Monday, 8 July 2013

Sex Education or Sex Perversion in our South African Schools?

(This article has been available on the internet since 2004)

A few years ago, Planned Parenthood (P.P.) won the tender in all nine provinces to teach sex
education in all our schools under the guise of ‘AIDS/HIV and Life Skills” courses.  To understand the Planned Parenthood organisation we need to understand its founder, Margaret Sanger.
P.P. was spawned during the first 25 years of the 20th century by Margaret Sanger and her clique of devotees, which comprised Fabian socialists, anarchist, Nazis, militant feminists, eugenicists, two husbands, sundry lovers and assorted ‘sycophants and gigolos’, as her son once called them. (1)

        Sanger believed that birth control would eliminate what she called ‘human weeds’ and ‘genetically inferior races’. (2)  She aimed, in her own words, to ‘exterminate the Negro (Black) population’. (3)  The Black American pastor, Rev. Jesse Peterson has stated that “abortion was started by Margaret Sanger, a true racist.  Her whole intent was to wipe out the under-class .... to wipe out Black Americans”. (4)
        A large part of P.P’s funds and efforts go toward aborting unborn children in developing countries.  One such developing country, the Philippines, has reacted with fierce moral indignation at the ruthless and immoral work of P.P. in their country.  The Filipino magazine Ugnanyan  has carried articles on “The monstrosity of Planned Parenthood” and “Name-a-Beast Dossier”. (5)

        In 1979 Sanger was hailed by P.P as “our outrageous leader” (6), and outrageous she was with statements like “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” (7)  Sanger condoned abortion, claiming “no one can doubt that abortion is justifiable" (8) and that a woman had a “right to destroy”.  She criticised assistance to the blind, deaf and crippled (9) and wanted people to get a licence before having a child! (10)
        She was outrageous too in her lifestyle with her endless affairs and, in her 80’s, she blew $5 million (an enormous sum of money at the time) on having a last fling before she died.
        “The Satanic anointing which rested upon Margaret Sanger...who finished her life as a ravaged alcoholic Demerol addict, now rests upon the movement she spawned.  Many of the designs of P.P. are demonically inspired as evidenced by the rotten fruits, dead children, promiscuous relationships, and emotional confusion which their sordid programs have nurtured.” (11)

        Now Margaret Sanger’s P.P. organisation has access to all our children in South African schools to do with them whatever it pleases.  P.P. also operates under the guise of “Lovelife” programmes.  For a list of all the guises and aliases that this hydra headed monster works under, see Claire Chambers encyclopaedic work The SIECUS Circle : a Humanist Revolution. (12)
        P.P. was introduced into the R.S.A. by the Nats, given increased power by the ANC and is supported by other liberal parties like the DA, which is fully committed to abortion and gay rights.
        Now all P.P’s experiments in social engineering have been tried and tested in America and have been a disaster especially in school-based clinics where P.P. had unrestricted access.  P.P. also introduced the dubious “values clarification” programmes into schools. (13)

