three to one.  St. Pius V was a Dominican, and Dominicans have a great devotion to the rosary.  So Pius V called for a rosary crusade in Europe to help the Christian forces.  On October 7, 1571, the Christian forces under Don John and Andrea Doria, met the Turks off the coast of Greece, the Gulf of Lepanto, and miraculously defeated them.  Don John confessed that the victory was won, not by fighting arms, but by praying arms.

In thanksgiving for this victory, the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary was established on October 7th.


At the end of World War II, the allies did a nasty thing:  they turned Catholic Austria over to the Russians. The Austrians tolerated this Soviet domination for three years, but that was enough.  They wanted the Soviets out of their country.  But what could Austria do: seven million against 220 million?

Then a Franciscan priest, Pater Petrus Ofm, remembered Don John of Austria.  Outnumbered three to tone, Don John led the Papal, Venetian and Spanish ships against the Turks at Lepanto, and through the power of the rosary miraculously defeated them.  So Pater Petrus called for a rosary crusade against the Soviets.  He asked for a tithe:  that ten percent of the Austrians, 700,000, would pledge to say the rosary daily for the Soviets to leave their country.  700,000 pledged.
For seven years the Austrians prayed the rosary. Then, on May 13 the anniversary of the apparition at Fatima, in 1955, the Russians just packed up and left Austria.

Even to this day military strategists and historians are baffled.  Why did the Communists pull out?  Austria is a strategically located country, a door to the West, rich in mineral deposits.  To them it was an enigma.  Russia was still an expanding empire, and later to invade Afghanistan.

Al Williams, former custodian of the National Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, heard me tell this story once.  He said to me, “You know Father, I am Austrian.  Well, three months before Roman Catholic mystic, Therese Neumann died, I visited her (June 18th, 1962).  One question I asked her was, ‘Why did the Russians leave Austria?’   She told me; ‘Verily, verily, it was the rosaries of the Austrian people.’””

In other words, Our Lady’s rosary did what the Hungarian Freedom Fighters could not do with a bloodbath of 25,000 people.  John Cortes, brilliant writer and diplomat of the 19th century, wrote:  “Those who pray do more for the world than those who fight.  If the world is going from bad to worse, it is because there are more battles than prayers”.


In the November 1964 issue of the Reader’s Digest, there was a story titled:  “The Country that Saved Itself”.  That country was Brazil.  The stage was all set, in 1961, to take over Brazil, just like Cuba.  But guess who thwarted this Communist takeover?  The women of Brazil with their rosaries!  “Without women”, said one of the leaders of the counterrevolution, “we could never have halted Brazil’s plunge toward communism”.

One night in mid 1962, Dona Amelia Bastos listened to her husband and a band of anti-Reds discuss the looming threat of Communism.  “I suddenly decided”, she said, “that politics had become too important to be left entirely to men....  Moreover, who has more at stake in what’s happening to our country than we women”?

She formed CAMDE (Campaign of Women for Democracy).  In Belo Horizonte, 20,000 women, reciting the rosary aloud, broke up the leftist meeting there.  In Sao Paulo, 600,000 women praying the rosary in one of the most moving demonstrations in Brazilian history, sounded the death knell of the Communist revolution.

On the 27th April 2014, (Divine Mercy Sunday) Pope Francis canonized Pope John Paul II, dubbed “Man of the Century” and raised him to the altars as most worthy of imitation, for amongst other things, his courageous and unmitigated attack on the Socialist menace. “On 2nd June 1979, one million Poles gathered in Victory Square for their first Mass with their Polish pope.  That day every Communist in Warsaw must have known that their oppressive system would soon come crashing down.  They must have known it during Pope John Paul II’s sermon when a million Polish men, women and children suddenly raised their voices in a single prayer.  They did not ask for wealth or privilege.  Instead, they said three simple words:  ‘We want God’.  In those words, the Polish people found new courage to face down their oppressors”.  (Donald Trump) (Alive, Sept, 2017)   It was Pope John Paul who also gave us the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), unrivalled in Church history in its clear and luminous outline of 2000 years of our glorious Tradition. It was written by all the bishops of the world in union with Pope John Paul II, including Cardinal Bergolio, the future Pope Francis.  It has pages of Biblical and Ecumenical Council citations etc., and is our guide for a long time to come as never has there been a consensus like this in one volume. Even one of Israel’s most revered rabbis, Shlomo Riskin, praised it.  (Jerusalem Post 18/8/1985)

