“Sex cannot be admitted to a
mere quality among elementary emotions or experiences like eating and
sleeping. The moment sex ceases to be a
servant it becomes a tyrant”.
(G.K. Chesterton)
(G.K. Chesterton)
Sexual violence seems to be out of control
in South Africa - children raping children, and then often mercilessly
torturing and killing the victim.
Recently an old lady of 84 was raped almost to death – her blankets
covered in blood. Sex has become a
The South African Catholic Bishops Justice
and Peace Department stated in March 2013:-
awareness campaigns have been launched by different sectors of our society to
highlight this scourge. While we support
and encourage these campaigns, we urge serious dialogue on the underlying causes that have led
to the current deplorable state of affairs in our country.”
In this essay I would like to show that
the Love Life/International Planned Parenthood Federation (I.P.P.F.) of
America, introduced to all our schools after the fall of apartheid, has a lot
to do with this deplorable state.
Lynette Burrows, writing on IPPF’s global
war against the family, states that it has produced in America, “the most
diseased generation of young people there has ever been”. (1) And now IPPF is in South Africa helping to
produce another ‘diseased generation’ in our emerging democracy, once Africa’s
greatest hope. (See Sex Education or Sex
Perversion in our South African Schools for a
description of IPPF designs). The IPPF
textbooks are not there to stop children from sexual activity, but to encourage children to become
sexually involved and experiment sexually, so as to be able to suck every
morsel of orgasm out of every nook and cavity of the human body. As an atheist organisation, IPPF seems to
believe that we need to “eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die”.
This is made graphically clear in a new
book for South African children, entitled “Dr
Eve’s Sex Book : A Guide for Young People” by Marlene Wasserman, which
is heavily endorsed by David Harrison, CEO of Lovelife, introduced into all our schools.
This book contains no morality, no
religion, just explicit sex instruction, yet Harrison endorses it
enthusiastically: “Give it to your children before they hit puberty”. Children in the past, in more religious, less
erotic times, “hit puberty” around the age of 16 or so. Now it is about 12 years of age. Yet Harrison endorses this graphic sex book
for young children. It’s the Kama Sutra
for kids.
No wonder the Catholic bishops (RSA) warned of the
danger of these IPPF endorsed books, and the influential people behind them,
e.g. Alfred Kinsey, Margaret Sanger, Herbert Marcuse and Marie Stopes.
The bishops state:-
sexual union can be deliberately separated from fertility and regarded as only
something to express intimacy or to experience pleasure in a recreational way,
why restrict it to married couples? This
is how very many people, even very young ones, regard sex today. Sexual intimacy, pleasure and ‘having fun’
have become values in their own right with no connection to having children –
sex for recreation and not for procreation.
Sex is portrayed endlessly in the media, advertising and entertainment industries
just to make money. It has become a
commodity”. (2)
The bishops go on to say that these
influential people “have succeeded in the western world in undermining the
religious, moral and cultural values regarding sex, thereby weakening the
institution of marriage and bringing about a cultural revolution in the world. Some people are beginning to realise the
terrible damage that has been done to society, by Kinsey, Sanger and their
followers, especially through the sex education programmes in schools and
colleges, and the enormous influence of Planned Parenthood and similar bodies
including several United Nations organisations, especially UNFPA on government
legislation in many countries in favour of abortion. In South Africa, Planned Parenthood works
very closely with Lovelife”. (3) (p.221)
bishops are concerned that in South Africa, “children younger than ten years of
age are becoming sexually active”. They
quote The Star newspaper of
18th April 2011. But a few
years earlier The Star has an
alarming half page article entitled “Too Sexy, Too Soon” (15 January
2007). The article states that “in
recent years it’s become acceptable and ‘cool’ for 7 to 8 year olds, many of
whom still believe in the Tooth Fairy and Father Christmas, to dress like mini
adults, and often fairly tarty ones at that.
In the process, critics say that children are encouraged to see
themselves as sexual beings before puberty”.
The article quotes Joan van Niekerk, national
co-ordinator of Childline:
“It is sad that girls are being exposed to clothing that
(not so subtly) reinforces the notion of girls and women as sex objects from
such a young age - and is possibly
totally irresponsible in a country in which levels of sexual assault against very
young children are very high”.
But worse is to come if we look at what is happening in
the U.S.A. and the U.K., which have been benighted by IPPF sex education for a
longer period than R.S.A.