        ‘By their fruits you shall know them’ and the fruits of P.P. are rotten indeed.  In the U.S. more than one in five Americans, or 56 million  people, are infected with a sexually transmitted viral disease, infections that can be controlled but not cured!  These numbers are expected to grow. (14)
        Five of the most common diseases in America are sexually transmitted diseases other than AIDS.  (The cost of treating these diseases is approximately $10 billion each year.)  Every year more than 12 million Americans are newly infected with a venereal disease;  25% of these victims are teenagers and several of the diseases are considered incurable. (15)
        Lynette Burrow’s writing on Planned Parenthood’s global war against the family states:  “I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that we must have the most diseased generation of young people there has ever been”. (16)  Do we wish P.P. to do the same damage in the new South Africa?
        Dr Richard Wetzel wrote on the widespread use of contraceptives by P.P. especially for children: ‘Contraceptives promise to improve our love lives by “freeing” us from the risks of “unwanted” pregnancies and abortions.  Yet it is interesting that during an era of increased use and widespread acceptance of these methods, there have been more, not fewer, “unwanted” pregnancies, illegitimate births and abortions.
        The increase is the opposite of the expected, and widely presumed result.  Dr Judith Bury of the Brook Advisory Centres stated in 1981, “There is overwhelming evidence that, contrary to what you might expect, the provision of contraception leads to an increase in the abortion rate.” Planned Parenthood researcher, Dr Christopher Tietze notes, “women who have practised contraception are more likely to have had abortions than those who have not practised contraception, and women who have had abortions are more likely to have been contraceptors than women without a history of abortion.”
        Such results were predicted by some.  For example, in 1973, abortionist and past medical director for International Planned Parenthood Federation, Dr Malcolm Potts, stated, “As people turn to contraception, there will be a rise, not a fall, in the abortion rate.”  It is true that the greater use of contraception during this era is not the only direct cause of the rise in ‘unwanted’ pregnancies.  The increase in premarital sexual activity is another obvious cause, and the two are clearly related:  widespread use of contraception led to greater premarital sexual activity. (17)
        Dr Wetzel comments, too, on the failure of school-based clinics introduced into all U.S. High Schools from the 1960’s onwards, to give contraceptive advice to young people.  The effect of the promotion of contraception through school-based clinics has also been measured.  After 15 years of experience with such clinics, Planned Parenthood reported that “there is no conclusive evidence showing that school-based clinic utilization lowers (teenage) pregnancy rates.”
        Promotion of contraceptives to reduce adolescent risk of becoming pregnant has been studied for decades now, and the growing consensus among those knowledgeable in the field is that this campaign has failed.  The explanation for this failure is complex, but it is related primarily to the increased promiscuity among contracepting teens and the fact that they are the least reliable contraceptors. (18)

        So why does P.P. continue with failed policies?  Perhaps, because it is a money-making racket.  The American, Robert Ruff, in his remarkable book, Aborting Planned Parenthood:  Documented Proof of P.P’s Systematic Exploitation of Teenagers and Taxpayers exposes the incredible scams, distortions and deceptions of P.P.
Robert Ruff writes:
        “The birth control approach is suitable for dogs and cats, but is an inhuman approach to the sexual behaviour of God’s greatest creation.  A creation that has spiritual and emotional dimensions, which far transcend the body, but which are also inextricably linked with the body.  To ignore the spiritual and emotional dimensions of our behaviour is to demand that we function as only part-human - the animal part.” (19)
        Ruff says that “Although it is a near-universal finding of studies on teen promiscuity that frequent attendance at religious services is the best indicator of below-average rates of promiscuity, the Planned Parenthood vision of the future is one, in that religion has been banished to irrelevance”. (20)
        Margaret Sanger was secular humanist and so is P.P.  It should have no place in a religious country like the R.S.A. and should be aborted, as Robert Ruff suggests.

        In the textbooks produced by P.P. for South African Schools, there are many Jewish Contributors.  But they are not orthodox Jews who have a horror of the fornication and homosexuality condoned by P.P. Now it’s amazing that these secular Jews never once allude to the great Jewish psychotherapist, Sigmund Freud, who had much to say on sexual matters.

        Freud is associated with the word sublimation, defined as “unconscious process by which a sexual impulse of its energy is deflected so as to express itself in some non-sexual and socially acceptable activity.” (21)  This is not repression or suppression.  It is a perfectly normal thing for the force and power and surge that can flow through one instinct to be sublimated in the service of another.
        Herbert Marcuse in Eros and Civilisation has observed that Freud believed that civilization was based on the permanent subjugation of the human instinct – that the free gratification of man’s instinctual needs (like sex) is incompatible with civilized society and that renunciation and delay in satisfaction are the pre-requisites of progress.  Freud said that ‘happiness is no cultural value’ and that it must be subordinated to the discipline of work, monogamic reproduction and the establishment of law and order, the methodical sacrifice of libido, its rigidly enforced deflection to socially useful activities and expression... (22)
        The famous South African born Rabbi, Daniel Lapin, has said that “deferring gratification in the interests of long term good is a biblical precept.” (Gen.25:29)  So obviously Sigmund Freud, a secular Jew, was more influenced by his Biblical/Jewish roots than he knew!
        Freud is also probably ignored by his fellow Jews who participated in our schools’ textbooks in R.S.A. because of his opposition to sex outside reproduction.
“Moreover, it is a characteristic common to all perversions that in them, reproduction is put aside as an aim.  This is actually the criterion by which we judge whether a sexual activity is perverse – if it departs from reproduction as its aim and pursues the attainment of gratification independently.  You will understand, therefore, that the gulf and the turning point in the development of sexual life lies at the point of its subordination to the purposes of reproduction.” (23)
        Rabbi Daniel Lapin lambastes secular Jews for supporting secular humanist causes (like P.P.) and denying their true Jewish roots.  (24)