In all the confusion today stemming from Socialism in the spheres of religion, politics, morals, marriage, education, economics, etc., the CCC is an unrivalled and perennial beacon of hope and guidance for the confused.  No wonder Pope Francis praised it:


“We who preach the Gospel must not think of ourselves as public relations agents sent to establish good will between Christ and the world. We must not imagine ourselves commissioned to make Christ acceptable to big businessmen or the press or the world of sports or modern education. We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not a compromise but an ultimatum”.  (A.W. Tozer)


on Saturday, 30 June 2007. Posted in World Government


Christian Revelation teaches that that the world will not last forever. One day, God will put an end to the terrestrial world. The Church does not know the date of this event, only God the Father knows: “But as for that day and hour, nobody knows it, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, no one but the Father alone.” (Matthew 24:36)
Jesus Christ, however, left us with many prophecies that are clear enough to allow us to understand the unfolding of what will precede the end times; these are called the “signs of the times”. Before His second and final coming on Judgement Day, Jesus Christ will have prepared the hearts of men through a series of events. Is there any official text from the Catholic Church about these events preceding the end times? Yes, it can be found in the r Catechism of the Catholic Church (issued in 1992), paragraphs 675 to 677:


“Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. (Cf. Luke 18:8  ‘But when the Son of man comes, will he find any faith on earth?’ and Matthew 24:12 ‘And with the increase of lawlessness, love in most people will grow cold.’) The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth (Cf. Luke 21:12; John 15:19-20) will unveil the ‘mystery of iniquity’ in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh. (Cf. 2 Thessalonians 2:4-12; 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3; 2 John 7; 1 John 2:1 8, 22)”

“The Antichrist’s deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through eschatological judgement. The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism, especially the ‘intrinsically perverse’ political form of secular messianism.”

“The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection. (Cf. Revelation 19:1-9). The kingdom will be fulfilled, then, not by a historic triumph of the Church through a progressive ascendancy, but only by God’s victory over the final unleashing of evil, which will cause his Bride to come down from heaven. (Cf. Revelation 13:8; 20:7-10; 21:2-4). God’s triumph over the revolt of evil will take the form of the Last Judgement after the final cosmic upheaval of the passing world.” (Cf. Revelation 20:12; 2 Peter 3:12-13)


Jesus announces a final persecution against His Church before His return, though the seemingly universal (but temporary) success of the Antichrist, who will establish a “false peace” on earth (Cf. 1 Thessalonians 5:3), through a world government and a world religion that will deny Jesus Christ as the true Messiah.
This coming of the Antichrist will be preceded by a general apostasy, the loss of faith of most of the Christians: “Let no one deceive you in any way. For unless the apostasy comes first and the lawless one is revealed, the one doomed to perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god and object of worship, so as to seat himself in the temple of God.” (2 Thessalonians 3-4). For if people were faithful to their Christian beliefs, they would never submit to the lies of the Antichrist. The work of the enemies of God to undermine the faith is clear for everyone to see today.

Saint Paul also wrote in his First Epistle to Timothy (4:1-2): “Now the Spirit explicitly says that in the last times some will turn away from the faith by paying attention to deceitful spirits and demonic instructions through the hypocrisy of liars with branded consciences.” And in 2 Timothy 3:1-5: “But understand this: there will be terrifying times in the last days. People will be self-centred and lovers of money, proud, haughty, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, irreligious, callous, implacable, slanderous, licentious, brutal, hating what is good, traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, as they make a pretence of religion but deny its power.”


The logical result of this loss of faith is the establishment of a world without God, an idea which has been dreamt of by many people over the last centuries (for example, the French Revolution in France, the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia), but especially by some Masonic circles. In these secret circles, one is longing for what John Lennon wrote in his popular song Imagine in 1971; many people sing it without thinking about the meaning of the lyrics, but this song could very well be described as a hymn to a godless world government:

Imagine there’s no Heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one


In his recent book, Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Benedict XVI, in a comment on the prayer of Our Father, wrote this about the Beast of the Apocalypse:

“We see before us the dragon of which the Book of Revelation speaks. ‘Then another sign appeared in Heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems’. (Revelation 12:3) John portrays the ‘beast rising out of the sea,’ out of the dark depths of evil, with the symbols of Roman imperial power, and he thus puts a very concrete face on the threat facing the Christians of his day: the total claim placed upon man by the emperor cult and the resulting elevation of political-military-economic might to the peak of absolute power – to the personification of the evil that threatens to devour us”.