American psychologist, William K. Kilpatrick, in his
book Psychological Seduction : the Failure of Modern Psychology, writes about
the disappearance of childhood: “the
distinctions and dividing lines between children and adults have largely
vanished” ... to be replaced by “adult cynicism, and adult crime and adult
depression, alcoholism and suicide” (p.157) (4)
In an American internet article posted by “Lin” on 7
March 2009, entitled “The Sexualisation of Children and Adolescents Epidemic”,
the author refers to the American Psychological Association (APA) report which investigated
the growing trend to sexualise young girls and boys. The report concluded with a warning that young boys and girls are
growing up to view themselves as sex objects and are more likely to experience
poor self-image, eating disorders, depression, academic failure in school, low
self-confidence, with increased likelihood of engaging in sexual activity at a
very young age, due to the fact that girls who look older tend to attract more
attention from boys.
Lin castigates the sexy Barbie and Bratz toys for
girls. Barbies, seemed designed by men,
asked the question ‘what do men really want’ in the female figure? Then obediently, little, easily influenced
girls, try to conform to these specifications.
So innocent, naive “young girls, tweens and teen girls are searching the
internet for information on ‘look like Barbie’, ‘look like Bratz’ and ‘Barbie
look-alike’ just to name a few”. Lin
complains of what people now call “prosti-tots”.
Jason and Crystalina Evert, who address thousands of
sexually confused and disorientated teenagers every year in the United States,
state in one of their books:-
“Girls today are raised in a pornographic culture, whose
toy dolls wear lingerie and department stores now feature ‘push-up’ bras for
grade schoolers. When a girl turns on the television, every advert,
from French fries to deodorant, is sexualised”. (5)
Sexualised products have now overtaken the shelves which
were once lined with innocent childhood characters such as Winnie the Pooh, Bagpuss
and the Magic Roundabout. Even Walt
Disney movies, once seen as paragons of virtue, since Disney’s death, have
deteriorated dramatically. Andrew
Durham asks us to compare the Walt Disney cartoon character Snow White with her
1990’s counterpart Pocahontas to find increasingly sexualised images. (Young Men Who Have Sexually Abused.www)
Also the Disney movie Kids centres on the promiscuous lives of a group of 13 – 14
year olds and involves sex, drugs and AIDS graphically depicted. It was once banned in R.S.A., but probably
not now! It joined another Hollywood
movie directed at kids, which shocked some adults to the core: Batman
Returns. Charles Krauthammer
wrote of it in the secular Guardian
newspaper: “a movie of such brooding sadomasochistic sexuality, of such cool
and casual cruelty, may suit some adult tastes, but it is certainly not for 7
year olds..... Casual cruelty, knowing
sex. Nothing could be better designed to
rob youth of its most ephemeral gift: innocence. The ultimate effect of our mass culture is to
make children older than their years, to turn them into the knowing, cynical
pseudo-adult that is by now the model kid of the TV sitcom”. (6)
So much for the U.S.A., but Europe,
especially the U.K., is not much better.
One social worker said that ‘sometimes you have a whole school where all
the kids are flirty”.... “Birmingham Council’s Inappropriate
Sexual Behaviour Unit has set up eight teams of experts that are being
dispatched to schools across the city”. (7)
The over-sexualisation of everything is
even leading to female sexual abuse of children, as Michelle Eliot, in a book
of the same title, makes clear (Longmans 1993).
The Tablet review of
this book called it the “ultimate shock”.
Our failure to teach God’s Ten
Commandments and the Bible in South African schools will probably lead to our
own Inappropriate Sexual Behaviour Units, in addition to burgeoning Sexual Violence
Lin’s advice in the face of the above:
“Parents, read the APA report yourself in
its entirety and make up your own mind.
Protect your children’s innocence.
Take the television out of their bedrooms and monitor what your kids
watch, and don’t allow your children to have computers in their bedroom where
you can’t monitor what they’re doing online.
Don’t buy “sexy”, skanky, racy., inappropriate clothes, toys, games or
other products for your children, and don’t accept inappropriate gifts for your
kids from others. Learn to say No and
mean No! Be the parent, not their
The plague of sex education in our schools is not only a
disaster morally, but educationally as well.
It is turning out sexually precocious and streetwise kids. Children won’t become brain surgeons or air
pilots by studying the equivalent of the Kama Sutra in kindergarten. Arnold Toynbee, one of the world’s greatest
authorities on history and culture, has pointed out the importance of allowing
children to imbibe a good all-round education before the awakening of
disorderly sexual urges. Toynbee was, in
fact, pointing out the value of the
latency period between the ages of 6 and 12 when a child is asexual. The child in this latency period is educationally
ideal, as curiosity and instinct for knowledge are derived from the redirecting
of childhood sexual energies. (8)
Orthodox Jewish and Muslim girl schools eschew sex
education and have children dress modestly and non-provocatively, and do much
better than their secularised peers. Their schools are also largely free from
rampant violence because, as Aquinas observed:
“Impurity leads inevitably to violence”.