        Mohandas Ghandi was of a similar opinion to Freud:
        It is futile to hope that the use of contraceptives will be restricted to the mere regulation of progeny.  There is hope for a decent life only so long as the sexual act is definitely related to the conception of precious life.  This rules out perverted sexuality and, to a lesser degree, promiscuity.  Divorce of the sexual act from its natural consequences must lead to a hideous promiscuity and to condoning, if not endorsing, natural vice. (25)

        Arnold Toynbee, one of the world’s greatest authorities on history and culture, has pointed out the importance of allowing children to imbibe a good all round education before the awakening of disorderly sexual urges.
        Toynbee was, in fact, pointing out the value of the latency period between the ages of 6 and 12, when a child is ASEXUAL.  The child in this latency period is educationally ideal, as curiosity and instinct for knowledge are derived from the redirection of childhood sexual energies.

        As regards sublimination or redirection of sexual energies, Russell Abata says that “sex that is not released (in promiscuity) is like the power of an active storage battery.  It has good physical, psychological and moral effects.  As sex seeks out a dozen or more ways to find an acceptable release, it alerts one’s whole being’s sensitivity.  It prompts the seeking out of another to show that other kindness and consideration.  It stimulates imagination.  The daydreams technicolored by unreleased sex are beyond numbering.  They become the searching themes of love songs, art, poetry and other forms of high culture.  It excites passion that can be converted into energy.  It inspires idealism and urges the undertaking of noble causes.  It gives life buoyancy and zest.” (27)
        Where there is no strong moral code, culture is shallow and superficial.  For example, Rosemary Haughton has pointed out that the culture of the South Sea Islanders (Samoans) “was crude and limited and rather dull, they had no national heroes or religious leaders, and their personal relationships were superficial.”  This was because of their easy attitude towards promiscuity:  marriages were not sexually exclusive and premarital sex was “everyone’s favourite sport”...  The result of all this was a free and easy atmosphere in which nobody felt very strongly about anyone else and sexual ‘passion’ or ‘being in love’ was just not done... In this situation, sex is used to ‘defuse’ emotions.  It’s fun, it’s cheap, it’s easy, it keeps people occupied and they don’t want other things.  It disinclines people from having strong convictions, feelings or desires about anything else.  So the art of the Samoans was crude and limited and rather dull.  There were no passionate love songs like the Song of Songs in the Bible.

        Wisely did Mohandas Ghandi once observe that “moral results can only be produced by moral restraints.”  But the school textbooks produced by P.P. for our children will have none of this.  In their arrogance they know better, for there is no talk of sublimination or respect for the precious child’s latency period.  No talk of restraint or self-control or the need for abstinence or self-discipline or deferring gratification.
        They have as much finesse as the anarchist Johnny Rotten and the lewd Sex Pistols punk rock band.  They chase after the chimera of unfettered sexual pleasure with no negative consequences.  They pour petrol on the fire and then wonder at the explosion.  At a time when children are disorientated by raging hormones, they are pouring on more petrol.  They are blind guides, perverted creatures and their textbooks should be banned if our country’s youth are to get a decent start in life and our new democracy a place in the family of nations, instead of having to bury all it’s children in premature graves, due to an explosion of S.T.D’s.

        Sanger incidentally detested the democratic process and her ideal American Government was one in which an elite ruled by an aristocratic form of government. (28)  Wherever she is now, she will be pleased as secular humanists in America are only 7.3 million – a small fraction of America’s population of 270 million, yet they have virtual control of the national media, newspapers, magazines, book distribution, education and government.  Whilst the vast majority of people in America believe in God, they are not allowed to say a prayer in school!  The land of the free!