“Notwithstanding the dissolution of the Roman Empire and its ideologies, this remains very contemporary!. Today there are on one hand the forces of the market, of traffic in weapons, in drugs, and in human beings, all forces that weigh upon the world and ensnare humanity irresistibly”.


Every year for Lent, the Pope invites a distinguished bishop or theologian to preach a retreat (the “Spiritual Exercises”) to all the members of the Roman Curia including the Pope himself.

This year, in February of 2007, Pope Benedict invited Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, the retired archbishop of Bologna, Italy, to preach that retreat. And guess what the topic was?. The Antichrist!

Cardinal Biffi based his lectures on the last book of the great Russian philosopher Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov (1853-1900), The Three Dialogues and the Story of the Antichrist, in which the Antichrist is elected president of the United States of Europe, acclaimed as emperor in Rome, takes possession of the entire world, and finally imposes his command even over the life and organization of the Churches. Here is a news report from the Catholic news agency Zenit:

“VATICAN CITY, FEB 28, 2007 (Zenit.org). – The Antichrist is the reduction of Christianity to an ideology, instead of a personal encounter with the Saviour, says the Cardinal directing the retreat which Benedict XVI is attending. Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, retired archbishop of Bologna, delivered that message during a meditation Tuesday, drawing on the work of Russian philosopher Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov. The Cardinal’s meditation came during the weeklong Spiritual Exercises being attended by the Pope and members of the Roman Curia. The retreat ends this Saturday. The Holy father suspended hiss usual meetings, including the general audience, in these days”.

“According to Vatican Radio’s summary of his preaching, the Cardinal explained that ‘the teaching that the great Russian philosopher left us is that Christianity cannot be reduced to a set of values. At the centre of being a Christian is, in fact, the personal encounter with Jesus Christ’. Quoting the work The Tree Dialogues on War, Progress and the End of History, Cardinal Biffi told his listeners that ‘the Antichrist presents himself as a pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist’.

“’He will convoke an ecumenical council and will seek the consensus of all the Christian confessions, granting something to each one. The masses will follow him, with the exception of small groups of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants,’ he said. The Cardinal added that Solovyov says in that work: ’Days will come in Christianity in which they will try to reduce the salvific event to a mere series of values”.

“In his Tale of the Antichrist Solovyov foresees that a small group of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants will resist and will say to the Antichrist: ‘You give us everything, except what interests us, Jesus Christ’. For Cardinal Biffi, this narrative is a warning: ‘Today, in fact, we run the risk of having a Christianity which puts aside Jesus with His cross and resurrection’”.

“The 78-year old Cardinal said that if Christians ‘limited themselves to speaking of shared values they would be more accepted on television programs and in social groups. But in this way, they will have renounced Jesus, the overwhelming reality of the resurrection’. The Cardinal said he believes that this is ‘the danger that Christians face in our days...the Son of God cannot be reduced to a series of good projects sanctioned by the prevailing worldly mentality...There are  relative values, such as solidarity, love of peace and respect for nature. If these become absolute, uprooting or even opposing the proclamation of the event of salvation, then these values become an instigation to idolatry and obstacles on the way of salvation”.


The American priest, Fr. Robert Altier, claims that atheist Marxists who hated God and the Church infiltrated the U.S. seminaries from 1924 with sodomites to destroy the Church from within.

The EWTN documentary “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothingshows how the Church was infiltrated.  (See YouTube)  One leading Marxist was Dr. Bella Dodd, who was a  leading member of the Communist Party executive and a lapsed Catholic, but who returned to the faith when she realised the malice Marxists were involved in.  (See this blog: “Karl Marx, Satanist”)  She gave a Congressional testimony in which she stated:  “In the 1930’s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood to destroy the Church from within....  Right now they are in the highest place in the Church.  [In 1953 she claims there were four of their Cardinals in the Vatican!]  A Kremlin 1929 instruction to the U.S. Marxist Party instructed that they pick the best and brightest seminarians.  Bella Dodd says that they were “successful beyond our wildest imagination”.  She reveals more on this in her book  School of Darkness”.

In 1932 William Foster, a Marxist, ran for the Presidency of the U.S.A.  He wrote a book entitled “Towards a Soviet America”.  But he met obstacles, three major blockages:  (1) Christian morality.  (2) Christian Family.  (3) Patriotism.  So he said these have to be destroyed.  The chosen methods were sodomy and radical feminism.  Professor Caroline Gress said recently that “both radical feminism and homosexuality have no use for healthy, ordered, loving men and women, parents and children”.  (Catholic World Report, 7/9/18)

In 1982 a Catholic priest by the name of Fr. Enrique Rueda, wrote a book: “The Homosexual Network : Private Lives and Public Policy” – a 100 page book.  It exposed the sodomy networks in the U.S.  But sadly it was ignored because it was a bit “disturbing”.  People can get fearful if comfort zones are invaded.

