Saturday, 27 July 2013

Dating, Love, Sex and Marriage in the Bible

(With grateful thanks to Fr Michael Scanlan TOR talk at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio. 1989)

THE BIBLE REQUIRES:  NO SEX OUTSIDE MARRIAGE; FIDELITY INSIDE MARRIAGE.   In this age of numerous deaths by AIDS, being faithful to this requirement could save your life.

1 Corinthians 6:12-20; 7:1-16; 25-28; 32-35; 39-40.  1Thess. 4:3-8; 2Tim.2:22; Col.3:5.
From the above Bible passages and others, we can see God wants people:-
   1.   To abstain from sex if they do not have the sacrament of marriage.
    2.   Be faithful to their spouse for life if married.      
The Bible sees fornication and adultery as serious sins.  People growing up in the present permissive society, the most erotic perhaps in world history, can be shocked at the Bible’s very strict sexual morality.  But we ignore it at our own peril.  If we fail to read the user’s manual on our new washing machine, and it breaks down, we can only blame ourselves.  The Bible is the user’s manual for us human beings.  It makes it very clear that fornication and adultery exclude people permanently from the Kingdom of God, and to eternal separation from God, unless they change.     (See 1 Cor.6:9; Gal.5:19; Eph.5:3-5; Apoc.21:8).  Note that FORNICATION in its widest sense in the Bible refers to immorality in general, and to every kind of sexual sin.

    The Bible expects a man and a woman to be virgins when they marry.       (Isaiah 62:5).  St Joseph was going to leave Mary because he thought she was pregnant outside of marriage. (Matt.1:19).
    In the Bible, a young woman named Sarah, prays: “O LORD YOU KNOW THAT I REMAINED PURE: NO MAN HAS TOUCHED ME, I HAVE NOT DISHONOURED YOUR NAME OR MY FATHER’S NAME”.  (Tobit 3:14-15)
    The Psalmist poses the question: ‘How can the young remain pure?’  The Bible answers: “By obeying God’s Word” (Ps.119:9).  So what has to be obeyed in God’s Word?
    1.   We obey the 6th and the 9th Commandments – they are Commandments, not suggestions!  They are for our good, not God’s!  ‘Do not commit adultery’ (6th) ‘Do not desire your neighbour’s wife’ – or husband.
    2.   We avoid all ‘occasions of sin’ (Ezek.18:3) because ‘whoever loves danger, will
         Perish in it’. (Sirach 3:27)  Job avoided occasions of sin when he said: “I made a pact with my eyes not to linger on any virgin”. (Job 31:1)
Ben Sirach said: “Turn your eyes away from a handsome woman.  Do not stare at beauty that belongs to her husband.   Woman’s beauty has led many astray; it kindles desire like a flame”. (Sirach 9:8-9)  This is why Jesus said that “if a man looks at a woman lustfully, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart”. (Matt. 5:27-30)  This obviously applies to women as well, as lust is not just a male sin!  See story of Ohola and Oholiba. (Ezek.23)
Jesus went on to say ‘Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God’. (Matt.5:8)  So obviously those who are not pure of heart will never see God – unless they repent.
    3.   The Word demands that we obey the injunction to ‘FLEE FROM FORNICATION’.  (1 Cor.6:18)  Our bodies are the ‘Temple of the Holy Spirit’ (Eph.4:30).  The body ‘is not meant for fornication; it is for the Lord... So use your body to glorify God’. (1 Cor.6:13-20)   In the Old Testament we have a dramatic illustration of ‘fleeing fornication’ in the story of Joseph, son of Jacob.  He was a virgin and so handsome that his Egyptian master’s wife tried to seduce him.  Once she grabbed his tunic, but he left his tunic in her hands and fled from the house! (Gen.39) Flee fornication!
    4.   Obedience to God’s Word demands that a man and woman are not to live together until there is a permanent and indissoluble agreement.  As civil marriage and many non-Catholic churches allow divorce, only the  Sacrament of Marriage in a church before two witnesses fulfils this obligation.  Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that the man she was living with was not her husband.  So it was wrong. (John4:18)
    5.   Part of the obedience of faith demands that young men must always treat young women with propriety as if they were sisters and not sex objects. (1Tim.5:2)  But it is also the girl’s responsibility to dress modestly. Scripture says – “I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety”. (1Tim.2:9)  A Christian should only date when they are completely ready to get married and support a family.   
         The teenage years are a time of ‘seething hormones’, making self control very difficult, and sin and compromise inevitable.  Best to wait.
    6.   Truly it can be said today with the plague of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s), including HIV and AIDS, God has set before us life and death and we can choose: “I set before you life or death, blessing or curse.  Choose life then so you and your descendants may LIVE” (Deut.30:19)  It is not God’s will for young people to die prematurely of AIDS and pass on the deadly disease to their innocent children.
         For the majority of people their vocation is to marriage.  But some believers are not called to marriage, because they have the charismatic gift of CELIBACY – a gift of the Holy Spirit. (See 1 Cor.7:7, 32; Matt.19:12; Lk.18:29-30).  Of course this does not mean that people are free to sleep around and avoid the responsibility of marriage!  It means living permanently in purity of heart.  The charism of celibacy is the special ability God gives to certain believers to be unmarried and not suffer undue sexual temptations.  Jesus said that this is a gift that some believers have.  However, there is a role of celibacy that all Christians need to exercise sometime.  For example, a businessman travelling away from home and his wife, men and women who have lost a spouse through death or divorce, Christians, like school children who are not yet married, homosexually inclined people etc.   But available to all is the glorious liberating gift of self control, one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, which allows a Christian to live a victorious life instead of being a prey to basic instincts.  See Galatians 5:22; Acts 24:2; 2 Tim.1:7; Titus 1:8; 2 Pet.1:6