        Sanger, the libertine, was totally opposed to abstinence and self-denial of any sort. (29)  Her Planned Parenthood is totally in agreement with this and derides abstinence programmes and this is why it is so dangerous for our children and has caused havoc in America.  But at long last in the U.S., chastity and abstinence programmes are being implemented with greater success than all the futile years of P.P. propaganda.

        The Natal Witness in 1999 reported:
ABSTINENCE TAUGHT IN U.S. SCHOOLS - In one school out of three, American teenagers are not just encouraged to abstain from sex, they are taught that abstinence is the only appropriate option, according to two surveys recently released.  These “abstinence only” policies teach pupils that they should wait until marriage, or at least until they are older, to have sex.  The policies leave out any discussion of birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy or transmission of HIV and other diseases – except to talk about the shortcomings of such approaches.  (30)

        A.  Responsible Teenage Sexuality by Erica Greathead editor.        
                                                 Van Schaik, 1998
                1.  On p.132: Group masturbation or orgy is OK!
                2.  Since P.P. and Love Life are committed to promoting   
                    homosexuality amongst our children, possibly because
                    there is no procreation and this keeps the population
                    down, it gives false information on this on p.123: “No
                    proof exists to support this statement” (namely) “Homo-
                    sexuality can be medically ‘cured’ or ‘changed’.

                    The BBC World Service Magazine for August 1992 p.8
                    reports the New York Psychoanalyst Charles Socerides
                    as claiming, “being gay is treatable”.

                    According to Dr Joseph Nicolosi of the National association
                    for the research and treatment of homosexuality (N.A.R.T.H) 
                    studies of homosexual treatment methods usually show the
                    same success rates: 1/3 cured, 1/3 significantly improved
                    and 1/3 unchanged. (31)

        B.     Body Wise: Sex Education, Health and advice for South African
                Youth, Maskew Miller Longman, 1998.  Rev. Edition
                1.  Favourable portraits of gay people (i.e. active homosexuals)
                     on pages 30 and 31.
                2.  Gives school children graphic illustrations of the different
                     types of contraception and how to put on condoms.
                3.  Info for children on where to get abortions.

        C.      Soul City Life Skills Workbook for Grade 9 (Std 7)
Gives detailed instructions on “how to ‘come out’ and tell your parents you are gay” and encourages 15 year olds to “start a support group with other gay people”.

D.     Life Skills and HIV/AIDS Education: A Manual and Resource Guide
        Claims that it is essential for children by at least Grade 6 (12 years old) to have a clear understanding of how a woman has an orgasm, including how female or male can give a woman oral sex or manual stimulation (p.45)

E.      Sexuality Education and the World of a Teenager: A Manual for Secondary School Teachers in KwaZulu Natal.
        On p.99, the children are told: “You are now all inside the woman’s body”... Encourage pupils to use the chairs and tables etc., to create a vaginal canal, cervix, labia, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries”. 

In one textbook, children are taught that having sex, as long as it is with condoms, is no more important than any other playground game.  In the USA where children receive a similar education, three schoolboys sodomised a 13-year-old girl in the classroom after school.  They used condoms obtained beforehand, from their guidance counsellor. (32)

In 1993, in Ladysmith Indian High School, after talks on sex in class, the children were found experimenting in the toilets later.

The writer G.K. Chesterton wrote that “sex cannot be admitted to a                      mere equality among elementary emotions or experiences like eating and sleeping.  The moment sex ceases to be a servant, it becomes a tyrant.” (33)

        In England, Margaret Sanger had a lot of dealings with the Fabian Socialists who experimented in all sorts of sexual escapades and worked for a one-world socialist government on a piecemeal basis rather than b y a revolution.
        The keyword with the Fabians is “graduality” – that it is possible to profoundly change things their way by gradual piecemeal change.  So P.P. usually sprinkle a little bit of religion in their books, as in South Africa, for cosmetic reasons.  But over time, their books become more lewd, leering and graphic as in America, and they abandon all caution to the winds.
        One of P.P.’s most recommended authors was Dr. Wardell Pomeroy who wrote:  “Incest between adults and younger children can also prove to be a satisfying experience.... incestuous relationships can – and do - work out well.”  Pomeroy expresses exactly the same about paedophilia. (34)  Other P.P. perverts were Havelock Ellis, Alfred Kinsey, Albert Ellis and Masters and Johnson.