Morton Blackwell said of this book by Rueda:  THE reference work on the subject for those committed to traditional moral values”.  Of course, Marx and Marxists excoriated traditional moral values.  And those who hated traditional moral values most were the Frankfurt School of Marxism, who even though nearly all Jews, hated the Bible and Judeo-Christian values as much as Karl Marx did.  If ever there was a “culture of death” crowd it was these Frankfurt School of Marxism.  Their goal:  to make Western civilization and Christianity “stink”, corrupt all its values and make life impossible – by complete anarchy and anti-nomianism, and then impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.


On January 10, 1963, Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr. of Florida read a list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record.  The list was derived from researcher Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist”.  These principles are well worth revisiting today in order to gain insight into the thinking and strategies of much of our so-called liberal elite: 

1.         U.S. should accept coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2.         U.S. should be willing to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.  [Note:            These encapsulate the Kennan Doctrine, which advocated for the “containment” of      communism.  Establishment figures supporting the amoral containment policy at least implicitly worked with the communists in scaring the wits out of the American people concerning atomic war.  President Ronald Reagan undid the doctrine when he took an aggressive stand against the Evil Empire by backing freedom fighters from around the world that were struggling against the left-wing communist jackboot.  As a result, the Soviet Union and its satellites imploded, a considerable and unexpected setback to the international communist edifice.]

3.         Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the U.S. would be a demonstration of “moral strength”.  [Note: The nuclear freeze advocates supported a freeze on American nuclear development only.  Rarely were Soviet nukes or those of other nations mentioned in their self-righteous tirades.  The same advocates now call for reducing American military might, claiming that there is something immoral about America preserving its military pre-eminence in the world.]

4.         Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war. [Note: Today, there are calls to end the embargo on the slave island of Cuba, there were complaints about the embargo against Iraq, and the U.S., not Saddam Hussein, was blamed for the suffering of the Iraqi people.  Would they have advocated for free trade with Hitler and his National Socialist regime?]

5.         Extend long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

6.         Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.  [Note: Such aid and trade over decades contributed greatly to the left-wing communist liquidation of over 100 million people worldwide, according to the well-documented “Black Book of Communism”.  This aid and trade marks a shameful chapter in American history.  Without the aid and trade, the left-wing international communist behemoth would have imploded on its own rot a lot sooner and umpteen millions would have been saved from poverty, misery, starvation and death.]

7.         Grant recognition of Red China and admission of Red China to the U.N.  [Note: Not only did President Jimmy Carter fulfil this goal but he also betrayed America’s allies in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Iran, Afghanistan, Angola and elsewhere.]

8.         Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the Germany question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

9.         Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the U.S. has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

10.       Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

11.       Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind.  If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. [Note: There are still American intellectuals, and elected members of Congress, who dream of an eventual one world government and who view the U.N., founded by communists such as Alger Hiss, the first secretary-general, as the instrument to bring this about.  World government was also the dream of Adolf Hitler and J.V. Stalin.  World government was the dream of Osama bin Laden and the 9/11 hijackers.]

12.       Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.  [Note: While the idea of banning any political party runs contrary to notions of American freedom and liberty, notions that are the exact opposite of those held by the left-wing communists themselves, nevertheless these goals sought to undermine the constitutional obligation of Congress to investigate subversion.  The weakening of our government’s ability to conduct such investigations led to the attack of 9/11.]

13.       Do away with loyalty oaths.  (Note: It is entirely proper and appropriate for our government to expect employees, paid by the American taxpayer, to take an oath of loyalty.]

14.       Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

15.       Capture one or both of the political parties in the U.S.  [Note: In his book, “Reagan’s War”, Peter Schweizer demonstrates the astonishing degree to which communists and communist sympathizers have penetrated the Democratic Party.  In his book, Schweizer writes about the presidential election of 1979.]

16.       Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions, by claiming their activities violate civil rights.  [Note:  This strategy goes back to the founding of the American Civil Liberties Union by Fabian Socialists Roger Baldwin and John Dewey and Communists William Z. Foster and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn among others.]

17.       Get control of the schools.  Use them as transmission belts for Socialism and current Communist propaganda.  Soften the curriculum.  Get control of teachers associations.  Put the party line in textbooks.