CHASTITY OR PURITY IS FREEDOM:  -  Freedom from dangers  
-    Freedom to live victoriously.
A.     Chastity is Freedom from dangers:
        1.  Pregnancy outside a stable marriage bond.
        2. Being pressurized to have an abortion – Abortion is Murder                               (Psalm 139:1) 
        3.  Worry of having to get a baby adopted.
        4.  Guilt.
        5.  Sexually transmitted diseases like V.D, HIV/AIDS and Death.
        6.  Dangers of birth control contraceptives – can damage health.
        7.  Can become sterile.
        8.  Being used by others and then dumped.
        9.  Loss of good reputation.
        10. Ruining one’s future – HIV takes about 10 years before it is obvious.
        11. Having to pay maintenance by boy for baby until it is 21 years old.

B.      Chastity is Freedom to live victoriously:
        1.  Develop friendships.
        2.  Resist temptations.
        3.  Plan your future.
        4.  Grow to maturity, not die in agony and leave AIDS orphans.

In the Sunday Times newspaper (25/10/1998) it had a story about NOMALI                      DLADLA who won the prize of a new car from her parents for preserving her virginity when many at her High School didn’t.  Nomali said ‘Being a virgin guarantees your health.  You don’t have to be afraid of getting AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases... I believe in preserving my virginity for my husband”.  TRUE LOVE WAITS.  PLEASE NOTE WELL:  No Catholic can receive Holy Communion whilst living/sleeping with a person they are not married to in the Sacrament of Marriage.  The Bible gives a serious warning about receiving Communion unworthily.  See 1Cor.11:28-31.  But mercy and forgiveness can be had in the Sacrament of Confession.  Jesus did not condemn the woman caught in adultery, but forgave her.  By God’s grace we can always start afresh.  Every morning God’s mercies are new. (Lam.3:22-23)

        A few years ago the WALL STREET JOURNAL reported that 80% of males in the USA and 70% of females were sexually experienced by 20 years of age.  This shocking promiscuity has not produced happiness, but a mounting toll of suffering, disease and death.  In the US more than one in five Americans, or 56 MILLION PEOPLE are infected with a sexually transmitted disease that is incurable!  (New York Times 1/4/93).   The cost of treating diseases is about $10 billion EACH YEAR.  Every year more than 12 million Americans are newly infected with V.D.; 25% of these victims are teenagers.  (CWR July ’97).
        America is the home of ‘safe sex’, and we in South Africa seem hell-bent on following it.  Our TV’s are on day and night showing an endless stream of American immorality.  Yet as Christians, disciples of Jesus Christ, we can’t just float along with society.  TO BE CHRISTIAN IS TO BREAK FROM THE WORLD, THE FLESH AND THE DEVIL. (Lk.8:11-15)
        “Friendship with the world is enmity with God”. (James 4:4)  One of the causes of sexual chaos in the USA is teenage dating.   The American writer, J. Harris, says:  “Dating hasn’t been around forever.  As I see it, dating is a product of our entertainment-driven, ‘disposable everything’ American culture.  At the turn of the 20th century, a guy and girl became romantically involved only if they planned to marry”.  Now the norm is sexual intimacy without any commitment whatsoever.  This is certainly not God’s will.