        1.  Atheism:
         The whole background to P.P. is atheism – an unholy rebellion against “all that is true, noble, good and pure, everything that we love and honour” (cf. Phil. 4:8).  Nearly all associated with P.P. are secular humanists who are totally opposed to God, religion or spirituality of any kind.  Since they do not believe in heaven or an afterlife, they believe one has to “grab the day” and suck as much pleasure out of life, including sex in any form, before one dies, as there is nothing, they believe, after death.  “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die”.  Margaret Sanger certainly believed this as she blew $5 million on having a good time before she died.
     In a religious country like R.S.A., why has this atheistic and immoral system been foisted on our children?

        2.     Experimentation:
        The P.P. textbooks that your children are using in school are NOT there to stop children from sexual activity, but TO ENCOURAGE your child to become sexually involved.

        Consider this advice from Mary Calderone, ex President of P.P.:
        On sexual experimentation: The adolescent years are, among other things, for learning how to integrate sex usefully and creatively in daily living.   Therefore, we must accept that adolescent sexual experimentation is not just inevitable but actually necessary for normal development.
        On premarital sex:  I advocate discussion of it, so that young people know they have choices, beginning with masturbation, of course, and petting to climax and mutual orgasm before moving on to intercourse.
        On extramarital sex:  An extramarital affair that’s really solid might have very good results. (35)

        3.     Dangers of V.D.:
        The P.P. sex educators are silent on the tremendous danger of venereal disease and death.  Dr Rhoda Lorand, a New York City psychotherapist, has written a fierce indictment of modern sex education for their silence on the growing problem of cancer of the cervix among sexually active girls, and P.P. material, as Mary Calderone says, promotes this activity or experimentation.

          Dr Lorand stated in “Betrayal Of Youth”:
                One does not have to be a religious fanatic to recognise nature’s message;  the vulnerable, immature reproductive system of the pubescent and adolescent girls is at risk of being prematurely damaged by prematurely engaging in the adult sexual activity of coitus.
                Moreover, multiple partners do not appear to be part of nature’s design for the human species, as research on males confirms.  Promiscuous boys and men risk becoming cancer carriers, and giving cervical cancer to women.  In 1966, Dr Clyde ED. Martin presented these findings in a paper entitled “Marital and Coital Factors in Cervical Cancer” at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association.  Dr Martin’s research revealed that women whose husbands were involved in extramarital coitus showed a much higher incidence of cervical cancer than those whose husbands were faithful. (36)

4.     Homosexual Dangers:
                P.P. is silent on the great dangers of homosexuality, which they promote with great zeal.  For example, practising gays have an average life expectancy almost half that of other people.  Homosexual men who died of non-AIDS causes had a median age of death at 42! Also, homosexuals were 24 times more likely to commit suicide. (37)
                School textbooks should be warning our children not about the joys of sex, but of the danger of promiscuity that can lead to cancer, that abortion increases the risk of developing breast cancer by a third, (38) and that homosexual activity leads to early death.  P.P. school books are silent on all of this, and should be dumped in the garbage bin.

5.     Graphic:
                Graphic sex education is a “Perfect Recipe for Producing Polymorphous Perverts” says Randy Engel.  In her book Engel refers to Dr. Melvin Anchell, the author of “Killers of Children; a Psychoanalytical look at Sex Education.”  Anchell is an internationally known physician and psychiatrist specialising in the treatment of children and adults who have been damaged by sex education and pornography.  Dr Anchell says that the young child who is the benighted “beneficiary” of sex education during middle childhood is rendered “uneducatable”.  His “curiosity” and “desire to learn” are destroyed.  With the artificially induced arousal of his erogenous zones, the child experiences a “decreased capability” for academic pursuits.  He also exhibits an emotional retardation in connection with the development of “compassionate feelings” which pave the way for patterns of sexual behaviour dominated by “sadism and masochism” and drug use. (39)

Is this the sort of education the new South Africa needs to compete in the world markets?