18.       Gain control of all student newspapers.

19.       Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations that are under Communist attack.  [Note: The success of these goals, from a communist perspective, is obvious.  Is there any doubt this is so?]

20.       Infiltrate the press.  Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21.       Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and motion pictures.

22.       Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all form of artistic expression.  An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings”, substituting shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.

23.       Control art critics and directors of art museums.  “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art”.

24.       Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.

25.       Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.  [Note: This is the Gramscian agenda of the “long march through the institutions” spelled out explicitly: gradual takeover of the “means of communication” and then using those vehicles to debauch the culture and weaken the will of the individual to resist.]

26.       Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural and healthy”.  [Note: Today those few who still have the courage to advocate public morality are denounced and viciously attacked.  Most Americans are entirely unwitting regarding the motives behind this agenda.]

27.       Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion.  Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch”.  (Note: This has been largely accomplished through the communist infiltration of the National Council of Churches, Conservative and Reform Judaism, and the Catholic seminaries.]

28.       Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state”.

29.       Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to co-operation between nations on a worldwide basis.

30.       Discredit the American founding fathers.  Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man”.

31.       Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of “the big picture”.  Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.  [Note: Obliterating the American past, with its antecedents in principles of freedom, liberty and private ownership is a major goal of the communists then and now.]

32.       Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the   culture – education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33.       Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34.       Eliminate the House Committee on the Un-American Activities.
35.       Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

36.       Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

37.       Infiltrate and gain control of big businesses.

38.       Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies.  Treat all behavioural problems as psychiatric disorders which no-one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.  [Note: The Soviets used to send “social misfits” and those deemed politically incorrect to massive mental institutions called gulags.  The Red Chinese call them lao gai.  Hitler called them concentration camps.]

39.       Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose communist goals.  [Note: Psychiatry remains a bulwark of the communist agenda of fostering self-criticism and docility.]

40.       Discredit the family as an institution.  Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.  [Note: Done!  The sovereign family is the single most powerful obstacle to authoritarian control.]

41.       Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents.  Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.  [Note:  Outcome-based education, values clarifications or whatever they are calling it this year.]

42.       Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special interest groups should rise up and make a “united force” to solve economic, political or social problems.  [Note: This describes the dialectical fostering of group consciousness and conflict, which furthers the interests of authoritarianism.]

43.       Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

44.       Internationalize the Panama Canal.

45.       Repeal the Connally Reservation so the U.S. cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems.  Give the World Court jurisdiction over domestic problems.  Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.



It has become a truism today that art and artistry constitute some personal experience, individualistic interpretation, or emotional self-expression.  And while many pieces of art today are designed to be abstract, the meanings of which are left to the imagination of the viewer, not for one moment should one assume that there is no deeper purpose intended at all.  There is most certainly a motive beneath the meaningless nonsense of the modern art form – and it is most diabolical.  The fact that the concept of art has take on such an ambiguous and often ambivalent nature is, in itself a tool designed to condition.
The modern trope that art is self-expressionistic and interpretive should be passionately gainsaid and eagerly fought.  Modern art is an absurdity and a direct consequence of the modernist dogma of only the past two centuries.  Though it is relatively infant, perhaps by now in its adolescence, it contains a poison so potent and obnoxious that it may be one of the most abominable heresies ever to have arisen in the history of mankind.  Indeed, this heresy takes direct aim at the Catholic Church and is set on a mission with her complete ruin in mind.  As Hilaire Belloc writes, “[t]he enemy which the Faith now has to meet, and which may be called ‘the Modern Attack’, is a wholesale assault upon the fundamentals of the Faith – upon the very existence of the faith” (Belloc, The Great Heresies).

That a thing can be whatever one believes or wishes it to be is the current folly that has misshapen our present-day society.  It treats “personal truth” as a fundamental human right and has become an essential part of the modernist’s understanding of reality – or rather, what it should be.  It is not just the physical reality of the world, but the reality of God that has been obscured, distorted, even disregarded.  As God has been forced out of the hearts of men, so, too, has true beauty been expelled.

With the forcible removal of tradition and all that is holy and good, a vacuum has been created, inevitably to be filled.  Modernism is the new substitute.  Now it has a complete and firm grip, able to work its poison ever deeper.