Four points for consideration in this article on friendship and dating:
        I.       Develop friendship with (a) same sex; (b) opposite sex.
        II.      Date only when ready for marriage.
        III.     Avoid sin and near occasions of sin.
        IV.     Avoid emotional damage to one another.

I.       DEVELOP FRIENDSHIPS:  This is important for growth and school or college is an ideal time.  “May the Lord be generous in increasing your love and make you love one another and the whole human race, as much as we love you”. (1 Thess.3:12)
We need to develop the ability to make friends, but this is not easy as we can be self-centred.  We need to build on the rock of God’s Word.  We need to give and receive love as brothers and sisters and as members of the Body of Christ.
(a)     SAME SEX FRIENDSHIPS:  If you have not formed friendships with the same sex, then you are not ready for opposite sex friendships.  Dependent friendships, clinging to someone is very unhealthy.  God help the person who marries this type!  It is difficult to survive by oneself, how can we carry dependent types who cling like leeches?!     Men need a base of men friends and women need a base of women friends.  How? By sharing, spending time and helping one another, celebrating joys and sharing sorrows.  The three big escapes for the lonely and alienated are sex, drugs or alcohol.  Sex is often used to ease loneliness and not so much for love.  Hence the importance of mutual Support and Friendship.
(b)     OPPOSITE SEX FRIENDSHIPS:   After strong single sex friendship, then we can move on to friendship with the opposite sex.  It is important to learn simple friendship, and not to see others as objects of conquest.  We need to see them as brothers and sisters in the Lord, and be able to relate to them in a friendly and chaste manner.  We should not be avoiding the opposite sex or be ‘bird dogs’ either!  We have to learn to deal with attraction and not have it run us.  Things will stir within you, but keep your head.  How?  Think group!  Plan on a group basis – no sloping off to exclusive one-on-one friendships.  Think group and plan as a group to go on outings together etc.  Learn to enjoy companionship together without having exclusive friendships, with its slogan: ‘Two’s a company, three’s a crowd!’  We are called to love the Lord as he loves us.  Jesus set the standard for love.  We should avoid using the other person.  Our goal should be the holiness and happiness of others.

Certain Considerations:
(i)      Friendships should be inclusive – looking to share with others and not be in exclusive one-on-one, intensive relationships.  Should be group and outward orientated.  It should sadden us if we cannot share and accommodate others.
(ii)     You should be building one another up in holiness and be virtuous.  (Virtue comes from the Latin, meaning ‘manly strength’). St Francis de Sales said that we should be ‘pure, loving, courteous and virtuous’.  We should have committed relationships to serve other and be accountable to others, not be jealous nor exclusive, nor allow infatuation with someone to make us secretive and neglect our duties at home and at Church, preventing us from even praying.  This is a very unhealthy relationship.  Remember: ‘My dear people, let us love one another since love comes from God’..... (1 Jn.4:7) 

II.      DATE ONLY WHEN READY FOR MARRIAGE:  Dating for fun with a whole  lot of people in short-term relationships does not prepare people for marriage; instead it can be a training ground for divorce.  We cannot practice life-long commitment in a series or short-term relationships.   At the right time, dating is a good way to prepare for marriage.
        A.     NEED TO HAVE A SENSE OR CALL / VOCATION OF DATING FOR MARRIAGE:   Are we called to celibacy or marriage?  We can have the attraction to marriage, but not the vocation or calling to marriage.  Do not confuse attraction and calling.  It is very important to know the Lord first and have a relationship with Him before we wade into deep waters of friendship in preparation for marriage.  Does the potential spouse know and serve the Lord?  Some think they can “love first and convert them later”.  But this attitude has a very low percentage rate of success – below 5%; 19 times out of 20 this fails!  So put the Lord first.  God has a perfect plan for your life if you put all your trust in Him. (Jer.29:11-13)  More than likely that plan includes marriage, and if so, somewhere in this world God has the perfect person for you.  Your daily prayer for this could prevent a lifetime of misery if you get yoked to the wrong person.  Jesus said “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and everything else will follow” (Matt.6:33)  Let us live our today’s for his Kingdom and entrust our tomorrows to his providence.  God knows what he is doing.