          One wonders why these atheistic sexperts like Mary Calderone (who travels more than 100,000 miles a year preaching her permissive gospel) do what they do?
          Dr James Parsons, a Florida Psychiatrist, says “they are trying to create such an obsession with sex among our young people, that they have no time or interest in spiritual pursuits”. (40)  The findings of Dr Anchell above, certainly bear this out.
          Education researcher, Arica Carle, has pointed out: “Sex is the ultimate weapon in people-taming and people-control.  When sex can be established in the mind... as the dominant idea... the mind can be incapacitated, the emotions destroyed, personal identity, family life and the maternal and paternal feelings are eroded.  All else can be forgotten or regarded as unimportant, when the mind is captured by the dominant idea of sex”. (41)
          Perhaps the Word of God is more to the point:
          “For we are not fighting against human beings, but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers of this dark age.” (Eph.6:12)
          “But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depths of the sea.” – Words of Our Lord (Matt 18:6)

          “Secularism has been installed as the state religion since 1994, according to Cardinal Wilfred Napier of Durban... Cardinal Napier said that as a nation we had turned away from God and the laws and customs that honoured Him.  All traditional human, and especially Christian, values and norms have been steadily and methodically undermined and eroded.  The national ethos and particularly the laws and statutes, were more those of unbelievers.  Indeed, in the case of abortion, we have gone even further than the unbelievers have.  We need to deepen our love and commitment to living the Gospel”. (42)
          But living the Gospel can also be distorted by so-called Christian Pastors and teachers and the media, who seem to sniff the wind periodically so as to remain perfectly aligned with the spirit of the age.  They mouth disinformation of P.P., Love Life etc.  Margaret Sanger, the racist, had a project to engage some black pastors “with engaging personalities” to spread the P.P. propaganda.
          Our own South African Southern Cross seems to have a  hidden agenda and acts as a change agent for secularism: it lionises gay priests, gives misleading information (43) on its Youth Page about a gene that causes homosexual orientation (44); that homosexuals can’t be cured and the highly fallacious fact that 10% of all people are gay. (45)   The Youth Page editor’s favourite book is the noxious Death in Venice by Thomas Mann whose hero is a paedophile besotted with a little boy whom he shadows round the streets of Venice indulging in sexual fantasies all the way!  No wonder the editor gives misleading info on gays, and, like P.P, never mentions the dangers.


          Cardinal Ratzinger says that we need to rediscover the courage of non-conformism in the face of the trends of the world.  Instead of following the spirit of the times, we ourselves must witness that spirit of nonconformity with evangelical seriousness.  He says that we have lost the sense that Christians cannot live just like ‘everybody else’.  Today, more than ever, he says, the Christian must be aware that he belongs to a minority and that he is in opposition to everything that appears good, obvious, logical to the ‘spirit of the world’ as the New Testament calls it.  Among the most urgent tasks facing Christians is that of regaining the capacity for nonconformism i.e. the capacity to oppose many developments of the surrounding culture, Cardinal Ratzinger maintains. (46)

          1.       Pope John Paul has said re Abortion: “Go out into the streets                   and trading places and woe unto you if you do not succeed in defending life.”
                    Read many of the documents that the Pope has written on life and the family e.g. “Familiaris Consortio” is good on the latency period on childhood (No 37).  The excellent document “The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality” should be in every home.   It is emphatic on the right and duty of parents (nobody else) to educate in sexuality; parents are bluntly urged to remove children from Sex Ed classes; the latency period is strongly emphasised.  Buy a copy of Mirriam Cain’s Make a Difference : A Christian Action Handbook for Southern Africa, A.C.A. Cape Town 1999.

          2.       The general Election is coming.  Get involved in politics instead of leaving the way open for undesirable elements.  Check where the different parties stand on the issues above.  Remember the NP introduced P.P., the ANC widened its scope and the DA condones most of it.