What of modernism and art?  One might ask whether art can be treated on the same plane as an ideology or considered worth the same concern as ideological modernism.  After all, artwork, aside from impure works, poses no immediate detriment to the minds of viewers or the salvation of souls and is, therefore, of little consequence – right?  I strongly argue against this, believing that art does play an influential role in society and in our own ideological constitution.  Art shapes us.  It can shape how we think, how we feel, and even to a large extent, what we believe.  Artwork can be used to mould minds and change hearts, for better or for worse, and the enemy understands this.  Marxist communism, for instance, contains as one of its 45 goals the mission to “continue discrediting America culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression .... substituting shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms”.

The enemy uses, with greatest effect, any tool that will most benefit his nefarious plan:  to reshape society to his liking.  One of the best tools to attain this goal is art, infused with false doctrines and error – namely, modernism.  Studies have shown how art has historically been influential in many societies.  One study relates how “the visibility of the objects, their social effects, and their distinctiveness, (often indicated by the time and effort put into their making) reveal that these objects were intended to have an impact” and how “[a]rt frequently represents social relations.  Over time, images are internalised as people absorb cues that guide behaviour and ensure conduct appropriate to a given social setting”.

Art has played, and does play, a prominent part in shaping our opinions, our thoughts, and our behaviour.  Modern art has served only to reaffirm the ideals that ideological modernism has so successfully progressed.  While these various art forms under the umbrella of “modern art”, such as abstractionism. cubism, surrealism, neo-expressionism, etc., are essentially meaningless in their content, they are nevertheless critically influential in forming our thoughts and opinions.

The human mind is designed with an innate understanding of the beautiful, orderly, and godly.  Being made in the image and likeness of God, we are naturally moulded to His goodness, and our minds draw toward lofty thoughts and noble ideals.  But since we have become so corrupt, much of our base tendencies are a cause of conflict and have obscured man’s true reason and understanding of beauty.  As a result, we have today pseudo-art forms that lack any semblance of order and goodness, and instead are a perversion, uninspiring and depressing, which can be found in almost every home, café, and art gallery around the world.

These pseudo-art forms are an encroachment on beauty’s fine turf, and are wreaking havoc.  That is the game plan.  Modernism regards anything traditional with contempt, and the arts have suffered the brunt of its wrath.  Joan Miro, a famous artist from Barcelona, known for his surrealist style, contemptuously sought to uproot traditional art forms and the established ideals attached to them with a kind of revolutionary’s furore and declared an “assassination of painting”.  His words  – “I begin my work under the effect of shock, which I can sense, and which gets me on the run from reality” – sum up the mentality of not only artists, but all of current society.  This is a defiant and arrogant shift from the real world and into a fantasy world with no rules or established order.

Art is a means of expression.  Its purpose is to have some meaning.  The problem of today consists in exactly what meaning is being expressed, if there is any at all.  While we are overrun with monstrous displays of pseudo-artworks that litter so many walls (walls better left bare) and artists who are praised for their bold, unique, and “rebellious” contributions, we must remind ourselves that art is not esoteric.  It does not belong to elite groups of modernists.  These “contributions” are merely a misappropriation of art.  Catholics know that true art belongs ultimately to God, because it is good, and we have a duty to repossess the arts in all their forms.  It is also important to note that this conflict is not a conflict of creativity; it is mainly, and more fundamentally, an ideological conflict that has the destruction of souls at stake.  We must attack this beast called modernism, then, and assault it on all sides.

Pope Pius X, in his encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis, urges Catholics, particularly the religious of the Church, to fight the errors of modernism in all its forms and warns us of its menacing debauchery: “the number of the enemies of the cross of Christ has, in these last days, increased exceedingly, who are striving, by arts, entirely new and full of subtlety, to destroy the vital energy of the Church, and, if they can, to overthrow utterly Christ’s kingdom itself”.  It is not enough just to resist the current.  We must vigorously push against it and recover what has been purloined and used as device for destruction.

To see the abhorrent designs of modernists become so pervasive, especially now, with them even in the Church, saddens and angers me, as an artist with a love of painting and sketching.  I am sure it is the same for most Catholic artists.  This disease has crept into the heart and soul of society and Western culture over a span of just two short centuries.

What is needed now is a sort of Risorgimento of traditional ideals, manifested through the arts, to enliven society’s deadened minds.  Satan has gained considerable ground in seducing and capturing souls through modernism and its poisonous fruit.  Yet all is not lost.  We must fight now and without letup.  We need to fight hard, encountering the beast all around.  This is done through the creation, propagation, and encouragement of good art, as well as through prayer and acts of mortification to make reparation for all the blasphemous and vulgar monstrosities that have become so widely abundant and accepted.