Many years later Sigmund Freud pointed out that abnormal sexuality is
always associated with masochism and sadism (cruelty to oneself and others) (9). South Africa take note!
William Shakespeare, who knew the human
condition so well, in one of his greatest Sonnets (No.129), showed the link
between impurity and violence. He said
that lust in action is the pouring away of our spiritual being in a waste of shame
and disgrace, and that until action is carried out, lust is perjured and cruel,
bloody and violent, extreme, guilty, not to be trusted; no sooner is it enjoyed
than it is despised straight away; it is past reason hunted and no sooner had
than past reason hated; it proposes happiness and no sooner attained leads to
deep regret and disgust.
“The reason is that any vice kills love
and fosters hatred. That is true of
pride, or avarice, or gluttony, but the most common sin leading to hatred and
violence is impurity. Sin makes you a
partner of the devil. And Christ
described him as a liar and a murderer”. (10)
This truth is borne out in the Bible in
the unedifying spectacle of the incestuous rape of Tamar, the beautiful
daughter of King David, by Amnon, his son.
After the rape “Amnon was seized with extreme hatred for Tamar; the
hatred he now felt for her was greater than his earlier love”. (2 Sam. 13:15)
As stated above, the American IPPF has
produced “the most diseased generation of young people there has ever been” as
evidenced by the rotten fruits, dead children, promiscuous relationships and
emotional confusion which their sordid programmes have nurtured” (Ugnayan Nov.
1995) The IPPF brings violence and
death. American friends of mine, whom I
met when I lived in America for 2 years, were horrified at the carnage IPPF and
USAID were creating in the Third World.
One American doctor of Puerto Rican background broke down as she told me
of the U.S. abortion and sterilization campaign against her fellow Puerto
Ricans. This was perhaps only rivalled
in savagery by Dutch abortion ships waiting like vultures off the Irish coast
to provide abortions.
The American writer, Mary Haynes, wrote
that “ever more population control is directed at the poorer, darker peoples of
the developing world” (P.R.I.R. Oct ’99).
But it is no wonder as an official U.S. government document declared in
1974 that “world population growth is a threat to American security”! (11)
This obviously includes Puerto Ricans!
In 1999 a Southern
Cross article entitled “AIDS to the Rescue” reported that Jan Fransen,
an official at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) “joked at a briefing
for the European Parliament, that the high AIDS rate in Africa was helping with
population control on the Continent.” (11)
It seems as if IPPF and its allies in the U.N. care little really for
the people of Africa, but have a cynical attitude towards the Continent. So it was no surprise that in December 2000,
UNFPA announced that Audrey Elster, former head of South Africa’s Planned
Parenthood Association, is to manage the largest ever HIV/AIDS programme
targeting youth in Africa! (The Irish Family 8/12/2000)
In 1969 Frederick Joffee, President of the IPPF,
proposed, in an internal memorandum, that the IPPF should “encourage increased
homosexuality to reduce fertility”! So
the total onslaught by the West on African nations rejecting homosexuality,
stems largely from America, it seems.
This, of course, is outrageous, as the median age of
death for non AIDS gays is 42 years (45 for
lesbians); 25% of gay men have attempted
suicide; homosexuality has led to a host
of new diseases like ‘gay bowel syndrome’ and increases in typhoid etc., due to
unnatural and unhygienic practices. (13)
In 1939 the American Birth Control
Federation (the precursor of today’s IPPF) designed a negro project in which
black ministers with “engaging personalities” would travel through the Black
South preaching the virtues of population control as “the mass of negroes in
the South still breed carelessly and disastrously”. (14)
It is sad that two black men “with
engaging personalities”, one in America (Barack Obama) and one in R.S.A.
(Anglican Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu) should be working with such
feverish enthusiasm in implementing IPPF, and doing their despicable bidding.
President Obama has appointed Kathleen Sebelius as Health and Human Services
secretary to implement and fund Planned Parenthood policies. (Troy Newman of
Operation Rescue on Radio Veritas 28/08/12, 3.35 am) The same mercurial Archbishop then complains
of the frightening “decline of morals” and of the South African “nation tearing
itself apart”. He asks disingenuously
“What have we done?” (15)
He would do well to read the “God, Love, Life and Sex” book
mentioned above by other South African Archbishops, e.g. Chapter 4 on how the
Anglican bishops got it badly wrong on contraception in 1930, and Pope Paul VI – a true prophet, got it
right. Karl Barth disagreed with the
latter, but admired his lonely prophetic stance. If we are toasted and féted by the world,
maybe we’re denying Christ. (cf Jesus words” ‘you will be hated by all’
A great lover of Jesus, and though not a
Christian, Mohandas Gandhi, was more of a prophet than many churchmen when he
prophecised that sexual activity divorced from reproduction and focused on
gratification would lead to a “hideous promiscuity” – as we have now in South Africa where no infant or granny is
safe from sexual violence.