        B.      MUST BE A READINESS TO BE SERIOUS:  To enter into a relationship that could end in marriage.  Some enter into a serious relationship without the readiness or intention to marry and this can end in disaster – in hurt, pain, anger, fear and discouragement.  So we shouldn’t start on a downhill track on something we cannot follow through.

        C.      SHOULD BE A RELATIVE PROXIMITY TO MARRIAGE:  - NOT A 2 or 3 years from now so relationships can proceed naturally.  It is not possible to put something on hold after accelerating downhill!  Dating is not a valid form of recreation; it is a serious business and serious relationships are being formed.   It’s not like a game of ping pong.  It creates momentary excitement with a long bill to pay afterwards:  it’s too powerful, it creates bonds, people bare their hearts to one another and this can ruin lives and lead to alienation from God.  Recreational dating is fooling around and can be dangerous.  Everyone may be doing it, but at the end of our lives, we won’t answer to everyone.  We’ll answer to God.

        D.     IS THE OTHER PERSON A SUITABLE RIGHT PARTNER?  There has to be a common vision of life and family and children – of being ‘two in one flesh’ (Matt.19:6).  There has to be a common value system before marriage – now not later.   As mentioned above ‘love first and convert them later’ has a very low success rate!  This is why in the Catholic Church all over the world, it is compulsory to have preparation classes before marriage so the couple can face all the relevant issues.  (Re non Christians, See 2 Cor.6:14)
        III.     AVOID SIN AND NEAR OCCASIONS OF SIN:  Holy Scripture says we must “avoid all occasions of sin” (Ezek.18:3) because ‘whoever loves danger will perish in it’ (Sir.3:27) “do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor swindlers, will ever inherit the Kingdom of God”. (1 Cor.6:9)  Of course they will be saved if they confess their sin and return to God.  For the unmarried, petting and other intimacies are immoral, and constitute fornication.  So there is a need for the couple to make agreements as regards touching, physical contact, so as to be able to stop and avoid sin.
                With petting, one cannot stop as one wishes – things can get out of control so quickly and then there is pregnancy or HIV/AIDS and death.
                MAKE CLEAR BOUNDARIES.  For example, no intimate touching or laying down together.  Old chastity books used to recommend that couples avoid “petting”.  We’ve always been amused by the term because it makes the boyfriend sound like a labradoodle.  But there’s wisdom in this.  Intimate touching and embraces tease your body and only serve to make purity more difficult.  Keep your affections simple, because the further you go, the further you’ll want to go.  In other words, the more pure you are, the easier it is to be pure.
                That might strike you as puritanical, but think about it.  As they say, “If you’re not going to Cleveland, what are you doing on the train?”  Why deliberately stir up desires that will only need to be shut down?  The more you do with him, the more you’ll both daydream about it.  When you’re together, the more easily you’ll slide back into the same habits.  The boundaries will become more vague, and stopping will become more difficult. (J & C Evert, How to find your soulmate, p. 81)
                HOMOSEXUALITY:  In the homosexual area – no sexual acts as this is a form of bondage.  But it can be broken.  The person with homosexual inclinations has to follow the same basic principals as people with heterosexual inclinations.  The difference is that the heterosexual can be fulfilled, but the homosexual cannot. (See Romans 1:26-27)  Check

                MASTURBATION:  This is virtually always closely connected with the lustful thought life and sexual fantasies which a Christian must avoid (Matt.5:27 says if you look lustfully at another you have already committed adultery.)  Masturbation is something that the normal person has dealt with or is dealing with – one must trust God and break with the habit.  Break habits by repentance, confession, getting convinced in one’s self that you don’t want it or need it.  One needs to be convinced to avoid Satan’s lies that it’s necessary or unavoidable and that one will be a better marriage partner and be free and happy etc.