          3.       Sign the opt-out of sex education in school form below and bring to your child’s principal.  Under the new constitution you have the right as a parent, so use them well to prevent your kids becoming depraved.

          Sex Education..........
     Is not about fecundity; it is about sterility.
     Is not about the facts of life; it is about death and killing.
     Is not about virtue; it is about vice.
     Is not about love; it is about genital stimulation.
     Is not about honour; it is about infidelity,
     Is not about God; it is about sexual idolatry.
     Is not about chastity; it is about the cannibalism of innocence and purity.
     Is not about morality; it is about immorality.

In truth, sex education is not education at all; rather it is a legalised form of child seduction and molestation. (47)    

1.    Gary Bergel, The Monstrosity of Planned Parenthood. Ugnanyan, Nov. 1995
2.    Elasah Drogin, Margaret Sanger: father of Modern Society, CVL, 1989. p.17
3.    Drogin, p.33
4.    Agape Press, Oct 9, 2001
5.    Ugnanyan (Couples for Christ) Nov.95; Jan.96
6.    Ugnanyan, Nov 95, p.44
7.    Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race
8.    Drogin, p.87
9.    Drogin, p.117
10.  Drogin, p.68
11.  Bergel, p.50
12.  C. Chambers, The Siecus Circle: A Humanist Revolution, Western Islands Press, 1977
13.  Ugnanyan, Nov  95, p.45
14.  New York Times, 1/4/93, p.1
15.  Catholic World Report, July 1997 p.56
16.  Catholic Herald (London) 17/8/01
17.  Richard Wetzel, Sexual Wisdom: a guide for Parents, Young Adults, Educators and Physicians, Proctor,
       Ann, Arbor, 1998
18.  Wetzel, pp 215-216
19.  R. Ruff, Aborting Planned Parenthood, New Vision, Houston, 1998, p.163
20.  Ruff, p.149
21.  Dictionary of Psychology, Penguin p.286
22.  H. Marcuse, Eros and Civilization, 1956, p.3
23.  Catholic World Report, July 1997, p.55
24.  Rabbi Denis Prager, God and His Enemies, National Review, 22/3/99, p.51
25.  Catholic World Report, July 1997, p.55
26.  Randy Engel, Sex Education: the Final Plague, Tan Books, 1993, p.106
27.  Russell Abata, CSSR, Sex sanity in the Modern World, Liguorian Books, 1975
28.  Drogin, p.
29.  Drogin, p.
30.  Natal Witness, 15 Dec, 1999
31.  Dr Joseph Nikolosi, The Cause and Treatment of Homosexuality, C.W.R. July, 1997
32.  Christine McAfferty & Peter Hammond, The Pink Agenda: The Ruin of the Family, C.L.B. Cape 2001
33.  G.K. Chesteron, St fancies, Chapter 2
34.  Dr Delfin Felipe, Name –a-Beast Dossier, Ugnanyan, Jan 1996
35.  T. La Haye, Mind Siege: The Battle for Truth in the New Millenium, Word Pub , Nashville, 2000, p.77
36.  La Haye, p.170
37.  McCafferty, p.39
38.  Simon Caldwell, Cancer Risk Fear Follows Abortion, The Universe, 20/10/96.  See also: Forbidden
       Grief: the Unspoken Pain of Abortion by Teresa Burke, Acorn Books, Springfield Il. 2002
39.  R. Engel, p.107
40.  La Haye, p.170
41.  J.M. Wallis, Chaos in the Classroom, pp 219-220
42.  Southern Cross, 20/2/00, p.3
43.  Southern Cross, 31/7/02, p.10
44.  Dr T. Dowling, Gay Gene is a Myth, Universe 3/10/93, p.5.
       See also M. Cain, Make a Difference, ACA, Cape 1999, p.86f
45.  M. Cain, p.86. Kinsey the Monster in Catholic Times, 23/8/98; The Man who started the Sexual
       Revolution, Sunday Independent, 26/10/97. Kinsey, Sex and Fraud by Judith Reisman.
46.  Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, The Ratzinger Report, Ignatius Press, 1985, p.114
47.  R. Engel, p.5