If our South African children escape
corruption in our sex education schools and sewerpipe media, then the lewd sex
industry will get them by pouring petrol on the flames, as our school, walls,
trees, phone booths, lamp posts are plastered all over South Africa with
illegal posters advertising:”Penis Enlargement (Strong Erections)”, “Lost Sex
Lover?”, “Cheap Abortions”. In the U.K.
the Trade Description Act prohibits
false advertising, but it is done with impurity in South Africa, as the “snake
oil” advertised is useless. The
artificial wants created by aggressive erotic advertising could be wiping out
our rhinos, as their horn erectiles are a much coveted aphrodisiac. Contraceptives are polluting womens’ bodies
and our lakes and seas, and aphrodisiacs perhaps wiping out our wildlife. In Freudian terms Eros is leading rapidly to
St Ambrose of Milan talked of conjugal
love as holy communion. But in South
Africa, God-created pleasure-giving marital union has become “bonking” and
bonking has gone ballistic, now killing and maiming innocent babies and old
ladies. Life-giving conjugal union has
become a macabre dance of death, “past reason hunted and no sooner had than past
reason hated” (Sonnet 129)
Michael Medvedev, the American Orthodox
Jewish writer, has written a book on Hollywood’s war on America – that an
unending stream of filth is polluting American morals. Another American has referred to Hollywood,
situated in California, as leading to the “Californication of the world” – not
just America.
Socialist South Africa seems hell-bent on
following the American example in everything, and influencing the rest of
Africa as California has done in the U.S.A.
e.g. the Maputo Protocol which attempts to force African countries to
accept new and different meanings of the concepts of family, marriage and human
sexuality is promoted with evangelical zeal by many South African
politicians. The American consultant,
Pat Trueman, has said that the perverted sexual abuse of Iraqi prisoners in Abu
Ghraib prison by American servicemen, should not come as a surprise as they
“grew up in a culture that embraces such behaviour, and the sexual deviance
that we saw in this prison in Iraq you see among pornographers and among
consumers of pornographic material” (Crosswalk.com, 13 May 2004). I repeat what Lynette Burrows says of Planned
Parenthood (Banned Parenthood? Planned
Barrenhood?) in America that it has produced “the most diseased generation of
young people that has ever been”.
great American Evangelist, Billy Graham’s daughter, Anne, was asked about the
9/11 disaster “How could God let this
happen?” replied: “For years we’ve been telling God to get out of our schools,
to get out of our government, and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He
has calmly backed out. How can we expect
God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us
alone?.... Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why
the world’s going to hell”. What have we
done? Archbishop Tutu asks!
Richard Armour’s little poem about
California applies also, I think, to R.S.A.
“So laugh with joy, be blithe and gay,
Or weep my friends, with sorrow –
What South Africa is today,
The rest will be tomorrow”.
1. Catholic Herald,
London 17/8/01
2. God, Love, Life and
Sex : Guide and Resource for Christian Living, Marriage and Family, SACBC,
2013, p.60
3. God, Love,
Life p.221
4. W.K. Kilpatrick,
Psychological Seduction : the Failure of Modern Psychology, Nelson, New York,
1983, p.157
5. Jason Evert,
Theology of Her Body : Discovering the Beauty and Mystery of Femininity,
Ascension Press,
West Chester, PA
2009, p.15
6. C. Krauthammer, A
Touch of Evil, Guardian Weekly, 21/8/92
7. Daily Telegraph
(London) 18/7/06
8. R. Engel, Sex
Education : the Final Plague, Tan Books,
1993, p.106
9. Dr P. Dunn, Should We or Shouldn’t We? Love, Lust and
Violence,HLi, Washington, 1983 p.9
10. P. Dunn, p.9
11. Catholic World
Report, Jan 1999, Uncle Sam’s
Burden, p.1
12. Southern
Cross, 31/10/99
13. Christine McAfferty
& Peter Hammond, The Pink Agenda : the Ruin of the Family, C.L.B. Cape
Town, 2001
14. Population Research
Institute Review, Oct. 99, p.12
15. Pretoria News,
12/9/12 : Tutu laments SA’s moral decline.