                PORNOGRAPHY:  All sexually orientated material intended primarily to arouse the reader, viewer, or listener.  Porn promises but cannot deliver.  It entices and allures but it never fulfils.  One needs to stop reading porn books, watching late night TV shows that lead to sin.  Don’t create mental images of sexual contact and then think you won’t be inclined to sin.  Don’t be alone with the opposite sex late at night – even for prayer!  Understand the basic realities.  Be realistic!  In 2 Corinthians 10:5 we’re commanded to ‘take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ’.   We are not to be captivated by lustful fantasies, but to take control of them and make them obey Christ.  It takes 20 seconds to get fantasies into our minds, and 20 years to get them out!  Porn is highly addictive.

        IV.     AVOID EMOTIONAL DAMAGE TO ONE ANOTHER:  Great violence happens, people get really hurt, depressed, whole social life can break down – can be emotional abuse that leaves serious scars and hurts.  Don’t get into something that you are not able to handle like superficial short term relationships (dating for fun!).  We need to love and care for one another from the heart.  Do not create deep emotional dependency.  Males are more likely to go for intimate relationships without commitment and then walk away as if nothing happened and leave the girl shattered.  We should not be out to conquer, flirt or manipulate, as this can result in a terrible emptiness when you realise that you have been playing with someone’s life.  A girl who constantly flirts, rarely has strong friendships with other girls.  They react to a flirt with either jealousy or hatred.  This whole area can stir up frightening emotions and murderous passions.  It is not to be entered into lightly or flippantly.
                Christian youth should help and pray for one another so they can avoid sin and grow to Christian maturity and happiness.  “AND LET US CONSIDER HOW WE MAY SPUR ONE ANOTHER ON TOWARDS LOVE AND GOOD DEEDS”  (Hebrews 10:24)
        Create in me a pure heart, O God  (Ps.51)
                Help me to be like Job, who made a covenant with his eyes not to look lustfully at others (Job 31:1).  Forgive me for pampering lust in my life;  help me to guard against it faithfully.  May the ‘meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my God’. (Ps.19:14)

                Jesus help me to love as you do.  Make me pure of body, pure of mind and pure of heart, that I might see God and enjoy his plan for me.  Make me clean, and heal me from the wounds of sin.  Strengthen me to live the love that you call me to each day.  By myself, I am weak and my heart is not pure, but in You I can be strong and pure.
                Mary, I want to be pure like you are.
                St Joseph, I want to have your courage to guard the purity of others and myself.  Please help me in my walk with Jesus, so that I can glorify God in my body, and join you all in heaven one day.

                Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
                Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
                Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen

                St Joseph pray for us.
                St Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
                St Maria Goretti, pray for us.

LOVE                                                 INFATUATION
1.  Personality the main attraction.          1.  Physical qualities the main attraction.

2.  Gradual when sharing experience.         2.  Suddenly after one or two dates.

3.  Trustful, secure, calm, hopeful and       3.  Distrustful, insecure, jealous, fearful.  

4.  Inspire work. Ambition and interest      4.  Destroys interest and application to      in life.     Work.

5.  Add to friends, close to family.             5.  Lives in one-person world. Neglects

6.  Parents and friends agree with            6.  Parents and most friends don’t agree
    relationship.                                         with relationship.

7.  Distance no problem – may grow         7.  Distance harms the relationship.

8.  We, our.  As a unit.                           8.  I, me, mine.  Each one for himself.

9.  Proud of loved one, eager to               9.  Embarrassed about relationship.
    Introduce to others.                               Secretive.

10. Willingness to face reality.                  10. Disregards problems. Each one for
     Solve problems together.                        Each one for himself.
11. Does things to make other one            11. Exploits for personal pleasure.
     happy. Protects.                                   Selfish satisfaction.

12.  Ends slowly. First try to work            12. Ends abruptly.
      things out.


True love:
Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.  (1 Cor. 13:4)

He who bends to himself a joy
Doth the winged life destroy.
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Loves in eternity’s sunrise.
(William Blake)

“If you really love something set it free;
If it comes back to you, it’s yours,
And if it doesn’t, it never was!”

Jason & Crystal Evert: PURE LOVE (Catholic answers
21 Secrets for Women.  (Totus Tuus, San Diego)

Also: Novels by Jane Austen, possibly England’s most Christian novelist whose books emphasise the importance of good character in a future spouse.